Here are some of the dependencies that you need to grab. If applicable, I'll also give the cmd's to set up your environment here.
CMake (
Visual Studio (MS VS 2019 / 2022 Community Edition is fine)
python3 / pip - Audacity requires conan 2.0+ to be installed, and the recommended way to do that is through pip.
Inno Setup -- This is used to package the build into an installer. You can download and install the latest stable Inno Setup installer here: After installing, I would recommend explicitly adding the Inno Setup installation folder to your Path. For example:
set Path="C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6";%Path%
If you have the above dependencies installed, you should be able to open a cmd.exe shell and do:
This batch script will:
- Fetch required build dependencies like OpenVINO, LibTorch, OpenCL, etc.
- Build everything
- Package it all up into an installer using Inno Setup.
One of the first thing thats that the script will do is create a 'BuildArtifacts' folder, with timestamp appended. For example:
All of the build collateral, including the downloaded packages and final output installer will be saved to this directory.