Warning |
This project is no longer maintained! Current versions (master and v1.1.0) of this extension was based on https://github.com/intel/cri-resource-manager/ which is superseded by https://github.com/containers/nri-plugins/. Support for nri-plugins project is available in this work-in-progress on-hold PR here. If you have an ongoing need to use this project, are interested in independently developing it, or would like to maintain patches for the open source software community, please contact pawel.palucki@intel.com |
Warning |
Code in master branch is "work in progress" and not meant to run in production environment! |
This Gardener extension will deploy and manage lifecycle of CRI-Resource-Manager in "shoot" clusters worker nodes deployed by Gardener. CRI-Resource-Manager is a proxy between kubectl and containerd to allow more sophisticated node resource management.
of shoot nodes must be configured to containerd,- for production usage: provide docker image registry where installation and extension images can be pushed (until #47 is resolved)
- for local development: tested with Gardener v1.78.2
- Automatic installation of CRI-Resource-Manager as systemd unit - using installation
, - Support for removal of CRI-Resource-Manager from system in the following cases:
- when extension is enabled globally but later disabled by shoot
- disabled globally but later enabled and disabled for shoot
is removed and there are already Shoots deployed with extension WARNING although extension supports removal of CRI-resource-manager, state of system (container configuration) depends on policy configured (and how this policy implements)
- healthcheck of cri-resource-manager which reports back to ControllerInstallation Healthy condition based on liveness probe that calls "
systemctl status cri-resource-manager
" - CRI-Resource-Manager configuration overwriting && types - user can provide "fallback", "default", "per node", "per group" or "force" configuration in
which can be later overridden by Shoot "owner" withproviderConfig
- more information here - dynamic configuration - "default", "per node" or "per group" configuration are propagated from
to CRI-Resource-Manager through cri-resmgr-agent - Adjustments CRI-Resource-Manager CRD to have more granular control
- Access to logs of
installation DaemonSet
, CRI-Resource-Manager systemd service, cri-resmgr-agent and extension itself to troubleshoot and debug
- Ability to 'selectively' install cri-resource-manager on specific hosts or worker groups issue here,
- Allow changing policy (requires implementing policy switching this procedure - more information in the issue,
- HighAvailability + horizontal/vertical autoscaling with VPA/HPA/HVPA + leader election #6
- Configuring images with ImageVector based on Kubernetes version is not supported
There are two charts:
- charts/gardener-extension-cri-resmgr - used to deploy extension (by deploying "extension" image) in Seed cluster - it is not deployed manually but uses
manifest inexamples/ctrldeploy-ctrlreg.yaml
which are generated by scripthacks/generate-controller-registration.sh
, - charts/internal/cri-resmgr-installation - internal chart that is included inside "installation" image and used to install
binary inside worker nodes in Shoot clusters - it is not meant to be run manually but rather deployed by gardener-extension-cri-resmgr extension Pod
There are multiple options to pass configuration file to CRI-Resource-Manager systemd unit:
- a) using
key in Helm chart values section:
apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
kind: ControllerDeployment
name: cri-resmgr-extension
type: helm
chart: H4sI....
default: |
in above example "default" config will be used for all the shoots,
- b) setting
key inproviderConfig
Shoot spec:
apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
kind: Shoot
name: local
- type: cri-resmgr-extension
fallback: |+
default: |+
specified in Shoot definition will override configs
provided by ControllerDeployment
Each key of configs
will generate ConfigMap
in the kube-system
namespace with following name:
e.g. cri-resmgr-config.default
types default
and fallback
have special meaning:
fallback will be mounted inside installation DaemonSet and copied to /etc/cri-resmgr/fallback.cfg - this config is used before cri-resmgr-agent can push "dynamic" configuration (lowest priority)
default will used by cri-resmgr-agent to override fallback config on all the nodes,
node.$NODE_NAME will be used by cri-resmgr-agent and applied only to specified nodes with name NODE_NAME
group.$GROUP_NAME will be used by cri-resmgr-agent and applied only to nodes with specific label "cri-resource-manager.intel.com/group=GROUP_NAME" - works best when worker groups has additional labels in
force will be used to override "configuration" pushed by cri-resmgr-agent (highest priority) (essentially adds
to cri-resource-manager process in systemd unit definition so CRI-Resource-Manager ignores configuration from cri-resmgr-agent) -
EXTRA_OPTIONS will become file systemd EnvironmentFile that should contain single line EXTRA_OPTIONS that will be appended to
Note |
Configurations from different levels are not merged. They can merge only in case of configuration propagated by cri-resmgr-agent but when manually CRI-resource-manager is restarted the configuration from agent is first pulled as a whole and not merged with cached/previous/fallback state. Always provide full configuration for every type! |
More about priorities and type of config can be found here:
- https://intel.github.io/cri-resource-manager/stable/docs/cri-resmgr-agent.html
- https://intel.github.io/cri-resource-manager/stable/docs/setup.html#using-cri-resource-manager-agent-and-a-configmap
Build and publish docker images for extension, installation and cri-resmgr-agent with your own registry.
