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Push logs with python

Djehouty is intended to be a set of logging formatters and handlers to easily send log entries into PaaS Logs.

This package includes:

  • for GELF:

    • a TCP/TLS handler to send log entries over TCP with TLS support.
    • a formatter to convert logging record into GELF(1.1).
  • for LTSV:

    • a TCP/TLS handler to send log entries over TCP with TLS support.
    • a formatter to convert logging record into LTSV.

#1. Requirements

In order to achieve this amazing task, we still need to review our check list. For this tutorial you will need:

#2. Install

Using pip

You can use pip to install Djehouty, make sure you have the latest version:

sh-4.2# pip install --upgrade pip
Successfully installed pip-<version>
sh-4.2# pip install --upgrade djehouty
Successfully installed djehouty-<version> setuptools-18.3.1

Using sources

Djehouty is available on the OVH github repository and can be installed manually:

sh-4.2$ git clone
Cloning into 'djehouty'...
remote: Counting objects: 58, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (53/53), done.
remote: Total 58 (delta 26), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (58/58), 9.62 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (26/26), done.
Checking connectivity... done.

sh-4.2$ cd djehouty
sh-4.2$ python install
Using /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Finished processing dependencies for djehouty==<version>

#3. How to send logs

The following examples assume that you already have a working stream. To send log messages, just use the handler of the desired format with the following parameters ('*' means required):

Parameter Gelf LTSV
host *
port * Refer to the PaaS Logs ports list
level logging.DEBUG or highter
use_tls True or False (depends on the chosen port)
static_fields * {"X-OVH-TOKEN": "xxxx"}
null_character True Not Supported

The complete list of parameters supported by Djehouty can be found on github.

Example: Use case with GELF over TCP/TLS

import logging
from djehouty.libgelf.handlers import GELFTCPSocketHandler

gelf_logger = logging.getLogger('djehouty-gelf')
    host            = "", 
    port            = 12202, 
    static_fields   = {"X-OVH-TOKEN": "XXXXX-XXXXXX"}, 
    use_tls         = True,
    level           = logging.DEBUG,
    null_character  = True,

Example: Use case with LTSV over TCP/TLS

import logging
from djehouty.libltsv.handlers import LTSVTCPSocketHandler

ltsv_logger = logging.getLogger('djehouty-ltsv')
    host            = "", 
    port            = 12201, 
    static_fields   = {"X-OVH-TOKEN": "XXXXX-XXXXXX"}, 
    use_tls         = True,
    level           = logging.DEBUG

#4. Send additional meta data

If you have many handler, you can use the logging.LoggerAdapter class to add extra.

The following example uses the LTSV logger defined above:

mylogger = logging.LoggerAdapter(
    extra = {"myvar": 5}

You can add specific log meta for each entry using the extra parameter, the following example uses the LTSV logger defined above:"Hello '%s'", 'Cedric', extra={"lang": 'en'})"Bonjour '%s'", 'Cedric', extra={"lang": 'fr'})

#Getting Help