- The Intel® Infrastructure Processing Unit is connected to a host server via PCIe.
- A 1GB port from the host server is connected to the IMC 1GB management interface.
- Refer section
3.2.1. Default Bring-Up
in theIntel IPU Software User Guide
for more information. - Refer section
3.2.2. Default Update Flow
in theIntel IPU Software User Guide
and update the images on the IMC and ACC to an SDK release version >= 1.7.0. - The tool requires the P4 package
to be loaded on the IPU IMC. Refer the prerequisites section.
- The
tool is executed from the host server connected to an Intel IPU. - The tool uses the 1GB port on the host server to SSH to the IMC 1GB management interface to configure the IMC and ACC.
- It automates the setup of the Linux networking recipe with OVS offloaded to the IPU ACC.
- It configures infrap4d on the ACC, programs the p4rt runtime rules to setup the ACC port representors for the host IDPF interfaces and IPU physical ports.
- OVS bridges are created on the ACC with the port representors.
- Configures VM namespaces for the IDPF VF interfaces on the Host.
- Refer section
3.3.1. IPU P4 Quick Start Guide
in theIntel IPU Software User Guide
for more information.
- Transport mode: The tool generates the OVS bridge configuration for transport mode with IPv4 encapsulation.
- Tunnel mode: The tool also generates the OVS bridge configuration for tunnel mode with VXLAN encapsulation. Refer the VXLAN section below.
- IPU adapter and a Link Partner NIC is connected to a single host server. Use Default ipu-playbook/ovs_offload/config.yaml
- Host1 IPU Port0 <-----> Host1 Link Partner Port0
- Host1 IPU Port1 <-----> Host1 Link Partner Port1
- 2 IPU adapters are connected to two host servers via PCIe and the IPU Physical Ports on the two servers are connected back to back.
- Host1 IPU Port0 <-----> Host2 IPU Port0
- Host1 IPU Port1 <-----> Host2 IPU Port1
- For IPU Host 1 server copy config_host1.yaml to config.yaml.
- For IPU Host 2 server copy config_host2.yaml to config.yaml.
Before running the script, make sure /etc/ssh/sshd_config
contains the line for root user.
PermitRootLogin yes
- The host package
intel-ipu-host-components-<version>.<build number>.tar.gz
contains the example IPU P4 source code, the compiled P4 package and artifacts that is used to set up OVS offload. - The compiled artifacts for P4
can be found in the location below after you extract the tar package.
cd intel-ipu-host-components/P4Tools/P4Programs/artifacts/fxp-net_linux-networking
> ls
total 6.2M
-rw-r--r--. 1 admin12 admin12 1.5M Aug 30 10:47 fxp-net_linux-networking_3de1c1f569bb44d69043c2fb3093d079.pkgo
-rw-r--r--. 1 admin12 admin12 46K Sep 3 11:29 p4Info.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 admin12 admin12 1.4K Sep 3 11:29 entries.json
-rw-r--r--. 1 admin12 admin12 128K Sep 3 11:29 tdi.json
-rw-r--r--. 1 admin12 admin12 639K Sep 3 11:32 context.json
-rw-r--r--. 1 admin12 admin12 949K Sep 3 11:32 fxp-net_linux-networking.s
-rw-r--r--. 1 admin12 admin12 1.5M Sep 3 11:32 fxp-net_linux-networking_12d1caf7e380490b96f1df444b5050af.pkgo
-rw-r--r--. 1 admin12 admin12 1.5M Sep 3 11:32 fxp-net_linux-networking.pkg
- Load the P4 package
on the IMC. Refer SectionIPU P4 Quickstart Guide
in the Intel® Infrastructure Processing Unit Software User Guide - Login to the IPU IMC from the localhost, default IMC IP is
ssh root@
- Copy the P4 package
to the IMC /work/scripts/ directory. - Update the IMC script
as shown in the example below. - Reboot the IMC. On IMC bootup, the P4 package and node policy configuration will be updated as specified in
[root@ipu-imc ~]# cat /work/scripts/load_custom_pkg.sh
echo "Checking for custom package..."