For example lets assume that we want to use v2.isvimgreg.com
as registry with specific tag called mybranch
make REGISTRY=v2.isvimgreg.com/ TAG=mybranch build-images push-images
Then overwrite images in ControllerDeployment and provider "fallback" config to be used before CRI-resource-manager syncs with cri-resmgr-agent:
apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
kind: ControllerDeployment
name: cri-resmgr-extension
type: helm
chart: H4sIAAAAAAAA....
repository: v2.isvimgreg.com/gardener-extension-cri-resmgr
tag: mybranch
pullPolicy: Always
imageVectorOverwrite: |
- name: gardener-extension-cri-resmgr-installation
tag: mybranch
repository: v2.isvimgreg.com/gardener-extension-cri-resmgr-installation
- name: gardener-extension-cri-resmgr-agent
tag: mybranch
repository: v2.isvimgreg.com/gardener-extension-cri-resmgr-agent
# systemd EnvironmentFile body
fallback: |
### This is default policy from CRI-resource-manage fallback.cfg.sample
Active: topology-aware
CPU: 750m
Debug: resource-manager,cache,policy,resource-control
Config: off:.*,full:((Create)|(Remove)|(Run)|(Update)|(Start)|(Stop)).*
kubectl apply -f examples/ctrldeploy-ctrlreg.yaml
note that extension is not enabled globally so you need to include it in shoot spec definition like this:
- type: cri-resmgr-extension
Steps below show how to deploy Gardener with local-provider (kind based) and then deploy and configure gardener-extension-cri-resmgr to a Shoot.
This is fully working example that uses local deployed gardener and shoot created in kind cluster. This is based on https://github.com/gardener/gardener/blob/master/docs/deployment/getting_started_locally.md
- golang 1.21+
- kubectl 1.20+
- working dir for
mkdir ~/work
- gardener-extension-cri-resmgr is cloned to ~/work path like this:
git clone https://github.com/intel/gardener-extension-cri-resmgr ~/work/gardener-extension-cri-resmgr
mkdir -p ~/work/
git clone https://github.com/gardener/gardener ~/work/gardener
cd ~/work/gardener
git checkout v1.86.0
cd -
make -C ~/work/gardener kind-up
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-gardener-local --kubeconfig ~/work/gardener/example/gardener-local/kind/local/kubeconfig
# WARNING!: this overwrites your local kubeconfig
cp ~/work/gardener/example/gardener-local/kind/local/kubeconfig ~/.kube/config
Check that kind cluster is ready:
kubectl get nodes
make -C ~/work/gardener/ gardener-up
Check that three gardener charts are installed:
helm list -n garden -a
make build-images push-images
3. Deploy cri-resmgr-extension as Gardener extension using ControllerRegistration/ControllerDeployment
kubectl apply -f ./examples/ctrldeploy-ctrlreg.yaml
By default generated "ControllerRegistration" is not enabled globally, so you need to include this extension in shoot definition. Check this shoot.yaml as example.
Checkout installed objects:
kubectl get controllerregistrations.core.gardener.cloud cri-resmgr-extension
kubectl get controllerdeployments.core.gardener.cloud cri-resmgr-extension
There should be 'cri-resmgr-extension Extension/cri-resmgr-extension' resources visible alongside cri-resmgr-extension deployment.
