v1.2.0 7/31/2019
- Create the upload command for S3 uploading
- was a part of the process command but found that separating uploads to its own command allows for a clear separation of duties
- Add S3 multipart upload support by implementing S3manager for all s3 uploads
- Random lint clean up
v1.1.4 7/30/2019
- Rename command directory to cmd
- Fix ENV variables and logging flags at the root command level
- log flags and ENV variables were broken in previous versions
v1.1.3 7/25/2019
- Rename --exclude-schemas to --exclude-schema mimic pg_dump
v1.1.2 7/25/2019
- Handled a memory buffer issue mentioned in #44. While taking a pg_dump memory usage would spike to 6GB+ depending on system and container type.
- Moved to using --exclude-schema instead of --exclude-table and adding a .* to the end of the schema name. This was causing confusion between --exclude-table and --exclude-schema.
v1.1.1 05/07/2019
- Fixes for #31
- Added in script to increment version
- Other fixes were missed during updates. These need to be backfilled. See git history for specifics.
v1.0.0 03/05/2019
- Initial release