if [ -e /work/scripts/fxp-net_linux-networking.pkg ]; then
echo "Custom package fxp-net_linux-networking.pkg found. Overriding default package"
cp /work/scripts/fxp-net_linux-networking.pkg /etc/dpcp/package/
rm -rf /etc/dpcp/package/default_pkg.pkg
ln -s /etc/dpcp/package/fxp-net_linux-networking.pkg /etc/dpcp/package/default_pkg.pkg
sed -i 's/sem_num_pages = .*;/sem_num_pages = 28;/g' $CP_INIT_CFG
sed -i 's/lem_num_pages = .*;/lem_num_pages = 32;/g' $CP_INIT_CFG
sed -i 's/mod_num_pages = .*;/mod_num_pages = 2;/g' $CP_INIT_CFG
sed -i 's/acc_apf = 4;/acc_apf = 16;/g' $CP_INIT_CFG
echo "No custom package found. Continuing with default package"
- For two IPU host servers connected back-to-back we modify the default MAC addresses of the IPU interfaces.
- The MAC suffix is updated for the pf_mac_address and vf_mac_address in the default node policy
in the Host 2 IPU IMC. - This ensures that there are no MAC address conflicts and the Host 2 IPU adapter interfaces use a different MAC address.
[root@ipu-imc ~]# cat /work/scripts/load_custom_pkg.sh
echo "Checking for custom package..."
sed -i 's/pf_mac_address = "00:00:00:00:03:14";/pf_mac_address = "00:00:00:00:04:14";/g' $CP_INIT_CFG
sed -i 's/vf_mac_address = "";/vf_mac_address = "00:00:00:00:06:14";/g' $CP_INIT_CFG
if [ -e /work/scripts/fxp-net_linux-networking.pkg ]; then
echo "Custom package fxp-net_linux-networking.pkg found. Overriding default package"
cp /work/scripts/fxp-net_linux-networking.pkg /etc/dpcp/package/
rm -rf /etc/dpcp/package/default_pkg.pkg
ln -s /etc/dpcp/package/fxp-net_linux-networking.pkg /etc/dpcp/package/default_pkg.pkg
sed -i 's/sem_num_pages = .*;/sem_num_pages = 28;/g' $CP_INIT_CFG
sed -i 's/lem_num_pages = .*;/lem_num_pages = 32;/g' $CP_INIT_CFG
sed -i 's/mod_num_pages = .*;/mod_num_pages = 2;/g' $CP_INIT_CFG
sed -i 's/acc_apf = 4;/acc_apf = 16;/g' $CP_INIT_CFG
echo "No custom package found. Continuing with default package"
- After IMC reboots, the above script will update the P4 package to
and the default node policy/etc/dpcp/cfg/cp_init.cfg
[root@ipu-imc ~]# ls -lrt /etc/dpcp/package/
total 2852
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1532240 Jan 1 00:00 fxp-net_linux-networking.pkg
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 46 Jan 1 00:00 default_pkg.pkg -> /etc/dpcp/package/fxp-net_linux-networking.pkg
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 11 2024 runtime_files
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1376720 Sep 11 2024 e2100-default-
- Extract /opt/p4.tar.gz in the ACC and copy P4 artifacts for fxp-net_linux-networking to the ACC
- Login to the IPU IMC from the localhost, default IMC IP is
ssh root@
- IPU ACC is only reachable from the IMC console by default
- Login to ACC from the IMC, default ACC IP is
[root@ipu-imc ~]# ssh root@
- Extract /opt/p4.tar.gz in the ACC, this package contains the binaries required to setup OVS offload in the ACC
[root@ipu-acc ~]# cd /opt/
[root@ipu-acc opt]# tar -xvf p4.tar.gz
- Copy the P4 artifacts folder
from the same IPU SDK release version being tested to the IMC and then to the ACC location/opt/p4/p4sde/p4_test/fxp-net_linux-networking
- Extract The host package
intel-ipu-host-components-<version>.<build number>.tar.gz
, this contains the IDPF source and pre-built RPMs for RHEL and Rocky Linux. - If using some other flavor of Linux, run the following commands as a root user to build the IDPF driver from source
- Make sure the same version of IDPF driver is loaded on the host, IMC and ACC
cd intel-ipu-host-components/IDPF
tar -xvf idpf-<version>.tar.gz
cd idpf-<version>
make install
- Load the IDPF Driver and create 8 SR-IOV VFs using the commands below
sudo -i
rmmod idpf
modprobe idpf
lsmod | grep idpf
modinfo idpf
echo 8 > /sys/class/net/ens5f0/device/sriov_numvfs
- Replace
above with the correct host IDPF interface to create 8 SR-IOV VFs on the host.
