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Reference Documentation

Parameter Summary

Parameter Label "over switch" "over climate" "over valve" "central configuration"
name Name X X X -
thermostat_type Thermostat type X X X -
temperature_sensor_entity_id Temperature sensor entity id X X (auto-regulation) X -
external_temperature_sensor_entity_id External temperature sensor entity id X X (auto-regulation) X X
cycle_min Cycle duration (minutes) X X X -
temp_min Minimum allowed temperature X X X X
temp_max Maximum allowed temperature X X X X
device_power Device power X X X -
use_central_mode Enable centralized control X X X -
use_window_feature With window detection X X X -
use_motion_feature With motion detection X X X -
use_power_feature With power management X X X -
use_presence_feature With presence detection X X X -
heater_entity1_id 1st heater X - - -
heater_entity2_id 2nd heater X - - -
heater_entity3_id 3rd heater X - - -
heater_entity4_id 4th heater X - - -
heater_keep_alive Switch refresh interval X - - -
proportional_function Algorithm X - - -
climate_entity1_id Underlying thermostat - X - -
climate_entity2_id 2nd underlying thermostat - X - -
climate_entity3_id 3rd underlying thermostat - X - -
climate_entity4_id 4th underlying thermostat - X - -
valve_entity1_id Underlying valve - - X -
valve_entity2_id 2nd underlying valve - - X -
valve_entity3_id 3rd underlying valve - - X -
valve_entity4_id 4th underlying valve - - X -
ac_mode Use of air conditioning (AC)? X X X -
tpi_coef_int Coefficient for internal temperature delta X - X X
tpi_coef_ext Coefficient for external temperature delta X - X X
frost_temp Frost preset temperature X X X X
window_sensor_entity_id Window sensor (entity id) X X X -
window_delay Delay before turn-off (seconds) X X X X
window_auto_open_threshold High drop threshold for automatic detection (°/min) X X X X
window_auto_close_threshold Low drop threshold for automatic closure detection (°/min) X X X X
window_auto_max_duration Maximum duration of automatic turn-off (minutes) X X X X
motion_sensor_entity_id Motion sensor entity id X X X -
motion_delay Delay before motion is considered (seconds) X X X -
motion_off_delay Delay before end of motion is considered (seconds) X X X X
motion_preset Preset to use if motion is detected X X X X
no_motion_preset Preset to use if no motion is detected X X X X
power_sensor_entity_id Total power sensor (entity id) X X X X
max_power_sensor_entity_id Max power sensor (entity id) X X X X
power_temp Temperature during load shedding X X X X
presence_sensor_entity_id Presence sensor entity id (true if someone is present) X X X -
minimal_activation_delay Minimum activation delay X - - X
minimal_deactivation_delay Minimum deactivation delay X - - X
safety_delay_min Maximum delay between two temperature measurements X - X X
safety_min_on_percent Minimum power percentage to enter security mode X - X X
auto_regulation_mode Auto-regulation mode - X - -
auto_regulation_dtemp Auto-regulation threshold - X - -
auto_regulation_period_min Minimum auto-regulation period - X - -
inverse_switch_command Inverse the switch command (for switches with pilot wire) X - - -
auto_fan_mode Automatic fan mode - X - -
auto_regulation_use_device_temp Use of internal temperature of the underlying device - X - -
use_central_boiler_feature Add central boiler control - - - X
central_boiler_activation_service Boiler activation service - - - X
central_boiler_deactivation_service Boiler deactivation service - - - X
used_by_controls_central_boiler Indicates if the VTherm controls the central boiler X X X -
use_auto_start_stop_feature Indicates if the auto start/stop feature is enabled - X - -
auto_start_stop_level The detection level for auto start/stop - X - -


With the thermostat, sensors are available to visualize alerts and the internal state of the thermostat. These are available in the entities of the device associated with the thermostat:


In order, there are:

  1. the main climate entity for thermostat control,
  2. the entity allowing the auto-start/stop feature,
  3. the entity allowing VTherm to follow changes in the underlying device,
  4. the energy consumed by the thermostat (value that increments continuously),
  5. the time of receipt of the last external temperature,
  6. the time of receipt of the last internal temperature,
  7. the average power of the device during the cycle (for TPI only),
  8. the time spent in the off state during the cycle (TPI only),
  9. the time spent in the on state during the cycle (TPI only),
  10. the load shedding state,
  11. the power percentage during the cycle (TPI only),
  12. the presence state (if presence management is configured),
  13. the security state,
  14. the window state (if window management is configured),
  15. the motion state (if motion management is configured),
  16. the valve opening percentage (for over_valve type),

The presence of these entities depends on whether the associated feature is enabled.

To color the sensors, add these lines and customize them as needed in your configuration.yaml:

      state-binary_sensor-safety-on-color: "#FF0B0B"
      state-binary_sensor-power-on-color: "#FF0B0B"
      state-binary_sensor-window-on-color: "rgb(156, 39, 176)"
      state-binary_sensor-motion-on-color: "rgb(156, 39, 176)"
      state-binary_sensor-presence-on-color: "lightgreen"
      state-binary_sensor-running-on-color: "orange"

and choose the theme versatile_thermostat_theme in the panel configuration. You will get something like this:


Actions (Services)

This custom implementation offers specific actions (services) to facilitate integration with other Home Assistant components.

Force Presence/Occupation

This service allows you to force the presence state independently of the presence sensor. This can be useful if you want to manage presence via a service rather than a sensor. For example, you can use your alarm to force absence when it is turned on.

The code to call this service is as follows:

service : versatile_thermostat.set_presence
Les données:
    présence : "off"
    entity_id : climate.my_thermostat

Modify the Preset Temperature

This service is useful if you want to dynamically change the preset temperature. Instead of switching presets, some use cases require modifying the temperature of the preset. This way, you can keep the scheduler unchanged to manage the preset while adjusting the preset temperature. If the modified preset is currently selected, the target temperature change is immediate and will be applied in the next calculation cycle.

You can modify one or both temperatures (when present or absent) of each preset.

Use the following code to set the preset temperature:

service: versatile_thermostat.set_preset_temperature
    preset: boost
    temperature: 17.8
    temperature_away: 15
    entity_id: climate.my_thermostat

Or, to change the preset for the Air Conditioning (AC) mode, add the _ac prefix to the preset name like this:

service: versatile_thermostat.set_preset_temperature
    preset: boost_ac
    temperature: 25
    temperature_away: 30
    entity_id: climate.my_thermostat

Tip Notes

  • After a restart, presets are reset to the configured temperature. If you want your change to be permanent, you need to modify the preset temperature in the integration configuration.

Modify Security Settings

This service allows you to dynamically modify the security settings described here Advanced Configuration. If the thermostat is in security mode, the new settings are applied immediately.

To change the security settings, use the following code:

service: versatile_thermostat.set_safety
    min_on_percent: "0.5"
    default_on_percent: "0.1"
    delay_min: 60
    entity_id: climate.my_thermostat

ByPass Window Check

This service allows you to enable or disable a bypass for the window check. It allows the thermostat to continue heating even if the window is detected as open. When set to true, changes to the window's status will no longer affect the thermostat. When set to false, the thermostat will be disabled if the window is still open.

To change the bypass setting, use the following code:

service: versatile_thermostat.set_window_bypass
    bypass: true
    entity_id: climate.my_thermostat


The key events of the thermostat are notified via the message bus. The following events are notified:

  • versatile_thermostat_security_event: the thermostat enters or exits the security preset
  • versatile_thermostat_power_event: the thermostat enters or exits the power preset
  • versatile_thermostat_temperature_event: one or both temperature measurements of the thermostat haven't been updated for more than `safety_delay_min`` minutes
  • versatile_thermostat_hvac_mode_event: the thermostat is turned on or off. This event is also broadcast at the thermostat's startup
  • versatile_thermostat_preset_event: a new preset is selected on the thermostat. This event is also broadcast at the thermostat's startup
  • versatile_thermostat_central_boiler_event: an event indicating a change in the boiler's state
  • versatile_thermostat_auto_start_stop_event: an event indicating a stop or restart made by the auto-start/stop function

