All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added the Telegram icon
- Added the Twitch icon
- Added the Apple icon
- Added the Spotify icon
- Added the Discord icon
- Added the WhatsApp icon
- Added the TikTok icon
- Added the Houzz icon (Thanks @cejayassoc!)
- Updated the tested up to tag to version 5.3.
- Fixed incompatibility issue with the latest version of Font Awesome.
- Updated the tested up to tag to version 5.2. (Thanks @warengonzaga!)
- Improved the README with a link to the git repository.
- Added the changelog.
- Some javascript that will remove the default Elegant Themes icon list that comes with Divi. This is to prevent duplicate icons and confusion for users.
- Updated the version number in social-divi.php
- Updated the version number in readme.txt
- Fixed typo's in readme.txt, to improve readability of plugin information.
- Made it easier for people to rate the plugin. This was done by adding a small 'rate us' section to the plugin metadata on the plugin overview page.
- Fixed a typo in the comments to translators in social-divi.php
- Regenerated the social-divi.pot file.