- The tool uses tmux sessions when running the option setup and option teardown.
- Install TMUX on the host.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install tmux
Redhat/CentOS and other RHEL Distros.
sudo yum install update && sudo yum -y install tmux
Check after installing.
# tmux --help
usage: tmux [-2CDlNuvV] [-c shell-command] [-f file] [-L socket-name]
[-S socket-path] [-T features] [command [flags]]
- The tool uses the config.yaml file to program the rules for OVS Offload on the IPU adapter and configure the IDPF interfaces on the host server.
- The tool can be used in an all-in-one configuration or 2 IPU servers connected back-to-back.
- More information on the configuration below
- All-in-one configuration IPU adapter and a Link Partner NIC is connected to a single host server. Use Default ipu-playbook/ovs_offload/config.yaml
- Update the file: config.yaml for the specific test setup. Change the management IP, username, and password for IMC and ACC if they are different.
- Update the test_params section as required for the setup with the correct host, IMC and ACC script paths.
- Update the idpf_interface, vf_interfaces in the config if the interface names are different.
- Update lp_interfaces field with the correct Link Partner interface name if the Link Partner NIC is connected to the same host server.
> cd ipu-playbook/ovs_offload
> cat config.yaml
username: root
# Update the login password for the IPU Host
password: ""
# Link Partner interfaces on IPU host - lp_interfaces[0]<->IPU Port0, lp_interfaces[1]<->IPU Port1
lp_interfaces: ['ens7f1','ens7f0']
lp_interface_ip: ['','']
username: root
password: ""
# SSH to ACC from the IMC
username: root
password: ""
#path fields specify the location where the configuration scripts will be copied to on the Host,IMC and ACC
host_path: 'ovs_offload_lnw_scripts'
imc_path: '/mnt/imc/p4_test'
acc_path: '/opt/p4/p4sde/p4_test'
# Update the correct IDPF Interface on the Host
idpf_interface: 'ens5f0'
# Update the list of Host IDPF Interfaces on the Host to Map to ACC Port representors
# Interfaces ['0','1'] below represents the IPU Physical Port 0 and Port 1 and the remaining as the Host IDPF Vfs
vf_interfaces: ['0','1','ens5f0v0','ens5f0v1','ens5f0v2','ens5f0v3','ens5f0v4','ens5f0v5','ens5f0v6','ens5f0v7']
# These are the ACC Port representors that will be used to map to the interfaces in the above list vf_interfaces
acc_pr_interfaces: ['enp0s1f0d4','enp0s1f0d5','enp0s1f0d6','enp0s1f0d7','enp0s1f0d8','enp0s1f0d9','enp0s1f0d10','enp0s1f0d11','enp0s1f0d12','enp0s1f0d13']
# The ip_list contains the IP addresses that will be used for the Host IDPF VF interfaces that are mapped to the VM config (using: ip netns).
ip_list: ['','','','','','','','']
# User Input for OVS VXLAN Config.
# Local and remote vtep(virtual tunnel end-point) IPs are used in OVS vxlan config with ACC PRs mapped to host IDPF VF
local_vtep: ['','','','','','','','','','','']
remote_vtep: ['','','','','','','','','','','']
# Tunnel Termination Bridge IP for local and remote peer.
local_br_tun_ip: ['','']
remote_br_tun_ip: ['','']
- 2 IPU host servers are connected back-to-back.
- Host1 IPU Port0 <-----> Host2 IPU Port0
- Host1 IPU Port1 <-----> Host2 IPU Port1
- Copy config_host1.yaml to IPU Host 1 server and rename file to config.yaml.
- Copy config_host2.yaml to IPU Host 2 server and rename file to config.yaml.
- Run ovs_offload_lnw.py in the 2 IPU host servers after copying the respective configs as above.
- Update the file: config.yaml for the specific test setup. Change the management IP, username, and password for IMC and ACC if they are different.
- Update the test_params section as required for the setup with the correct host, IMC and ACC script paths.
- Update the idpf_interface, vf_interfaces name in the config if the interface names are different.
- Note that the lp_interfaces and lp_interface_ip fields below is empty as we are running in back-to-back mode and there is no Link Partner NIC connected to the same server.
