TDD - the creation of classes and modules to satisfy the user stories - DONE
Use a random number generator to set the weather (mostly sunny with occasional storms) - DONE (5% chance of storms)
Code should defend against edge cases
- Only take off from airport you are in
- Planes that are flying can't take off or be in an airport
- planes that are landed cannot land again and must be in an airport
- etc
Use a test stub for testing the random weather - DONE
keep a seperate file for each class, module, test suite - DONE
Code Review
- All tests passing
- High test coverage
- Code is elegant, every class has a clear responsibility, methods are short, etc...
Bonus = write an RSPEC feature test that lands and takes off a number of planes.
As an air traffic controller So I can get passengers to a destination I want to instruct a plane to land at an airport
controller (user) user --- instruct plane to land airport --- plane has landed
>> "Plane has landed"
- created plane and airport class
- created test for airport and plane to exist
- tested airport responds to request to land method and wrote code to pass
- tested airport gives a confirmation message when request to land is passed with a plane as an argument
As an air traffic controller So I can get passengers on the way to their destination I want to instruct a plane to take off from an airport and confirm that it is no longer in the airport
controller (user) user --- instruct plane to take off airport --- plane has taken off
>> "Plane has taken off"
- created a request to take off method which takes plane as argument
- wrote test confirming airport responds to the methods
- wrote unit test that tests take off with a plane argument and provides confirmation message
As an air traffic controller To ensure safety I want to prevent landing when the airport is full
controller (user) plane --- request to land airport(is full) ---- plane cannot land
>*airport is full*
>> "Plane cannot land, airport is full."
- request_to_land method already exists, so will add tests to that describe
- as using ruby version 2.6.5 cannot use self.private_method in class
- added new test in the request to land method to respond with cannot land if airport is full
- set airport to have a capacity of one plane
- created new instance variable @planes
- created new private method full to determine if the airport is full.
- take_off does not remove the plane from the places variable - future add on.
As the system designer So that the software can be used for many different airports I would like a default airport capacity that can be overridden as appropriate
developer std airport - 10 planes alt airport - 15 planes
>> airport_1, capacity = 10
>> airport_1, capacity = 20
- will create capacity as a readable piece of information
- will need to adjust tests on landing if creating default capacity greater than 10 (will set to only be a single airplane capacity)
- will need to adjust the @planes instance variable to be an array and adjust the full? method to accomodate the new capacity
- default capacity will be set as a constant.
- created a capacity instance variable which can be set at instance creation if needed.
- created a default capacity class constant
- adjusted @planes to be an array and adjusted full methods and landing methods to work with new instance variables
As an air traffic controller To ensure safety I want to prevent takeoff when weather is stormy
controller (user) plane --- request to take off weather(is stormy) airport --- cannot take off
>> Weather is Stormy
>> "Plane cannot take off"
>> Weather is Sunny
>> "Plane can take off"
- will create weather class
- Weather is decided with rand 1-100 - 5% change of Storms
- created a weather module to generate random stormy or sunny weather
- created a private method stormy? and a conditional for taking off.
- added test and created stub for removing randomness during tests.
As an air traffic controller To ensure safety I want to prevent landing when weather is stormy
controller (user) plane --- request to land weather(is stormy) airport --- cannot land
>> Weather is Stormy
>> "Plane cannot land"
>> Weather is Sunny
>> "Plane can land"
- similar solve to take_off check
- wrote tests and added in stubs into the test + previous tests for landings
- corrected tests on the weather_spec
Edge Case USER STORY 7 As a system designer Airport cannot have a plane take off if there is no planes at the airport
designer airport - no planes airport - no planes to take off
> airport.request_to_take_off
>> no planes at airport
>> "No planes available to take off"
- added in tests to confirm that planes could not take off if not at the airport
- refactored other tests to provide better context
- added landing test to confirm plane joins airport planes list
Implement below edge cases
- can users see what is at an airport? - yes
Implement Bonus Test
Look at code review rubric
Edge Case USER STORY 8 Plane can only take off from the airports they are in
plane - needs to leave airport - take off (airport pops plane) plane removed from airport
airport.request_to_take_off(plane specifier)
if plane is in the planes array then take off otherwise return failure message Airport removes plane from Plane array
- to create test with two airports and attempt to take off from both airports with the same plane.
- adding a status to the plane class which indicates where it is.
- Defaults to Flying when created
- going to add a name to airports because why not
- refactored previous test cases to be neater and set up test airports appropriately
- set up a double airport test case
- added status and location variables to Plane instances
- test passed for allowing a plane to land that is already landed.
- added test that a plane cannot land twice at the same airport
EDGE CASE USER STORY 9 Planes that are landed cannot land again
- added test for plane method of landing to give rejection message if already landed
- adjust code for land method to conditional
Edge Case USER STORY 10 Plane cannot take off if airplane is flying
- already captured with the include function.
- adjust plane class and take off methods to put status back to flying when it is flying.
- created test on plane class that plane cannot take off if already flying.
Edge Case USER STORY 11 Plane cannot take off if airplane is at another airport
- add to two airports test case to check if it can take off a plane at another airport
added test, passed test with no need to edit code
refactored some of the test cases.
do my classes and methods have only one responsibility
are my attr_readers to open
Write an RSpec feature test that lands and takes off a number of planes
Getting bored of all these 'manual' feature tests? Try creating a feature_spec.rb file inside your spec directory and putting your feature tests in there instead. No more guidance on this one for now ;
- created a feature_spec.rb