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Testbed TACACS server

TACACS intro

admin@vlab-01:~$ show tacacs
TACPLUS global auth_type login      <== TACACS packet authentication method
TACPLUS global timeout 5 (default)  <== TACACS server timeout in second
TACPLUS global passkey testing123   <== TACACS passkey, used for encrypt TACACS packet

TACPLUS_SERVER address <== TACACS server address
               priority 1           <== TACACS server priority, will use TACACS server with bigger value first.
               tcp_port 49          <== TACACS server port
  • AAA config
admin@vlab-01:~$ show aaa
AAA authentication login tacacs+               <== How to verify user login, default/local means check local account, tacacs+ means check with remote TACACS server
AAA authentication failthrough False (default) <== Reject user login when authentication failed
AAA authorization login tacacs+                <== How to check user have permission to run every command, tacacs+ means every command will verify with remote TACACS server, local means will verify with linux permission control
AAA accounting login tacacs+,local             <== How to record user command history, tacacs+ means send to remote TACACS server, local means write to syslog

Testbed TACACS server setup

On testbed, there will be 2 TACACS server running on PTF host:

  • TACACS server for dailywork and none TACACS test cases.
    • Bind to TCP port 49
    • Auto restart by /root/tacacs_daily_daemon
root@0ce3f7bbb316:~# ps -auxww | grep tacacs_daily_daemon
root         488  0.0  0.0   2388   464 ?        S    Jul01   0:00 /bin/sh /root/tacacs_daily_daemon

root@0ce3f7bbb316:~# ps -auxww | grep "/usr/sbin/tac_plus .* -p 49"
root         502  0.0  0.0   5600  1880 ?        S    Jul01   0:00 /usr/sbin/tac_plus -d 88 -l /var/log/tac_plus_daily.log -C /etc/tac_plus_daily.conf -p 49 -G
  • TACACS server for TACACS test cases.
    • Bind to TCP port 59
    • Only start when TACACS test case running, will stop after TACACS test finished.
root@0ce3f7bbb316:~# ps -auxww | grep "/usr/sbin/tac_plus .* -p 59"
root        3303  8.3  0.0   5600   224 ?        S    05:08   0:00 /usr/sbin/tac_plus -d 2058 -l /var/log/tac_plus.log -C /etc/tacacs+/tac_plus.conf -p 59
  • The reason of having 2 TACACS server are:
  1. All test case may running in parallel on multiple DUTs.
  2. TACACS test case need change TACACS config and start/stop TACACS server, which will conflict with none TACACS test cases.
  3. TACACS server for dailywork need auto restart and allow all RW command, which conflict with TACACS test case.

How PTF host TACACS server for dailywork deployed

  • TACACS server deployed when add-topo, in ansible/roles/vm_set/tasks/add_topo.yml:
  - name: Start tacacs+ daily daemon
    include_tasks: start_tacacs_daily_daemon.yml
  • Deploy step defined here ansible/roles/vm_set/tasks/start_tacacs_daily_daemon.yml
    • For TACACS server passkey, please check "Include tacacs_passkey" step
  1. Try use tacacs_passkey defined in /group_vars/{{ inventory }}/{{ inventory }}.yml first, if not defined, try next step
  2. use default tacacs_passkey defined in group_vars/lab/lab.yml
  • For DUT login account, please check "Include duthost user name" step
  1. If secret_group_vars['str']['ansible_ssh_user'] defined, the DUT user name is the value of secret_group_vars['str']['ansible_ssh_user']
  2. If secret_group_vars['str']['ansible_ssh_user'] not defined, the DUT user name is the value of sonicadmin_user variable defined in group_vars/lab/secrets.yml
  • For DUT login password, please check "Include duthost password" step
  1. If secret_group_vars['str']['ansible_ssh_user'] defined, the DUT user name is the value of secret_group_vars['str']['ansible_ssh_user']
  2. If secret_group_vars['str']['ansible_ssh_user'] not defined, the DUT user name is the value of sonicadmin_user variable defined in group_vars/lab/secrets.yml

How PTF host TACACS server for TACACS test case deployed

  • TACACS server for TACACS test case pre-installed in ptf host docker image.