> cd ipu-playbook/ovs_offload
> cp config_host1.yaml config.yaml
> cat config_host1.yaml
username: root
# Update the login password for the IPU Host
password: ""
# Link Partner interfaces on IPU host - lp_interfaces[0]<->IPU Port0, lp_interfaces[1]<->IPU Port1
lp_interfaces: []
lp_interface_ip: []
username: root
password: ""
# SSH to ACC from the IMC
username: root
password: ""
#path fields specify the location where the configuration scripts will be copied to on the Host,IMC and ACC
host_path: 'ovs_offload_lnw_scripts'
imc_path: '/mnt/imc/p4_test'
acc_path: '/opt/p4/p4sde/p4_test'
# Update the correct IDPF Interface on the Host
idpf_interface: 'ens2f0'
# Update the list of Host IDPF Interfaces on the Host to Map to ACC Port representors
# Interfaces ['0','1'] below represents the IPU Physical Port 0 and Port 1 and the remaining as the Host IDPF Vfs
vf_interfaces: ['0','1','ens2f0v0','ens2f0v1','ens2f0v2','ens2f0v3','ens2f0v4','ens2f0v5','ens2f0v6','ens2f0v7']
# These are the ACC Port representors that will be used to map to the interfaces in the above list vf_interfaces
acc_pr_interfaces: ['enp0s1f0d4','enp0s1f0d5','enp0s1f0d6','enp0s1f0d7','enp0s1f0d8','enp0s1f0d9','enp0s1f0d10','enp0s1f0d11','enp0s1f0d12','enp0s1f0d13']
# The ip_list contains the IP addresses that will be used for the Host IDPF VF interfaces that are mapped to the VM config (using: ip netns).
ip_list: ['','','','','','','','']
# User Input for OVS VXLAN Config.
# Local and remote vtep(virtual tunnel end-point) IPs are used in OVS vxlan config with ACC PRs mapped to host IDPF VF
local_vtep: ['','','','','','','','','','','']
remote_vtep: ['','','','','','','','','','','']
# Tunnel Termination Bridge IP for local and remote peer.
local_br_tun_ip: ['','']
remote_br_tun_ip: ['','']
> cd ipu-playbook/ovs_offload
> cp config_host2.yaml config.yaml
> cat config_host2.yaml
username: root
# Update the login password for the IPU Host
password: ""
# Link Partner interfaces on IPU host - lp_interfaces[0]<->IPU Port0, lp_interfaces[1]<->IPU Port1
lp_interfaces: []
lp_interface_ip: []
username: root
password: ""
# SSH to ACC from the IMC
username: root
password: ""
#path fields specify the location where the configuration scripts will be copied to on the Host,IMC and ACC
host_path: 'ovs_offload_lnw_scripts'
imc_path: '/mnt/imc/p4_test'
acc_path: '/opt/p4/p4sde/p4_test'
# Update the correct IDPF Interface on the Host
idpf_interface: 'ens2f0'
# Update the list of Host IDPF Interfaces on the Host to Map to ACC Port representors
# Interfaces ['0','1'] below represents the IPU Physical Port 0 and Port 1 and the remaining as the Host IDPF Vfs
vf_interfaces: ['0','1','ens2f0v0','ens2f0v1','ens2f0v2','ens2f0v3','ens2f0v4','ens2f0v5','ens2f0v6','ens2f0v7']
# These are the ACC Port representors that will be used to map to the interfaces in the above list vf_interfaces
acc_pr_interfaces: ['enp0s1f0d4','enp0s1f0d5','enp0s1f0d6','enp0s1f0d7','enp0s1f0d8','enp0s1f0d9','enp0s1f0d10','enp0s1f0d11','enp0s1f0d12','enp0s1f0d13']
# The ip_list contains the IP addresses that will be used for the Host IDPF VF interfaces that are mapped to the VM config (using: ip netns).
ip_list: ['','','','','','','','']
# User Input for OVS VXLAN Config.
# Local and remote vtep(virtual tunnel end-point) IPs are used in OVS vxlan config with ACC PRs mapped to host IDPF VF
local_vtep: ['','','','','','','','','','','']
remote_vtep: ['','','','','','','','','','','']
# Tunnel Termination Bridge IP for local and remote peer.
remote_br_tun_ip: ['','']
local_br_tun_ip: ['','']
cd ipu-playbook/ovs_offload
python -m venv --copies venv
# source venv/bin/activate
(venv)# pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv)# deactivate
- requirements.txt
- Run the tool ovs_offload_lnw.py as a root user.