If you've followed along, when a thermostat switches to security mode, 3 events are triggered:

  1. versatile_thermostat_temperature_event to indicate that a thermometer is no longer responding,
  2. versatile_thermostat_preset_event to indicate the switch to the security preset,
  3. versatile_thermostat_hvac_mode_event to indicate the potential shutdown of the thermostat

Each event carries the event's key values (temperatures, current preset, current power, ...) as well as the thermostat's states.

You can easily capture these events in an automation, for example, to notify users.

Custom Attributes

To adjust the algorithm, you have access to the entire context seen and calculated by the thermostat via dedicated attributes. You can view (and use) these attributes in the "Developer Tools / States" section of HA. Enter your thermostat and you will see something like this: image

The custom attributes are as follows:

Attribute Meaning
hvac_modes The list of modes supported by the thermostat
temp_min The minimum temperature
temp_max The maximum temperature
preset_modes The presets visible for this thermostat. Hidden presets are not displayed here
temperature_actuelle The current temperature as reported by the sensor
temperature The target temperature
action_hvac The action currently being executed by the heater. Can be idle, heating
preset_mode The preset currently selected. Can be one of the 'preset_modes' or a hidden preset like power
[eco/confort/boost]_temp The temperature configured for preset xxx
[eco/confort/boost]_away_temp The temperature configured for preset xxx when presence is disabled or not_home
temp_power The temperature used during loss detection
on_percent The calculated on percentage by the TPI algorithm
on_time_sec The on period in seconds. Should be on_percent * cycle_min
off_time_sec The off period in seconds. Should be (1 - on_percent) * cycle_min
cycle_min The calculation cycle in minutes
function The algorithm used for the cycle calculation
tpi_coef_int The coef_int of the TPI algorithm
tpi_coef_ext The coef_ext of the TPI algorithm
saved_preset_mode The last preset used before automatic preset switching
saved_target_temp The last temperature used before automatic switching
window_state The last known state of the window sensor. None if the window is not configured
is_window_bypass True if the window open detection bypass is enabled
motion_state The last known state of the motion sensor. None if motion detection is not configured
overpowering_state The last known state of the overpower sensor. None if power management is not configured
presence_state The last known state of the presence sensor. None if presence detection is not configured
safety_delay_min The delay before activating security mode when one of the two temperature sensors stops sending measurements
safety_min_on_percent The heating percentage below which the thermostat will not switch to security
safety_default_on_percent The heating percentage used when the thermostat is in security mode
last_temperature_datetime The date and time in ISO8866 format of the last internal temperature reception
last_ext_temperature_datetime The date and time in ISO8866 format of the last external temperature reception
security_state The security state. True or false
minimal_activation_delay_sec The minimal activation delay in seconds
minimal_deactivation_delay_sec The minimal deactivation delay in seconds
last_update_datetime The date and time in ISO8866 format of this state
friendly_name The name of the thermostat
supported_features A combination of all features supported by this thermostat. See the official climate integration documentation for more information
valve_open_percent The valve opening percentage
regulated_target_temperature The target temperature calculated by self-regulation
is_inversed True if the control is inverted (pilot wire with diode)
is_controlled_by_central_mode True if the VTherm can be centrally controlled
last_central_mode The last central mode used (None if the VTherm is not centrally controlled)
is_used_by_central_boiler Indicates if the VTherm can control the central boiler
auto_start_stop_enable Indicates if the VTherm is allowed to auto start/stop
auto_start_stop_level Indicates the auto start/stop level
hvac_off_reason Indicates the reason for the thermostat's off state (hvac_off). It can be Window, Auto-start/stop, or Manual
last_change_time_from_vtherm The date and time of the last change done by VTherm
nb_device_actives The number of underlying devices seen as active
device_actives The list of underlying devices seen as active

These attributes will be requested when you need assistance.