    • PTF host will run 2 TACACS server, for different, please check "Testbed TACACS server setup" section.
  • The check_tacacs fixture will setup TACACS server before TACACS test case, and shutdown TACACS server after TACACS test case finish:

    • check_tacacs defined here: tests/tacacs/
    • check_tacacs will invoke setup_tacacs_server method render and start TACACS server.
    • TACACS server config file render by template: tests/tacacs/tac_plus.conf.j2
    • The username and password are defined in this file: tests/tacacs/tacacs_creds.yaml

DUT host TACACS config

How DUT host TACACS server for dailywork setup

  • TACACS server and AAA config deployed by ansible/config_sonic_basedon_testbed.yml
    • Following code will assign PTF IP address as TACACS server IP address when generate minigraph.xml
  - name: Enable PTF tacacs server by default
        use_ptf_tacacs_server: true
        tacacs_enabled_by_default: true
    when: use_ptf_tacacs_server is not defined

  - debug: msg="use_ptf_tacacs_server {{ use_ptf_tacacs_server }}"

  - block:
      - name: saved original minigraph file in SONiC DUT(ignore errors when file does not exist)
        shell: mv /etc/sonic/minigraph.xml /etc/sonic/minigraph.xml.orig
        become: true
        ignore_errors: true

      - name: Update TACACS server address to PTF IP
            tacacs_servers: ["{{ testbed_facts['ptf_ip'] }}"]
        when: use_ptf_tacacs_server is defined and use_ptf_tacacs_server|bool == true

      - debug: msg="tacacs_servers {{ tacacs_servers }}"
  • Following code will change DUT host AAA config to enable TACACS AAA feature, because per-command AAA feature does not exist on older release, so this step will ignore all error:
      - name: Configure TACACS with PTF TACACS server
        become: true
        shell: "{{ tacacs_config_cmd }}"
          - config tacacs authtype login
          - config aaa authorization tacacs+
          - config aaa accounting "tacacs+ local"
          loop_var: tacacs_config_cmd
        ignore_errors: true
        when: use_ptf_tacacs_server is defined and use_ptf_tacacs_server|bool == true
  • On DUT host, user can check TACACS related config with following command:
admin@vlab-01:~$ show aaa
AAA authentication login tacacs+
AAA authentication failthrough False (default)
AAA authorization login tacacs+,local
AAA accounting login tacacs+,local

admin@vlab-01:~$ show tacacs
TACPLUS global auth_type login
TACPLUS global timeout 5 (default)
TACPLUS global passkey testing123

               priority 1
               tcp_port 49

How DUT host TACACS server for TACACS test case setup

  • This TACACS server been setup by setup_tacacs_client method: tests/tacacs/
  • When TACACS test case finish, restore_tacacs_servers will restore the dut host TACACS config to use the TACACS server for dailywork.

Debug testbed TACACS server

  • How to stop testbed TACACS server:
    • I can't login DUT host, user can stop testbed TACACS server and login with local account.

    • Find PID of /root/tacacs_daily_daemon with following command, in this case PID is 488

root@0ce3f7bbb316:~# ps -auxww | grep tacacs_daily_daemon
root         488  0.0  0.0   2388   464 ?        S    Jul01   0:00 /bin/sh /root/tacacs_daily_daemon
  • Stop /root/tacacs_daily_daemon with kill command and PID
root@0ce3f7bbb316:~# kill -9 488
  • Find PID of tac_plus server with following command, in this case PID is 502
root@0ce3f7bbb316:~# ps -auxww | grep "/usr/sbin/tac_plus .* -p 49"
root         502  0.0  0.0   5600  1880 ?        S    Jul01   0:00 /usr/sbin/tac_plus -d 88 -l /var/log/tac_plus_daily.log -C /etc/tac_plus_daily.conf -p 49 -G
  • Stop tac_plus with kill command and PID
root@0ce3f7bbb316:~# kill -9 502
  • How to start testbed TACACS server:
    • If tacacs_daily_daemon not running, start it with following command:
root@0ce3f7bbb316:~# /bin/sh /root/tacacs_daily_daemon &
[1] 3865
root@0ce3f7bbb316:~# starting tac_plus for daily work
  • After tacacs_daily_daemon started, it will monitor tac_plus server bind to port 49, if not running will auto restart tac_plus.

  • How to find TACACS log

    • testbed TACACS server log is saved in /var/log/tac_plus_daily.log
  • How to find TACACS config