- Use the python venv to run the tool
sudo -i
cd ipu-playbook/ovs_offload
source venv/bin/activate
- ovs_offload/ovs_offload_lnw.py makes use of P4 package: fxp-net_linux-networking.pkg for IPU SDK release 1.7.0 and later
- Refer the prerequisite section in this document before proceeding with script execution
python ovs_offload_lnw.py
usage: ovs_offload_lnw.py [-h] {create_script,copy_script,setup,teardown} ...
Configure Linux Networking with OVS offload with IPv4 transport or VXLAN tunnel
positional arguments: {create_script,copy_script,setup,teardown}
create_script Generate configuration scripts in localhost
copy_script Generate and copy configuration scripts to IMC and ACC
setup Setup OVS offload with IPv4 transport or VXLAN tunnel, prerequisite: run copy_script option once for scripts to be available
in ACC
teardown Teardown and cleanup the OVS offload configuration, prerequisite: run copy_script option once for scripts to be available in
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- This option will create the configuration shell scripts in the localhost script directory
- The localhost script directory path is specified in host_path field in config.yaml
- Default localhost script directory path is ipu-playbook/ovs_offload/ovs_offload_lnw_scripts
python ovs_offload_lnw.py create_script
The helper shell scripts will be created as shown below.
ls ipu-playbook/ovs_offload/ovs_offload_lnw_scripts
total 60K
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 admin12 admin12 1.6K Aug 28 13:37 es2k_skip_p4.conf
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 admin12 admin12 375 Aug 28 13:37 1_host_idpf.sh
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 admin12 admin12 1.3K Aug 28 13:37 2_acc_infrap4d.sh
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 admin12 admin12 12K Aug 28 13:37 3_acc_p4rt.sh
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 admin12 admin12 8.4K Aug 28 13:37 acc_p4rt_delete.sh
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 admin12 admin12 2.0K Aug 28 13:37 4_acc_p4rt_dump.sh
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 admin12 admin12 1.3K Aug 28 13:37 5_acc_setup_ovs.sh
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 admin12 admin12 2.1K Aug 28 13:37 6_acc_ovs_bridge.sh
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 admin12 admin12 6.1K Aug 28 13:37 acc_ovs_vxlan.sh
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 admin12 admin12 2.8K Aug 28 13:37 7_host_vm.sh
- This option will create the configuration shell scripts in the localhost script directory (the path can be changed in host_path: in config.yaml) default path is ovs_offload/ovs_offload_lnw_scripts
- It copies the scripts from localhost to IPU IMC (the path can be changed in imc_path: in config.yaml) default path is
) - It copies the scripts from the IMC to the ACC (the path can be changed in acc_path: in config.yaml) default path is
python ovs_offload_lnw.py copy_script
- Configure OVS offload on ACC and setup localhost IDPF VFs with VM namespaces
- Prerequisite: run copy_script option once for scripts to be available in ACC
python ovs_offload_lnw.py setup
usage: ovs_offload_lnw.py setup [-h] {transport,tunnel} ...
positional arguments: {transport,tunnel}
transport Setup OVS offload with IPv4 transport, prerequisite: run copy_script option once for scripts to be available in ACC
tunnel Setup OVS offload with VXLAN tunnel, prerequisite: run copy_script option once for scripts to be available in ACC
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- setup option supports two modes transport(IPv4) and tunnel(VXLAN)
- This will setup OVS offload on the ACC and configure the VMs on the localhost by creating persistent TMUX sessions.
- Creates TMUX session:test1_infrap4d to launch infrap4d application on the ACC
- Creates TMUX session:test2_p4rt to configure the p4rt-ctl rules, configure OVS bridges on the ACC
- Creates TMUX session:test3_host to create VM namespaces and add the Host IDPF VF interfaces in the localhost.
- Optional - After running the setup option we can login to each of the tmux sessions.
