[5.1.0] - Added assertion to prevent more than five items [5.0.0] - Fixed: Bar is too low at iPhone X(s/R) [4.2.0] - Fixed the width of the Bottom navigation bar [4.1.0] - Added support to hide/show appBar's elevation [4.0.0] - Fixed: Can't set default active item before Tap [3.0.0] - animation duration set to 270 milliseconds && code improved. [2.2.0] - icon now have default inactive color as the active color (bug fixed). [2.1.0] - icon now have default inactive color as the active color. [2.0.0] - Full update & more improved. [1.1.1] - First stable version. [0.1.1] - Few updates. [0.1.0] - Initial beta release. Beta release.