Remember that "controller installation" should not be yet available - there is not shoot cluster deployed yet and extension is disabled by default (TODO, BUG?!?!)?!?!? - is visible
kubectl get controllerinstallation.core.gardener.cloud
should no return "cri-resmgr extension" installation.
Build an image with extension and upload to local kind cluster
make build-images push-images
by default localhost:5001
registry is used (check 'Build and publish docker images' section for more info)
Create shoot:
kubectl apply -f examples/shoot.yaml
Check that shoot cluster is ready:
kubectl get shoots -n garden-local --watch -o wide
In our shoot example, the extensions is also disabled by default and need to be enabled after shoot is created with following command:
kubectl patch shoot local -n garden-local -p '{"spec":{"extensions": [ {"type": "cri-resmgr-extension", "disabled": false} ] } }'
5. Verify that ManagedResources are properly installed in shoot 'garden' (seed class) and 'shoot--local--local' namespace
kubectl get managedresource -n garden | grep cri-resmgr-extension
kubectl get managedresource -n shoot--local--local | grep extension-runtime-cri-resmgr
First get credentials to access shoot cluster:
kubectl create -f kubeconfig-request.json --raw /apis/core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1/namespaces/garden-local/shoots/local/adminkubeconfig | jq -r ".status.kubeconfig" | base64 -d > /tmp/kubeconfig-shoot-local.yaml
Please follow this guide to get access to local shoot cluster.
... and check status of the node/pods:
kubectl --kubeconfig=/tmp/kubeconfig-shoot-local.yaml get nodes
kubectl --kubeconfig=/tmp/kubeconfig-shoot-local.yaml get pods -A
kubectl exec -n shoot--local--local `kubectl get pod -n shoot--local--local --no-headers | grep machine-shoot | awk '{print $1}'` -- systemctl status cri-resource-manager kubelet -n 0
We should observe that:
- cri-resource-manager is installed as service
● cri-resource-manager.service - A CRI proxy with (hardware) resource aware container placement policies.
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cri-resource-manager.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-06-29 20:21:33 UTC; 2min 14s ago
Docs: https://github.com/intel/cri-resource-manager
Main PID: 10937 (cri-resmgr)
Tasks: 6 (limit: 69411)
Memory: 19.5M
CGroup: /docker/c4cf6958c7757cd0d66aed793a7d19f6364d936a9761c7f49c33894a65caab66/kubelet.slice/kubelet-kubepods.slice/kubelet-kubepods-besteffort.slice/kubelet-kubepods-besteffort-pod9c7ece81_7d98_4884_b214_8f2389308241.slice/cri-containerd-70b98bdb42eec15c4df4cd520d79105b7420f7be4997f4ae8f4b17503d006df4.scope/system.slice/cri-resource-manager.service
└─10937 /opt/intel/bin/cri-resmgr --fallback-config /etc/cri-resmgr/fallback.cfg
- kubelet was reconfigured to use
as itscontainer-runtime-endpoint
command line option:
● kubelet.service - kubelet daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-06-29 20:21:39 UTC; 2min 9s ago
Docs: https://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/kubelet
Process: 11138 ExecStartPre=/var/lib/kubelet/copy-kubernetes-binary.sh kubelet (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 11141 (kubelet)
Tasks: 13 (limit: 69411)
Memory: 57.1M
CGroup: /docker/c4cf6958c7757cd0d66aed793a7d19f6364d936a9761c7f49c33894a65caab66/kubelet.slice/kubelet-kubepods.slice/kubelet-kubepods-besteffort.slice/kubelet-kubepods-besteffort-pod9c7ece81_7d98_4884_b214_8f2389308241.slice/cri-containerd-70b98bdb42eec15c4df4cd520d79105b7420f7be4997f4ae8f4b17503d006df4.scope/system.slice/kubelet.service
└─11141 /opt/bin/kubelet
--container-runtime-endpoint=/var/run/cri-resmgr/cri-resmgr.sock # <---
You can disable "cri-resmgr extension" in existing shoot to uninstall cri-resource-manager from shoot worker node like this:
kubectl patch shoot local -n garden-local -p '{"spec":{"extensions": [ {"type": "cri-resmgr-extension", "disabled": true} ] } }'
now after executing this:
kubectl exec -n shoot--local--local `kubectl get pod -n shoot--local--local --no-headers G machine-shoot | awk '{print $1}'` -- systemctl status cri-resource-manager kubelet -n 0
there should not be "cri-resource-manager" systemd service unit anymore
Unit cri-resource-manager.service could not be found.
