All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Edit links per field
- View source button on translate page to inspect mlang tags in content
- Edit links that were broken in amd module
- Allow users to edit content in different languages at same time
- Using SonarCloud automatic analysis instead of github action
- Fields now automatically populate mlang other text for other locales if they exist
- CI/CD workflow for Moodle Plugin CI, SonarCloud, and Dependency Review
- Status and status visibility controls
- local_coursetranslator db table for managing status of updates
- Detect when content contains multiple mlang tags of the same language
- Documentation to mustache template
- Removed ID in favor of status on translation grid
- Code prechecks
- Detect split {mlang} tags and notify editor to use standard moodle form instead.
- Default edit link added to labels on translation page.
- Code prechecks
- Initial release
- Translate content page
- Web Service for ajax database updates
- Custom atto editor for translation page
## [0.0.0] - YYYY-MM-DD
### Added
- _For new features._
### Changed
- _For changes in existing functionality._
### Deprecated
- _For once-stable features removed in upcoming releases._
### Removed
- _For deprecated features removed in this release._
### Fixed
- _For any bug fixes._
### Security
- _To invite users to upgrade in case of vulnerabilities._