There are three branches for this plugin in the code repository:
- MuseScore 2.x is on branch 'version2'
- MuseScore 3.x is on branch 'version3'
- the 'main' branch is for MuseScore 4.x
Note that the instrument ID changed for version 4.0.x and then changed back again for 4.1
- Load the plugin and makes sure the Plugin Manager can enable/disable it
- MuseScore 4.x onwards removed the Plugin Creator tool, so if you want console logs then run MuseScore itself from command line
- Apply tabs to the range test examples, all staves should have the same tabs:
- whistle range test:
- low whistle range test:
- whistle range test:
There are two release areas, MuseScore community and also github repo release
- Make sure to update the version of the plugin, for example
version: "4.1"
- Go to 'Releases' area and 'Draft a new release'
- 'Choose a tag' along the lines of
on target branchmain
- 'Release title' something like
v4.1 for MuseScore 4
- Add files:
- Font file
- Plugin file:
- Whistle instrument file:
- Font file
- Set as the latest release
- Add the release notes along the lines of:
Version 4.1 Tin Whistle plugin tested on MuseScore 4 v4.1.0
Plugin file: `tin_whistle_tablature.qml`
Whistle instrument file: `all-whistles-v4.xml`
Note that this is may not be compatible with earlier versions of [MuseScore 3][ms3]
and [MuseScore 2][ms2] - use the previous releases for those.
A font file `TinWhistleTab.ttf` is attached for convenience from Blayne Chastain and states:
_Tin Whistle Tab font is free of charge for both personal and commercial use. Distribution for a fee is not allowed._
_Please credit Blayne Chastain in any publication in which this font appears with the following copyright notice:_
_"Tin Whistle Tab font © Blayne Chastain / [][bc]"_
When all is good then publish the release, it can always be edited at a later date
- Login to MuseScore community and access plugin from plugins download area
- Or login direct to 'Tin Whistle Tablature' project
- Choose 'Edit' from the 3 dots menu (vertical ellipsis)
- Remove the files that are about to change, for example
- Prepare the new file name, for example
copied fromtin_whistle_tablature.qml
- Upload the new file and provide a description such as 'Tin Whistle Tablature Plugin for MuseScore Versions 4.0 and above'
- Preview and then Save