> tmux ls
test1_infrap4d: 1 windows (created Thu Aug 29 12:35:25 2024)
test2_p4rt: 1 windows (created Thu Aug 29 12:33:26 2024)
test3_host: 1 windows (created Thu Aug 29 12:32:55 2024)
Attach to a tmux session
tmux a -t test2_p4rt
Detach from inside a tmux session.
ctrl+b d
python ovs_offload_lnw.py teardown
- This option will remove the OVS offload configuration on the ACC and cleanup the localhost VM namespace configs.
- Prerequisite: run copy_script option once for scripts to be available in ACC
- Configure TMUX session - test3_host delete the VMs on Host and remove the link partner configuration.
- Configure TMUX session - test2_p4rt delete the p4rt-ctl rules and delete the OVS bridges
- Configure TMUX session - test1_infrap4d, login to ACC and stop infrap4d,
- Run the commands below in the IPU localhost server to configure OVS Offload on the IPU ACC with IPv4 transport and configure the Host IDPF interfaces and VM namespaces.
python ovs_offload_lnw.py copy_script
python ovs_offload_lnw.py setup transport
- Run the commands below in the IPU localhost server to configure OVS Offload on the IPU ACC with VXLAN tunnel and configure the Host IDPF interfaces and VM namespaces.
python ovs_offload_lnw.py copy_script
python ovs_offload_lnw.py setup tunnel
- The script uses the P4 binaries in the ACC at location
- The script requires the P4 artifacts to be available in the folder below in the ACC, make sure to copy the correct artifacts for the release. Refer prerequisites section for more information.
[root@ipu-acc ~]# ls /opt/p4/p4sde/p4_test/fxp-net_linux-networking
- Copy the infrap4d config in /opt/p4/p4sde/p4_test/ovs_offload_lnw_scripts/es2k_skip_p4.conf to artifact folder /opt/p4/p4sde/p4_test/fxp-net_linux-networking in the ACC
[root@ipu-acc ~]# cp /opt/p4/p4sde/p4_test/ovs_offload_lnw_scripts/es2k_skip_p4.conf /opt/p4/p4sde/p4_test/fxp-net_linux-networking/
- Use the shell scripts in /opt/p4/p4sde/p4_test/ovs_offload_lnw_scripts in the ACC to set up infrap4d, p4rt and OVS bridge:
- ACC Terminal 1 : Set up environment and start Infrap4d
[root@ipu-acc ~]# cd /opt/p4/p4sde/p4_test/ovs_offload_lnw_scripts
[root@ipu-acc ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# ./2_acc_infrap4d.sh
Wait for infrap4d to initialize and start listening on the server.
Initialized lld_cpchnl control path
Fetching VF info
ipu_p4d: dev_id 0 initialized
cpfl_set_rx_function(): Using Split Scalar Rx (port 0).
cpfl_set_tx_function(): Using Split Scalar Tx (port 0).
Port 0 MAC: 00 22 00 01 03 20
cpfl_set_rx_function(): Using Split Scalar Rx (port 1).
cpfl_set_tx_function(): Using Split Scalar Tx (port 1).
Port 1 MAC: 00 23 00 02 03 20
ipu_p4d: initialized 1 devices
Skip p4 lib init
ipu_p4d: spawning cli server thread
ipu_p4d: running in background; driver shell is disabled
ipu_p4d: server started - listening on port 9999
E20240414 00:03:48.469659 293611 es2k_hal.cc:276] [secure mode] Stratum external-facing services are listening to,, localhost:9559...
- ACC Terminal 2 : Configure pipeline and set up runtime rules.
[root@ipu-acc ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# pwd
[root@ipu-acc ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# ./3_acc_p4rt.sh
- ACC Terminal 2 : Dump the p4rt-ctl runtime rules.
[root@ipu-acc ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# pwd
[root@ipu-acc ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# ./4_acc_p4rt_dump.sh
- ACC Terminal 2 : Set up the OVS Environment.
[root@ipu-acc ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# pwd
[root@ipu-acc ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# ./5_acc_setup_ovs.sh
- ACC Terminal 2 : Set up the OVS bridge config for IPv4 transport
[root@ipu-acc ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# pwd
[root@ipu-acc ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# ./6_acc_ovs_bridge.sh
- This configuration script will setup OVS VXLAN Bridges.
