This walkthrough goes through identification of biosynthetic gene clusters (BGC).
What you'll end up with at the end of this are tables with respect to genes/components in each BGC, synopsis of each BGC, homology hits to MIBiG
, novelty scores for each BGC, and the fasta sequences for all the proteins involved.
It is assumed you've completed the end-to-end metagenomics walkthrough.
- Compile table of genomes and gene models
- Identify biosynthetic gene clusters and score novelty
Conda Environment: conda activate VEBA
. Use this for intermediate scripts.
First we need to compile our genomes and gene models into a table. -i veba_output/binning/ > veba_output/misc/genomes_table.tsv
This results in a table with the following columns:
[domain] [id_sample] [id_genome] [path/to/genome.fasta] [path/to/proteins.fasta] [path/to/cds.fasta] [path/to/gene_models.gff]
If you ran the clustering from the end-to-end metagenomics walkthrough then you should already have this file: veba_output/misc/genomes_table.tsv
We only need the [id_genome] [path/to/genome.fasta] [path/to/gene_models.gff]
columns so let's get some cut up for just the prokaryotes (note, this could be a one-shot with the
command via piping):
cat veba_output/misc/genomes_table.tsv | grep "^prokaryotic" | cut -f3,4,7 > veba_output/misc/genomes_gene-models.tsv
Now that we have our genome table formatted so it is [id_genome] [path/to/genome.fasta] [path/to/gene_models.gff]
without headers, we can run the
module to identify biosynthetic gene clusters via antiSMASH
and detect homology of components to the MIBiG
# Set the number of threads
rm -f logs/${N}.*
# Proteome file paths
# Output directory
# Directory
CMD="source activate VEBA && veba --module biosynthetic --params \"-i ${GENOMES} -o ${OUT_DIR} -p ${N_JOBS} -t bacteria\""
# Either run this command or use SunGridEnginge/SLURM
The following output files will produced:
- identifier_mapping.bgcs.tsv.gz - Identifier mapping and synopsis for BGCs with identifiers, bgc_type, whether or not cluster is on contig edge, number of genes, number of hits to MIBiG, and novety score.
- identifier_mapping.components.tsv.gz - Identifier mapping and synopsis for
genbank files for BGCs compiled into a table format which includes all information included in the genbank files in addition to identifiers for BGC, component, genome, contig, region, gene, and BGC-type. BGC identifiers are formatted as the following:[id_genome]|[id_contig]|[id_region]
and component identifiers follow the format:[id_genome]|[id_contig]|[id_region]_[position_of_gene_in_BGC]|[start_on_contig]-[end_on_contig]([strand])
. One-to-one mapping for component id and gene id called viaProdigal
and augmented withVEBA
. Rows are with respect to gene/component. - homology.tsv.gz - Diamond alignment results to
as database. - krona.html - Krona plot of BGC protocluster types
- genbanks/*.gbk - BGC genbank files from
- fasta/[id_genome].faa - BGCs in protein space. Fasta header following:
[id_gene] [id_component]
. - fasta/[id_genome].fasta - BGCs in nucleotide space. Fasta header following:
[id_bgc] len={},gc={},n_genes={},edge={}
. - prevalence_tables/bgcs.tsv.gz - Prevalence tables (row=genome, columns=BGC nucleotide cluster)
- prevalence_tables/components.tsv.gz - Prevalence tables (row=BGC, columns=BGC protein cluster)
- bgc_clusters.tsv -
clustering in nucleotide space - component_clusters.tsv -
clustering in protein space
Cluster the prevalence tables, synthesize products, preserve the ecosystem, and save humanity.