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See for some things that are common across different P4 programs executed using bmv2.

This example program and instructions below demonstrate how to configure multicast groups from the P4Runtime API, and process packets that are multicast replicated in the traffic manager before egress processing is done independently for each packet copy created.


To compile the P4_16 version of the code:

p4c --target bmv2 --arch v1model --p4runtime-files demo7.p4info.txtpb demo7.p4
                                                                    ^^^^^^^^ source code

If you see an error message about mark_to_drop: Passing 1 arguments when 0 expected, then see for what to do.

Running that command will create these files:

demo7.p4i - the output of running only the preprocessor on the P4
    source program.
demo7.json - the JSON file format expected by BMv2 behavioral
    model `simple_switch_grpc`.
demo7.p4info.txtpb - the text format of the file that describes
    the P4Runtime API of the program.

Only the last two files are needed to run your P4 program. You can ignore the file with suffix .p4i unless you suspect that the preprocessor is doing something unexpected with your program.

There is no P4_14 version of this program. There is no particular reason why not, other than lack of interest on my part in writing one. It should be straightfoward to write one if you have seen how the P4_14 and P4_16 versions of other demo programs like demo1 and demo2 are related to each other.

Running simple_switch_grpc

See the section with this name in ../demo1/

Running automated test using PTF

See the demo1 PTF README for which systems on which this has been tested as working.

By running this command in this directory:

$ ./

that script does all of these things for you:

  • Compiles the P4 program demo7.p4, generating the necessary P4Info file and compiled BMv2 JSON file
  • Starts running simple_switch_grpc as root, with logging output being written to a file name ss-log.txt
  • Runs the PTF test in file ptf/
  • Kills the simple_switch_grpc process

You must still create the necessary virtual Ethernet interfaces before running See for how to do so.

See the "Running the PTF test ..." section here for some description of what the output of a successful PTF test run looks like.

Using a Python interactive session as a controller

To start an interactive Python session that can be used to load the compiled P4 program into the running simple_switch_grpc process, and install table entries:

cd p4-guide/demo7
export PYTHONPATH="`realpath ../testlib`:$PYTHONPATH"

NOTE: For most interactive Python sessions, typing Ctrl-D or the command quit() is enough to quit Python and go back to the shell. For this Python session, one or more of the commands below cause this interactive session to 'hang' if you try that. In the most commonly used Linux/OSX shells you can type Ctrl-Z to put the Python process in the background and return to the shell prompt. You may want to kill the process, e.g. using kill -9 %1 in bash.

Enter these commands at the >>> prompt of the Python session:

# Note: 9559 is the default TCP port number on which the
# simple_switch_grpc process is listening for P4Runtime API control
# connections.

import as sh

         election_id=(0, 1), # (high_32bits, lo_32bits)
         config=sh.FwdPipeConfig(p4info_txt_fname, p4prog_binary_fname))

Note: Unless the simple_switch_grpc process crashes, or you kill it yourself, you can continue to use the same running process, loading different compiled P4 programs into it over time. Just do sh.tearDown() to terminate the current P4Runtime API connection to the device, and then perform sh.setup with the desired parameters to connect again and load the desired compiled P4 program.

The full names of the tables and actions begin with 'ingress.' or 'egress.', but p4runtime-shell adds these prefixes for you, as long as the table/action name is unique after that point.

The tables all have const default_action = <action_name> in the P4_16 program, so the control plane is not allowed to change them. Do not try. I have, and you get an appropriate error message if you try.

Define a few small helper functions that help add entries to tables using Python API techniques provided by p4runtime-shell:

def add_ipv4_mc_route_lookup_entry_action_set_mcast_grp(ipv4_addr_str,
    te = sh.TableEntry('ipv4_mc_route_lookup')(action='set_mcast_grp')
    # Note: p4runtime-shell raises an exception if you attempt to
    # explicitly assign to te.match['dstAddr'] a prefix with length 0.
    # Just skip assigning to te.match['dstAddr'] completely, and then
    # inserting the entry will give a wildcard match for that field,
    # as defined in the P4Runtime API spec.
    if prefix_len_int != 0:
        te.match['dstAddr'] = '%s/%d' % (ipv4_addr_str, prefix_len_int)
    te.action['mcast_grp'] = '%d' % (mcast_grp_int)

def add_ipv4_da_lpm_entry_action_set_l2ptr(ipv4_addr_str, prefix_len_int,
    te = sh.TableEntry('ipv4_da_lpm')(action='set_l2ptr')
    if prefix_len_int != 0:
        te.match['dstAddr'] = '%s/%d' % (ipv4_addr_str, prefix_len_int)
    te.action['l2ptr'] = '%d' % (l2ptr_int)