[root@ipu-acc ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# pwd
[root@ipu-acc ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# ./acc_ovs_vxlan.sh
- Stop firewalld on IPU Host and the ACC
systemctl stop firewalld
- IPU HOST Terminal 1 : Configure the VMs on the IPU Host the script below uses ip netns
[root@host]# cd ovs_offload/scripts/ovs_offload_lnw_scripts
[root@host]# ./7_host_vm.sh
- configure IP to the Link Partner interface in localhost and Test Ping to the Host IDPF VF interfaces in the VMs.
# Link Partner connected to IPU Port 0
sudo ip a a dev ens7f1
# Link Partner connected to IPU Port 1
sudo ip a a dev ens7f0
# Test Ping LP(IPU Port 0) <-> VM0(IDPF SRIOV VF)
ip netns exec VM0 ip -br a
ip netns exec VM0 ping
# Test Ping LP(IPU Port 1) <-> VM4(IDPF SRIOV VF)
ip netns exec VM4 ip -br a
ip netns exec VM4 ping
- Run simple script below to configure 1 VXLAN tunnel on the Link Partner Connected to Port 0
echo "Set up Tunnel End Point and the Vxlan config on the Link Partner on remote host"
echo "Add HOST VF ens5f0v0 to the VM0 namespace"
ip link del dev TEP10
ip link del dev vxlan10
echo ""
echo "Configure the Remote Tunnel End Point TEP10"
ip link add dev TEP10 type dummy
ifconfig TEP10 up
sleep 1
ip addr show TEP10
echo ""
echo "Configure the VXLAN Interface vxlan10"
ip link del vxlan10
ip link add vxlan10 type vxlan id 10 dstport 4789 remote local
ip addr add dev vxlan10
ip link set vxlan10 up
sleep 1
ip addr show vxlan10
echo ""
echo "Configure the Link Partner interface Connected to Port 0"
ip addr del dev ens7f1
ifconfig ens7f1 up
ip route change via dev ens7f1
sleep 1
ip addr show ens7f1
echo "Verify the Configure interfaces"
[root@host ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# ip netns exec VM0 ip -br a
ens5f0v0 UP fe80::21a:ff:fe00:314/64
[root@host ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# ip -br a
lo UNKNOWN ::1/128
eno8303 UP fe80::c6cb:e1ff:fea7:3c82/64
eno8403 UP
ens7f0 UP
ens7f1 UP
ens5f0 UP
ens5f0d1 UP
ens5f0d2 UP
ens5f0d3 UP
TEP10 UNKNOWN fe80::fcf2:f4ff:fe2a:18f4/64
vxlan10 UNKNOWN fe80::7c76:4ff:fe03:8591/64
[root@host ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# ip netns exec VM0 ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.072 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.047 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.041 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2028ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.041/0.053/0.072/0.013 ms
[root@host ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.046 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.040 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2050ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.040/0.048/0.058/0.007 ms
- Ideally OVS Offload with VXLAN can be run with 2 IPU Peer Setups connected back to back.
- Run python script ovs_offload_lnw.py copy_script as a root user on the 2 peer IPU Hosts to generate the configuration.
- Host1 IPU Port0 <-----> Host2 IPU Port0
- Host1 IPU Port1 <-----> Host2 IPU Port1
- For IPU Host 1 server copy config_host1.yaml to config.yaml.
- For IPU Host 1 server copy config_host1.yaml to config.yaml.
> cat config.yaml
# The ip_list contains the IP addresses that will be used for the Host IDPF VF interfaces that are mapped to the VM config (using: ip netns).
ip_list: ['','','','','','','','']
# User Input for OVS VXLAN Config.
# Local and remote vtep(virtual tunnel end-point) IPs are used in OVS vxlan config with ACC PRs mapped to host IDPF VF
local_vtep: ['','','','','','','','','','','']
remote_vtep: ['','','','','','','','','','','']
# Tunnel Termination Bridge IP for local and remote peer.
local_br_tun_ip: ['','']
remote_br_tun_ip: ['','']
- For IPU Host 2 server copy config_host2.yaml to config.yaml.
> cat config.yaml
# The ip_list contains the IP addresses that will be used for the Host IDPF VF interfaces that are mapped to the VM config (using: ip netns).
ip_list: ['','','','','','','','']
# User Input for OVS VXLAN Config.
# Local and remote vtep(virtual tunnel end-point) IPs are used in OVS vxlan config with ACC PRs mapped to host IDPF VF
local_vtep: ['','','','','','','','','','','']
remote_vtep: ['','','','','','','','','','','']
# Tunnel Termination Bridge IP for local and remote peer.
local_br_tun_ip: ['','']
remote_br_tun_ip: ['','']
- Follow the instructions provided in previous sections to setup infrap4d, p4rt-ctl and OVS on both the IPU Peer setups.
