php artisan make:model Listing -m
php artisan make:model Clicks -m
php artisan make:model Tag -m
- Tags and Listings = many to many uses model names in alfabetical order which is the laravel convention. We will need a pivot table
php artisan make:migration create_listing_tag_table
php artisan make:factory TagFactory -model=Tag
laravel_jobsphp artisan make:factory ListingFactory -model=Listing
for Listing user id relations create a seeder that runs through user creation and passes id
User::factory(10)->create()->each(function ($user) {
Listing::factory(rand(1,3))->create(['user_id' => $user->id]);
when seeding tags you can use each->closure with eloquent tags method tags()->attach(rand(1,10)) with use to pass in a collection of tags
User::factory(20)->create()->each(function ($user) use ($tags) {
Listing::factory(rand(1, 3))->create(['user_id' => $user->id])->each(function ($listing) use ($tags) {
$listing->tags()->attach($tags->random(rand(1, 3)));
is used in many to many -
load these objects into your seeder
composer require laravel/ui --dev
php artisan ui bootstrap
php artisan ui bootstrap --auth
npm install && npm run dev
#compile assets
in web.php should be enough for your defaultsAuth::routes(['register' => false]);//
is a way to disable from default- if we wanted to auth emails we could using implements MustVerifyEmail
composer require laravel/cashier
with Billable trait in User Model then you will need to add stripe key and secret into env
composer require erusev/parsedown-extra
Lets overwrite our default route
php artisan make:controller ListingController
return data and view in index
in our listing view we can now use our blade components
you can now use components and include them with
additionally you can use
on your listings index to leverage the existing app layout -
lets also pull in tags into listing controller
in your outer templates -
inline active can be done like this {{ $tag->slug === request()->get('tag') ? 'btn-primary' : 'btn-secondary' }}
php artisan storage:link
add a search function to pass param s
detect this in controller and return
To record clicks lets create a new apply method. and associate clicks with that listing
Parse to variable route to variable
- Model Route Binding:
public function show(Listing $listing, Request $request)
- Laravel will expect the id of object by default
- Model Route Binding:
To get round this issue we can modify the model and create a
getRouteKeyName() : slug
on the parent class to bind the key name to object this is the col in db -
To track click we need to create a new controller method, and pass the associated header in
Then redirect
This needs to be mapped to apply link via route
<a href="{{ route('listings.apply', $listing->slug) }}" class="btn btn-primary">Apply Now</a>
Parser.php which browser could be usefull for tracking
Include js directly in blade view
- 2 steps allowing for user thats already logged
try catch block
hook into stripe and do charge with options
Test The Flow
- Form requires redirect be weary of configurables
When creating a new listing its done of the user object
$listing = $user->listings()
- We now need to pass listing param to view
- dcr can be used for docker compose run
- homestead is an environment for laravel
- tailwind may work slighty better with react, slightly better with mobile