def add_mac_da_entry_action_set_dmac_intf(l2ptr_int, dmac_str, intf_int):
    te = sh.TableEntry('mac_da')(action='set_dmac_intf')
    te.match['l2ptr'] = '%d' % (l2ptr_int)
    te.action['dmac'] = dmac_str
    te.action['intf'] = '%d' % (intf_int)

def add_send_frame_entry_action_rewrite_mac(eg_port_int, smac_str):
    te = sh.TableEntry('send_frame')(action='rewrite_mac')
    te.match['egress_port'] = '%d' % (eg_port_int)
    te.action['smac'] = smac_str

add_ipv4_mc_route_lookup_entry_action_set_mcast_grp('', 32, 91)

add_ipv4_da_lpm_entry_action_set_l2ptr('', 32, 58)
add_mac_da_entry_action_set_dmac_intf(58, '02:13:57:ab:cd:ef', 2)

add_send_frame_entry_action_rewrite_mac(0, '00:de:ad:00:00:ff')
add_send_frame_entry_action_rewrite_mac(1, '00:de:ad:11:11:ff')
add_send_frame_entry_action_rewrite_mac(2, '00:de:ad:22:22:ff')
add_send_frame_entry_action_rewrite_mac(3, '00:de:ad:33:33:ff')
add_send_frame_entry_action_rewrite_mac(4, '00:de:ad:44:44:ff')
add_send_frame_entry_action_rewrite_mac(5, '00:de:ad:55:55:ff')

When a packet is sent from ingress to the packet buffer with mcast_grp=91, configure the (egress_port, instance) places to which the packet will be copied.

In the list of 2-tuples below, the first element of each tuple is the egress port to which the copy should be sent, and the second is the "replication id", also called egress_rid in the P4_16 v1model architecture standard_metadata_t struct, or instance in the P4_16 PSA architecture psa_egress_input_metadata_t struct, and also called instance in the P4Runtime API Replica message. This value can be useful if you want to send multiple copies of the same packet out of the same output port, but want each one to be processed differently during egress processing. If you want that, put multiple pairs with the same egress port in the replication list, but each with a different value of "replication id".

mcg = sh.MulticastGroupEntry(91)
for x in [(2, 5), (5, 75), (1, 111)]:
    mcg.add(x[0], x[1])


The following Python code can be used to read a multicast group entry from the switch using P4Runtime API, and to select and print values of individual parts of the response:

mcgroups = sh.MulticastGroupEntry(91)
group_lst = []
for mcgroup in


for group in group_lst:
    print("group_id: %d" % (group.group_id))
    for replica in group.replicas:
        print("    egress_port: %d  instance: %d"
              "" % (replica.egress_port, replica.instance))

You may also use the following simple_switch_CLI commands in a separate terminal window to read table entries and/or the multicast configuration state.


At the simple_switch_CLI prompt RuntimeCmd: , type the command mc_dump to see output like this:

RuntimeCmd: mc_dump
  -> (L1h=0, rid=111) -> (ports=[1], lags=[])
  -> (L1h=1, rid=75) -> (ports=[5], lags=[])
  -> (L1h=2, rid=5) -> (ports=[2], lags=[])

The mgrp(91) shows the mcast_grp value of 91 configured above. Each of the next 3 lines of output below that show a list of ports, one line for each replication id value. I do not know precisely what the L1h values represent. Likely they are unique id values selected inside of simple_switch_grpc controller interface code for identifying parts of the multicast group configuration. I believe they are invisible to the P4Runtime API, and a P4Runtime controller need not concern itself with them.

Scapy session for sending packets


The packet below should match the example table entry created above in the ipv4_mc_route_lookup table, finish its ingress processing with standard_metadata.mcast_grp equal to 91, and be replicated to the 3 configured output ports.

from scapy.all import *
pkt1=Ether(src='00:00:c0:01:d0:0d', dst='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff') / IP(src='', dst='') / UDP()
sendp(pkt1, iface='veth0')

Last successfully tested with these software versions


$ git log -n 1 | head -n 3
commit b90f777a8f77fea209f61a964fd9e1c180df644e
Author: Anton Korobeynikov <>
Date:   Mon Sep 16 01:26:59 2024 -0700


$ git log -n 1 | head -n 3
commit 199af48e04ea8747f8296bdc51c2ce16bb96cb04
Author: Jiwon Kim <>
Date:   Wed Sep 11 12:05:33 2024 -0400


$ git log -n 1 | head -n 3
commit 5eae9c84d7a55f9554775e498b9146f67eac7bd4
Author: Davide Scano <>
Date:   Mon Aug 26 16:47:51 2024 -0500