- VXLAN tunnels are setup between IPU1 VM0 to IPU2 VM0, IPU1 VM1 to IPU2 VM1, ..., IPU1 VM7 to IPU2 VM7
- Ping from VM0 on IPU 1 Host to VM0 on IPU 2 Host should be successful. similarly ping between other VMs like VM1 IPU1 to VM1 IPU2 and so on
- Run the tool with option teardown
> python ovs_offload_lnw.py teardown
ip netns del VM0
ip netns del VM1
ip netns del VM2
ip netns del VM3
ip netns del VM4
ip netns del VM5
ip netns del VM6
ip netns del VM7
export SDE_INSTALL=/opt/p4/p4sde
export P4CP_INSTALL=/opt/p4/p4-cp-nws
export PATH=/root/.local/bin:/root/bin:/usr/share/Modules/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/p4/p4-cp-nws/bin:/opt/p4/p4-cp-nws/sbin
export RUN_OVS=/opt/p4/p4-cp-nws
ovs-vsctl show
ovs-vsctl del-br br-int-1
ovs-vsctl del-br br-int-2
ovs-vsctl del-br br-tun-0
ovs-vsctl del-br br-tun-1
ip link del TEP0
ovs-vsctl del-br br0
ip link del TEP1
ovs-vsctl del-br br1
ip link del TEP2
ovs-vsctl del-br br2
ip link del TEP3
ovs-vsctl del-br br3
ip link del TEP4
ovs-vsctl del-br br4
ip link del TEP5
ovs-vsctl del-br br5
ip link del TEP6
ovs-vsctl del-br br6
ip link del TEP7
ovs-vsctl del-br br7
ovs-vsctl show
[root@ipu-acc ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# pwd
[root@ipu-acc ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# ./acc_p4rt_delete.sh
[root@ipu-acc ovs_offload_lnw_scripts]# ./4_acc_p4rt_dump.sh
- If infrap4d is running in current ACC terminal
[root@ipu-acc ~]# ctrl + c
- Kill the infrap4d process
[root@ipu-acc ~]# ps -aux | grep infrap4d
root 11120 0.0 0.0 4392 3156 pts/0 S+ 00:45 0:00 /bin/sh ./2_acc_infrap4d.sh
root 11188 0.4 0.5 70305376 81572 pts/0 SLl+ 00:45 1:00 /opt/p4/p4-cp-nws/sbin/infrap4d --nodetach
root 24663 0.0 0.0 3620 1732 pts/1 S+ 04:24 0:00 grep --color=auto infrap4d
[root@ipu-acc ~]# kill 11188
- For IPU SDK version < 1.6.1 use below scripts
- This is a python script: ovs_offload/ovs_offload_lnw_v3.py that can be used with P4: fxp-net_linux-networking_v3.p4 for release 1.6.0,1.6.1
> python ovs_offload_lnw_v3.py
usage: ovs_offload_lnw_v3.py [-h] {create_script,copy_script,setup,teardown} ...
Run Linux networking V3 with OVS Offload
positional arguments:
create_script Generate configuration scripts in localhost
copy_script Copy configuration scripts to IMC and ACC
setup Setup the complete OVS offload Recipe, prerequisite: run copy_script option once for
scripts to be available in ACC
teardown Teardown the complete OVS offload Recipe, prerequisite: run copy_script option once
for scripts to be available in ACC
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- This is a python script: ovs_offload/scripts/ovs_offload_lnw_v2.py that can be used with P4: fxp-net_linux-networking_v2.p4 for release 1.4.0
> python ovs_offload_lnw_v2.py
usage: ovs_offload_lnw_v2.py [-h] {create_script,copy_script,setup,teardown} ...
Run Linux networking V2 with OVS Offload
positional arguments:
create_script Generate configuration scripts in localhost
copy_script Copy configuration scripts to IMC and ACC
setup Setup the complete OVS offload Recipe, prerequisite: run copy_script option once for
scripts to be available in ACC
teardown Teardown the complete OVS offload Recipe, prerequisite: run copy_script option once
for scripts to be available in ACC
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit