azure-static-web-app-example-crud-app is an example project to learn how to develop Serverless SPA with Azure Static Web Apps. This application has following features.
- User authentication(Azure AD, GitHub, Google)
- CRUD(create/read/upoload/delete) files into Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
Clone & Open this repository
Create your Azure Static Web Apps (Need VSCode Azure Static Web Apps Extension) Click 'F1' and input 'Azure Static Web Apps' and then select 'Azure Static Web Apps(...Advanced)'
Create your Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 and a container in it.
Enter your STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME,STORAGE_KEY to your "local.setting.json"
Enter your container name to "dlsg2.ts"
Install npm packages both root project and api project
Install CLI
npm i -g @azure/static-web-apps-cli npm i -g azure-functions-core-tools@3 --unsafe-perm true
npm run build --prefix api swa start http://localhost:3000 --run 'npm start' --api api
- Azure Static Web Apps
- Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
- Create React App
- Material-UI
- Node.js