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Setting up TLS certificates for secure plugin communication in Snap


This document provides instructions on how to obtain certficates to evaluate TLS-secured plugin communication in Snap.

The following routines are described:

  • Obtaining self-signed certificates for evaluation in local test environment
  • Obtaining legitimate certificate from a public CA: Let's Encrypt
  • Installing root certificate in OS for validating endpoints' certificates
  • Starting telemetry workflow with secured plugin communication.


  • This document is not intended to be a definite guide to obtaining certificates. It aims only as a guide for user to understand how Snap works with certificates. Each organization has to review its own requirements prior to obtaining certificates or setting up any secure communication scheme
  • Note that this guide doesn't cover how to handle certificate revocation, as that service is not supported yet in Snap. While it is not on our roadmap yet, you are more than welcome to influence the solution by posting a feature request.

Obtaining self-signed certificates

This section describes how to obtain certificates signed by a local CA.

In the course of this guide user will establish a local CA, becoming able to establish local chains of trust. Thus the user will be able to generate certificates for Snap plugins and Snap daemon (snapteld) that share a common trust root.


  • CA private key should be protected, possibly on a dedicated machine or media
  • Obtained certificates won't be valid outside local setup


  1. Install certstrap for generating test certificates. Further steps will assume that certstrap is available under $PATH location.
  2. Generate root CA certificate:
    certstrap init --cn "snaptest-ca" --o "snaptest" --ou "ca" --key-bits 2048 --years 1 --passphrase '<ca-secure-passphrase>'
    Relevant files:
    • ./out/snaptest-ca.key - CA's private key, encrypted with <ca-secure-passphrase>; needs to be protected from unauthorized access
    • ./out/snaptest-ca.crt - CA's public certificate, (a certificate root)
  3. Generate server certificate and key to use by plugins:
    certstrap request-cert --cn "snaptest-srv" --ip "" --domain "localhost" --passphrase '' --key-bits 2048 --o "snaptest" --ou "server"
    certstrap sign "snaptest-srv" --CA "snaptest-ca" --passphrase '<ca-secure-passphrase>' --years 1
    These steps will produce a private key certificate file necessary to establish secure TLS channel on server. Server's private key file should not be passphrase-protected (or each plugin would have to ask for passphrase on start), thus the first step specifies empty passphrase expliclitly.
    Note that the second step (signing a private key) passes <ca-secure-passphrase> to access CA's private key.
    Relevant files:
    • ./out/snaptest-srv.key - server's private key
    • ./out/snaptest-srv.crt - server's public certificate
  4. Generate client certificate and key to be used by framework:
    certstrap request-cert --cn "snaptest-cli" --ip "" --domain "localhost" --passphrase '' --key-bits 2048 --o "snaptest" --ou "client"
    certstrap sign "snaptest-cli" --CA "snaptest-ca" --passphrase '<ca-secure-passphrase>' --years 1
    This will produce a private key certificate file necessary to securely connect to plugins. Client's private key file should not be passphrase-protected, thus the first step specifies empty passphrase explicitly. Note that the second step (signing a private key) passes <ca-secure-passphrase> to access CA's private key. Relevant files:
    • ./out/snaptest-cli.key - client's private key
    • ./out/snaptest-cli.crt - client's public certificate

Files that need to be given at plugin startup:

  • snaptest-ca.crt - CA's certificate
  • snaptest-srv.key - server's private key file
  • snaptest-srv.crt - server's certificate file

Files that need to be given at snapteld startup:

  • snaptest-ca.crt - CA's certificate
  • snaptest-cli.key - framework's private key file
  • snaptest-cli.crt - framework's certificate file

Obtaining legitimate certificate from a public CA: Let's Encrypt

This section describes how to obtain a certificate from CA authority. Example will be based on Let's encrypt public CA service.

In general, obtaining a TLS certificate involves:

  • On customer side: issuing request to CA authority, specifying domain name and contact information
  • On CA side: validating the customer's title to the requested domain

This guide will show how to obtain certificate for sample domains.


There's no way around the need to register a domain name to use this example. In this walkthrough we'll assume that domains and were registered and their DNS records map to actual machines (VM or physical).


At the moment there's no way to use domain-bound certificates directly in Snap. That's a subject of ongoing implementation, and should be addressed by intelsdi-x/snap-plugin-lib-go#85. As soon as implementation is complete, this document will be updated.


  1. Connect via SSH to a machine mapped to the domain

  2. Make sure that machine has WWW ports open for listening: 80 and 443

  3. Install certbot, as directed by Let's encrypt instructions:
    On Ubuntu:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install certbot

    On CentOS:

    chmod a+x certbot-auto


  4. Request a certificate from Let's Encrypt using Certbot:

    mkdir -p tmp/certbot/conf.d tmp/certbot/work.d tmp/certbot/log.d
    sudo certbot certonly -d --standalone --config-dir tmp/certbot/conf.d/ --work-dir tmp/certbot/work.d/ --logs-dir tmp/certbot/log.d/; p=$(sudo find . -wholename "*live/$d"); for f in $(sudo ls -1 $p |grep .pem); do sudo cp $p/$f $(basename $p)-$f; done; sudo chown $(whoami) $d-*.pem

    Resulting files:

    • - private key file for domain frodo.
    • - certificate file for domain frodo.
    • - a certificate chain representing Let's encrypt CA (a certificate root)

Installing certificates in system (Ubuntu, CentOS)

This guide shows how to install root CA certificates in system. Having root CA certificates installed in system reduces complexity of TLS setup.

Installing root certificate in Ubuntu

  1. Obtain a certificate root file (e.g. snaptest-CA.crt from the guides in this document)
  2. Install the certificate in the system:
    sudo cp snaptest-ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
    sudo update-ca-certificates --verbose --fresh
    Sample output:
    Clearing symlinks in /etc/ssl/certs...
    Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...
    Doing .
    WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate ACCVRAIZ1.pem
    WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate ACCVRAIZ1.pem
    173 added, 0 removed; done.

Installing root certificate in CentOS

  1. Obtain a certificate root file (e.g. snaptest-ca.crt from the guides in this document)
  2. Install the certificate tooling and certificate in the system:
    yum install ca-certificates
    update-ca-trust enable
    cp /opt/snap/certs/snaptest-ca.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
    update-ca-trust extract

Testing TLS-secured plugin communication in local setup

We'll assume the following files are all available:

  • snaptest-ca.crt - certificate root - installed in system
  • snaptest-srv.key - server's private key file
  • snaptest-srv.crt - server's certificate file
  • snaptest-cli.key - framework's private key file
  • snaptest-cli.crt - framework's certificate file

Starting a telemetry workflow:

  1. Start a new shell session and execute snapteld with certificate and key generated for client:

    snapteld -t 0 -l 1 --tls-cert=/tmp/snaptest-cli.crt --tls-key=/tmp/snaptest-cli.key
  2. Load a plugin

    Start a new shell session and load plugin built with snap-plugin-lib-go, e.g. snap-plugin-collector-rand from snap-plugin-lib-go examples:

    snaptel plugin load --plugin-cert=/tmp/snaptest-srv.crt --plugin-key=/tmp/snaptest-srv.key snap-plugin-collector-rand
  3. Create a sample task and watch the output:

    snaptel task create -t sample-task.json
    snaptel task watch <task_id>

    Sample output:

    snaptel task create -t sample-task.json                                                                                                          
    Task created
    ID: 167384ad-7643-43ef-930a-18455f5307a0
    Name: Task-167384ad-7643-43ef-930a-18455f5307a0
    State: Running
    snaptel task watch 167384ad-7643-43ef-930a-18455f5307a0
    Watching Task (167384ad-7643-43ef-930a-18455f5307a0):
    NAMESPACE                DATA                    TIMESTAMP
    /random/float            0.4507584997241038      2017-06-02 09:47:48.338103527 +0200 CEST
    /random/integer          2.79090919e+08          2017-06-02 09:47:48.338098827 +0200 CEST
    /random/string           Yes definitely          2017-06-02 09:47:48.338109312 +0200 CEST
    Stopping task watch

    Example sample-task.json is given below:

        "max-failures": 10, 
        "schedule": {
            "interval": "3s",   `
            "type": "simple"
        "version": 1, 
        "workflow": {
            "collect": {
            "metrics": {
                "/random/*": {}