This document assumes that you have already installed a Linux distro in some way (e.g. using a USB stick).
Generate an SSH keypair, start the SSH agent and store both public/private key on the computer.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519
Double check that the SSH agent has loaded the SSH key you have just generated.
ssh-add -l
Install Nix using the multi-user installation script.
sh <(curl -L --daemon
Open a new terminal and very that Nix was installed correctly.
nix --version
Add the following to nix.conf (located at ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
or /etc/nix/nix.conf
experimental-features = nix-command flakes auto-allocate-uids
ℹ️ Setting
saves us from having to type--extra-experimental-features
when runningnix
ornix flake
Restart the nix daemon:
sudo systemctl restart nix-daemon.service
Install git using the default package manager of your Linux distro (e.g. apt for Debian, Ubuntu, etc). I'm not sure why, but installing git using nix-env causes some conflicts with Home Manager.
sudo apt install git
Configure your name and email.
git config --global "John Smith"
git config --global ""
Optional: create a directory for all of your repositories (e.g. mkdir ~/repos/
Add the SSH public key to your GitHub account.
Clone the nix-config repository from GitHub using SSH.
git clone
Install Home Manager using nix-env (read here if you have any issues on Ubuntu).
nix-env --install home-manager
From the root of this repository, apply only the Home Manager configuration for this host:
home-manager switch \
--extra-experimental-features nix-command \
--extra-experimental-features flakes \
--extra-experimental-features auto-allocate-uids \
--extra-experimental-features configurable-impure-env \
--flake .#jack@l380
ℹ️ I think the flags
--extra-experimental-features auto-allocate-uids
and--extra-experimental-features configurable-impure-env
are required by thegoogle-chrome
package. You can omit those--extra-experimental-features
if you setexperimental-features
(see above).
Install alejandra downloading the x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
prebuilt binary, making it executable and moving it to /usr/bin
chmod +x alejandra-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
sudo mv alejandra-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl /usr/bin/alejandra
If alacritty and kitty have some OpenGL issues, you might have to install/update Mesa drivers. It might be necessary to install these libraries.