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Local Development Guide

This guide can be used by Intel developers of IDC components to learn how to build and test IDC using a single development workstation. External dependencies are minimized.

Prepare Development Workstation

  1. Follow the procedure in Prepare Development Environment for IDC.

  2. Run the following steps:

    sudo apt install make unzip python3-pip moreutils
    make install-interactive-tools
  3. Install additional tools.

    • kind (use the version in /build/repositories/repositories.bzl)
    • kubectl (use the version in /build/repositories/repositories.bzl)
    • Go (use the Go toolchain version in /WORKSPACE)
  4. Configure k8s for large environments

    echo "fs.inotify.max_user_instances=1280" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/idc.conf
    echo "fs.inotify.max_user_watches=655360" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/idc.conf
    sudo sysctl --system
  5. Create a swap file if your system has 32 GiB RAM or less.

    sudo fallocate -l 32G /swapfile
    sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
    sudo mkswap /swapfile
    sudo swapon /swapfile
    echo "/swapfile none swap sw 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

    For more details, see How To Add Swap Space on Ubuntu 20.04.

  6. Use RAM for /tmp. This will improve the performance of building, testing, and running Deploy All In Kind.

    echo "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs mode=1777,strictatime,nosuid,nodev,size=32G 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
    sudo mount -a
  7. Configure docker to use internal mirror for images.

    Pulling images directly from docker is not recommended as it is very likely to fail because of rate limitations imposed by docker. See

    It is best practice to configure docker to use a mirror. You can do this by adding a registry-mirror to /etc/docker/daemon.json on your host. For example

    {"registry-mirrors": [""]}

    example steps:

    sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json
    # add the line '{"registry-mirrors": [""]}'
    # save file
    sudo systemctl restart docker


To build all containers and Helm charts, run:

make build

Running Tests

To run all unit tests and most integration tests, run the command:

make test

Maintaining BUILD.bazel Files

  1. After making any changes to imports in Go (.go) files, run the command below to create or update BUILD.bazel files with go_binary, go_test, and other Bazel rules.
make gazelle

Updating Go Dependencies

  1. Build the Go SDK and add it to the path.

    eval `make go-sdk-export`
    go version
    cd go
  2. Update a dependency in go.mod to the latest version with the following command:

    go get

    To use a specific version:

    go get
  3. Run Go Tidy to make sure go.mod matches the source code.

    go mod tidy
  4. Sometimes, the removal of a direct dependency will result in indirect dependencies getting downgraded. If this occurs, add a reference to the package in /go/pkg/force_import/main.go. By adding a direct reference, go mod tidy will respect the minimal version in go.mod.

    import (
            _ ""
  5. Run Go Vet to examine the source code.

    go vet ./svc/cloudaccount/...
    go vet ./...
  6. Update the Bazel dependency list deps.bzl.

    cd ..
    make gazelle
  7. Review the changes to deps.bzl to ensure that dependencies are not downgraded.

    If there are many changes, you may want to use make go-list and the script hack/ to automatically detect modules where the semver decreased. Note that this script only properly identifies versions in x.y.z format. If the version is in a different format, carefully review the output. Follow the steps below.

    git checkout main
    make go-list > local/go-list-main.txt
    git checkout your-branch
    make go-list > local/go-list.txt
  8. Ensure that everything can be built and tests are successful.

    make generate build test

Generating Code

After updating public_api/proto/*.proto, go/svc/*/*.templ, or other sources of generated code, run:

make generate

If you only made changes to Protobuf (.proto) files, you can run just a subset of the generation process with:

make generate-go

Then commit any changed files. The Jenkins job "Check generated files" will fail if generated files have not been checked in.

Deploying IDC Core Services in a Local kind Cluster

Most IDC services can be deployed to a development workstation using kind. This environment can be used for iterative development of IDC services.

To build core components, deploy a new local kind cluster, and deploy core components, run:

make deploy-all-in-kind-v2 |& ts | ts -i | ts -s | tee local/deploy-all-in-kind-v2.log

To enable verbose logs, run export ZAP_LOG_LEVEL=-127 before running the previous command.

Opening ITAC Console in your Browser

This section explains how to run the ITAC Console and ITAC Admin Console in your local environment.

When enabled, NGINX pods host the static UI web site. A Squid proxy pod runs a forward HTTP proxy and this proxy is able to resolve and connect to any service within the kind cluster or accessible to the kind cluster. You can then configure your browser to send all *.kind.local requests through the Squid proxy.


These instructions apply to the Firefox browser on Windows. Chrome cannot be used with these steps because it cannot use a wpad file on a local drive.

  1. The necessary components are already enabled in kind-singlecluster and dev-flex environments. If you are using a kind environment that does not use these configuration files, ensure the following settings in the relevant file in deployment/helmfile/environments/*.yaml.gotmpl.

        enabled: true
          enabled: true
          enabled: true
          enabled: true
        enabled: true

    If you make changes to these files, then apply the changes by following the steps in :ref:`upgrade_services_in_local_kind_cluster`.

  2. Initialize the product catalog using the following steps.

    1. Clone the product catalog repo locally.

      git clone
    2. Apply product specs.

      cd dev
      kubectl apply -f vendors/ -n idcs-system
      kubectl apply -f products/ -n idcs-system
  3. Download the latest Proxy-Auto-Configuration (PAC) file from and save it to a file in your Windows PC such as C:\Users\claudiof\wpad.js.

  4. Insert the 2nd line as shown below. The rest of the file should be unchanged.

    The address and port of the Squid proxy must be reachable from your browser. Otherwise, you can configure VS Code to forward port 31128 to your development workstation, and use "PROXY localhost:31128" in wpad.js.

    function FindProxyForURL(url,host) {
       if (dnsDomainIs(host,".kind.local")) {return "PROXY"}
  5. Configure the Firefox proxy settings.

    Automatic proxy configuration URL: file:///C:/Users/claudiof/wpad.js

  6. Open your browser to

    If you see a certificate error, then follow these additional steps to trust the private root CA created when deploying the kind cluster.

    1. Click Advanced, then View Certificate.
    2. Click on the root CA certificate that has a subject name like "Intel IDC CA 07067987 kind-singlecluster-root-ca". The numbers are randomly generated for your cluster.
    3. Click the link to download the PEM (cert).
    4. Open the folder in which you downloaded the PEM file.
    5. Rename the file to have a .crt extension.
    6. Right-click on the .crt file and choose Install Certificate. Enter the following fields:
      1. Store Location: Current Users
      2. Certificate store: Trusted Root Certification Authorities
    7. After installing the certificate, restart Firefox.
    8. Open your browser to You should not receive any certificate warnings.
    9. These steps will need to be repeated if Vault is redeployed with make deploy-all-in-kind-v2.
  7. At the login prompt, choose Employee Sign In.

  8. The following URLs are available:


IKS must be configured manually.

Running Core End-to-End Tests

To run core end-to-end tests.

export no_proxy=${no_proxy},.local
source go/pkg/tools/oidc/test-scripts/
export CLOUDACCOUNT=$(go/svc/cloudaccount/test-scripts/ | jq -r .id)

Upgrading Services in a Local kind Cluster

Anytime after running make deploy-all-in-kind-v2, you can modify the source code of any service and upgrade the service running in kind using the steps below.

make upgrade-all-in-kind-v2 |& ts | ts -i | ts -s | tee local/upgrade-all-in-kind-v2.log

In some cases, you may want to completely uninstall an IDC service and then reinstall it. This is particularly useful when iterating on changes to a database schema. The environment variable DEPLOY_ALL_IN_KIND_APPLICATIONS_TO_DELETE can be set to any regular expression that matches any number of Helm release names.

DEPLOY_ALL_IN_KIND_APPLICATIONS_TO_DELETE=".*-compute-db|.*-compute-api-server" \
make upgrade-all-in-kind-v2 |& ts | ts -i | ts -s | tee local/upgrade-all-in-kind-v2.log

Alternatively, you can checkout a different commit before running make deploy-all-in-kind-v2, then checkout your latest commit to manually test an upgrade.

Deploy All In Kind V2 Overview

When make deploy-all-in-kind-v2 is executed, the following occurs.

  1. Generate random secrets in local/secrets if needed. Existing secrets are unchanged.
  2. Deploy a Docker registry as a Docker container. This will be used by containers and OCI Helm charts.
  3. Run the Go application deploy_all_in_kind. This performs the following.
    1. Run Bazel to build deployment artifacts (see :ref:`deployment_artifacts`).
    2. Run Bazel to push container images and Helm charts to the local Docker registry.
    3. Generate Argo CD manifests which define the Helm releases that will be deployed.
    4. Start a kind cluster.
    5. Deploy CoreDNS, Vault, and Gitea.
    6. Push Argo CD manifests to a repo in Gitea.
    7. Deploy Argo CD and configure it to watch the repo in Gitea.
    8. Wait for Argo CD to deploy IDC services.

Enable VMaaS in a Local kind Cluster

To enable VMaaS in a local kind cluster, follow the steps in this section.

Obtain Harvester KubeConfigs

If you do not have a valid Harvester KubeConfig, the VM Instance Operator will fail to start. Obtain the KubeConfig file using the steps below.

Method 1

  1. Download the KubeConfig from Vault.
  2. Save the file to local/secrets/harvester-kubeconfig/harvester1.

Method 2

  1. If your development workstation is connected to the Intel corporate network:

    Login to Harvester1.

  2. Click Support in the bottom-left corner.

  3. Click Download KubeConfig.

  4. Save the file to local/secrets/harvester-kubeconfig/harvester1.

Obtain Host Public Key (RSA)

Both SSH Proxy Operator and BM Instance Operator needs the public key of the SSH Proxy Server to verify it before establishing a connection.

Obtain and update the host public key secret using the following command:

ssh-keyscan -t rsa ${HOST_IP} | awk '{print $2, $3}'> local/secrets/ssh-proxy-operator/host_public_key

NOTE: Here HOST_IP corresponds to IP address of the bastion server or SSH proxy server through which user will be connecting to the reserved instances.

Deploying IDC Core and VMaaS Services in a Local kind Cluster

Perform the steps in :ref:`deploy_idc_core_services_in_local_kind_cluster`.

After running the core end-to-end tests, run the following additional steps.

watch go/svc/compute_api_server/test-scripts/
ssh -J guest-${USER}@ ubuntu@172.16.x.x

Enable BMaaS in a Local kind Cluster

Enable NGINX S3 Gateway and configure BMaaS to use it (optional)

This step is optional and is primarily intended for BMaaS developers who will be requesting BM instances.

If you want baremetal-operator to pull OS images directly from S3 bucket, instead of deploying a dedicated HTTP server you can enable NGINX S3 Gateway.

To do this, modify your environment Helmfile to include following section in regional services (or edit default settings)

    enabled: true
    s3_bucket_name: {{ env "NGINX_S3_GATEWAY_BUCKET" | default "catalog-fs-dev" }}

You can set S3 bucket name that should be used to pull images directly in Helmfile, or overwrite it through NGINX_S3_GATEWAY_BUCKET env var before deployment.

NGINX S3 Gateway Helm chart will create k8s NodePort service available on port 31969. Next, it’s necessary to configure baremetal-operator to use this service for pulling images. This can be accomplished by modifying bmInstanceOperator configuration in your environment Helmfile.

    osHttpServerUrl: {{ env "OS_IMAGES_HTTP_URL" | default (printf "http://%s:31969" (requiredEnv "KIND_API_SERVER_ADDRESS")) }}

This configuration is already included in bmaas-flex-dev environment settings.

The last step is to provide AWS credentials that will be used by NGINX S3 Gateway for authentication. Save AWS access key ID to local/secrets/NGINX_S3_GATEWAY_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS secret key to local/secrets/NGINX_S3_GATEWAY_SECRET_KEY before triggering deployment. Those files will be used to populate Vault secret.

Deploy a new kind cluster, and deploy baremetal operator, baremetal virtual stack

This deployment setup baremetal-operator running in kind connected to a virtual baremetal stack all in one single instance. BMaaS developers can use this setup to develop BM instance operator

baremetal-operator includes the following services - ironic - ironic inspector - ironic http,tftp serving iPXE, iPXE profiles and ironic python agent - dhcp server

It will also include a virtual baremetal stack (vBMC + quemu-kvm nodes) to run this deployment on a baremetal instance(reserve a baremetal instance in onecloud) Set BMC default credential using DEFAULT_BMC_USERNAME DEFAULT_BMC_PASSWD env variables

To enable access to the Ironic installer image, set ssh keys in Vault by using IPA_IMAGE_SSH_PRIV and IPA_IMAGE_SSH_PUB env variables set to the ssh key files. They will default to /dev/null and will require manually updating in Vault if not set.

Add Intel certs

If this is a newly provisioned node, you might need the Intel certs applied

curl -LO --insecure -s
chmod +x
sudo ./

Set root password

sudo passwd root

Add http_proxy variables to /etc/environment


Setup OS images

pushd idcs_domain/bmaas/bmvs/playbooks/roles/http_server/files
sudo apt install make gcc
make secrets
export DEFAULT_BMC_PASSWD=password
export SSH_PROXY_IP=$(hostname -f)
export SSH_USER_PASSWORD=$(uuidgen)
sudo useradd -m -p $SSH_USER_PASSWORD guest-${USER}
sudo -u guest-${USER} mkdir /home/guest-${USER}/.ssh
sudo -u guest-${USER} cp local/secrets/ssh-proxy-operator/ /home/guest-${USER}/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo useradd -m -p $SSH_USER_PASSWORD bmo-${USER}
sudo -u bmo-${USER} mkdir /home/bmo-${USER}/.ssh
sudo -u bmo-${USER} cp local/secrets/bm-instance-operator/ /home/bmo-${USER}/.ssh/authorized_keys
make install-requirements
export PATH=/home/${USER}/.local/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH
make install-interactive-tools
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 6443 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --match multiport --dports 8001,8002,8003,50001 -j ACCEPT
export IDC_ENV='kind-jenkins'
make deploy-metal-in-kind

###### NOTE: deploy-metal-in-kind creates the KIND cluster with the routable host interface IP as the API server address by default. Use the following command to create a KIND cluster with a specific interface IP address,
make deploy-metal-in-kind KIND_API_SERVER_ADDRESS=<IP address>
make deploy-metal-in-kind KIND_API_SERVER_ADDRESS=

###### NOTE: For billing aria driver deployment, `make secrets` will create two files under local/secrets - 1) aria_auth_key 2) aria_client_no  3) aria_api_crt 4) aria_api_key
- Update the aria_auth_key file using this command (******* -> these values you can get it from your supervisor):
    `echo "*********"> local/secrets/aria_auth_key`
- Update the aria_client_no file using this command (******* -> these values you can get it from your supervisor):
    `echo "*********"> local/secrets/aria_client_no`
- Update the aria_api_crt file using this command (******* -> these values you can get it from your supervisor):
    `echo "*********"> local/secrets/aria_api_crt`
- Update the aria_api_key file using this command (******* -> these values you can get it from your supervisor):
    `echo "*********"> local/secrets/aria_api_key`

Run samples

Create a cloud account

export no_proxy=${no_proxy},.kind.local
export URL_PREFIX=

export TOKEN=$(curl "${URL_PREFIX}/token?")
echo ${TOKEN}

export URL_PREFIX=
export CLOUDACCOUNT=$(go/svc/cloudaccount/test-scripts/ | jq -r .id)

Create a vNet

export AZONE=us-dev-1b
export VNETNAME=us-dev-1b-metal

Create an instance

export NAME=my-metal-instance-1
export INSTANCE_TYPE=bm-virtual
export MACHINE_IMAGE=ubuntu-22.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-latest
ssh -J guest-${USER}@$(hostname -f) sdp@172.18.10.x

Create a Load Balancer

export LB_MONITOR=tcp
export LB_PORT=8080
export NAME=mylb1


Multi-cluster Testing with kind

For some testing, it may be important to deploy a separate kind cluster for global and regional services. This uses the original (v1) version of make deploy-all-in-kind.

  1. Deploy in kind.

    To test VMaaS only, with a multicluster (1 region) kind environment:

    export IDC_ENV=kind-multicluster
    make show-config
    make deploy-all-in-kind |& ts | ts -i | ts -s | tee local/deploy-all-in-kind-multicluster.log

    To test VMaaS only, with a 2-region kind environment:

    export IDC_ENV=kind-2regions
    make show-config
    make deploy-all-in-kind |& ts | ts -i | ts -s | tee local/deploy-all-in-kind-2regions.log
  2. Check for pods that are not healthy.

    watch 'kind get clusters | grep idc | xargs -i kubectl --context kind-{} get pods -A | egrep -v "NAMESPACE|Running|Completed"'
  3. You may view all pods with the following command.

    kind get clusters | grep idc | xargs -i kubectl --context kind-{} get pods -A
  4. To create an instance in a different region, run;

    export REGION=us-dev-2

Testing Techniques

Running a Single Ginkgo Test

Mark one or more tests with Focus as shown below. See for details.

It("should work", Focus, func() {

Run the test suite with maximum verbosity.

BAZEL_EXTRA_OPTS="--test_output=streamed --test_arg=-test.v --test_arg=-ginkgo.vv --test_env=ZAP_LOG_LEVEL=-127 //go/pkg/compute_integration_test/..." make test-custom

Excluding Go Test Suites

Tests that have external dependencies that are not widely available to all users should be excluded from make test. Entire Go test suites can be excluded by adding tags = ["manual"] to the go_test() definition in the BUILD.bazel file.

Such a test suite can be executed manually with the command below.

BAZEL_EXTRA_OPTS="--test_output=streamed //go/pkg/compute_integration_test/..." make test-custom

How to use the Vault CLI in kind

export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:30990/
export VAULT_TOKEN=$(cat local/secrets/VAULT_TOKEN)
vault secrets list

How to access services on kind from your laptop

  1. Edit the hosts file in your laptop running your browser (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts). It should have the line from deployment/common/etc-hosts/hosts but with the IP address pointing to the host running kind.

  2. For token generation, visit:

  3. For invoking global APIs (grpc-rest-gateway), visit:

  4. For invoking regional APIs (grpc-rest-gateway), visit:

  5. Other URLs:

How to access the Vault UI in kind

Use VS Code to forward port 30990 to localhost:30990. Then visit:


Login using the Vault token in local/secrets/VAULT_ROOT_KEY.

Argo CD

Argo CD is deployed with make deploy-all-in-kind-v2.

How to access Argo CD UI in kind

Get admin password:

ARGOCD_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n argocd argocd-initial-admin-secret -o go-template='{{.data.password | base64decode}}')

Use VS Code to forward port 30960 to localhost:30960. Then visit:


How to use the Argo CD CLI in kind

The recommended way of monitoring and controlling Argo CD is through the Kubernetes CRDs such as Applications and ApplicationSets. If you need to use the Argo CD CLI, follow the steps below.

export ARGOCD_SERVER=localhost:30960
export ARGOCD_OPTS="--plaintext"
ARGOCD_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n argocd argocd-initial-admin-secret -o go-template='{{.data.password | base64decode}}')
argocd login ${ARGOCD_SERVER} --username admin --password "${ARGOCD_PASSWORD}"
argocd app list

For more information, see deployment/argocd/


Gitea provides a Github-like environment locally. It is deployed with make deploy-all-in-kind-v2.

How to access Gitea UI in kind

Get gitea_admin password:

GITEA_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(cat local/secrets/gitea_admin_password)

Use VS Code to forward port 30965 to localhost:30965. Then visit:


Common Issues

Issue: E1010 08:57:43.772801 78004 memcache.go:265] "Unhandled Error" err="couldn't get current server API group list: Get "": Forbidden" Remedy: Check that your no_proxy env var is set correctly. It should include the IP address of this node.

Issue: Get "": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority Remedy: sudo apt install ca-certficates && sudo update-ca-certificates

See Also