... and "kubelet" should connect to containerd.sock as it was by default.
● kubelet.service - kubelet daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-06-29 20:49:31 UTC; 1min 19s ago
Docs: https://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/kubelet
Process: 32351 ExecStartPre=/var/lib/kubelet/copy-kubernetes-binary.sh kubelet (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 32354 (kubelet)
Tasks: 12 (limit: 69411)
Memory: 64.7M
CGroup: /docker/c4cf6958c7757cd0d66aed793a7d19f6364d936a9761c7f49c33894a65caab66/kubelet.slice/kubelet-kubepods.slice/kubelet-kubepods-besteffort.slice/kubelet-kubepods-besteffort-pod9c7ece81_7d98_4884_b214_8f2389308241.slice/cri-containerd-70b98bdb42eec15c4df4cd520d79105b7420f7be4997f4ae8f4b17503d006df4.scope/system.slice/kubelet.service
└─32354 /opt/bin/kubelet
--container-runtime-endpoint=unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock # <---
In garden virtual and seed clusters you should monitor and watch over following process:
results inControllerInstallation/cri-resmgr-extension
(reconciled by gardener-controller-manager),ControllerInstallation/cri-resmgr-extension
Valid/Installed/Healthy conditions are true - those conditions are based onManagedResource/cri-resmgr-extension-*
(synced by gardenlet/controllerinstallation_care controller),ManagedResource/cri-resmgr-extension-*
results in deployingPod/cri-resmgr-extension
in seed cluster (reconciled by gardener-resource-manager),- (Optionally) if configs are defined, the additional
should be created inextension-cri-resmgr-extension-XXXX
namespace with keys representing different kind of configs (e.g. fallback/default), - At the end of shoot reconciliation process, gardenlet creates
watched byPod/cri-resmgr-extension
which initiates deployment of CRI-resource-manager to shoot worker nodes, - CRI-Resource-Manager deployment is implemented by creating
for shoot that consists of installation chart (agent and installation DaemonSets and optionalConfigMap/cri-resmgr-config.TYPE
configs), - After gardener-resource-manager reconciles
for shoot - conditions of those newly created resources (2 x DaemonsSets with liveness probes) are monitored byPod/cri-resmgr-extension
and reported inExtension/cri-resmgr-extension
condition), - Condition of
is monitored by gardenlet/shoot_care controller and affects finallyShoot.status.conditions
In a shoot, we expect two DaemonSets to be deployed:
- cri-resmgr-agent - that Ready status is based on probe that tries to connect to local CRI-Resource-Manager process,
- cri-resmgr-installation - which copies binaries, configures CRI-resource-manager and then reconfigures and restarts kubelet and then goes to sleep - its Ready status is based on probe that checks "systemctl status cri-resource-manager"
To debug issues you can consult logs of following components (commands are for local kind-based Gardener deployment):
Seed context:
- can be accessed by:kubectl logs -n extension-cri-resmgr-extension-XXXXX deploy/gardener-extension-cri-resmgr
Shoot context:
:kubectl logs -n kube-system ds/cri-resmgr-installation
Shoot context:
:kubectl logs -n kube-system ds/cri-resmgr-agent
Seed context:
systemd unit:# Enable port-forward to shoot's loki: kubectl port-forward -n shoot--local--local service/loki 3100:3100 & # Then query for metrics from loki logcli query --org-id="operator" '{job="systemd-combine-journal"} | unpack | unit="cri-resource-manager.service"'
Loki client
can be found here. Note you can specify additional labelnodename="machine-shoot--local--local-local-XXXXX-XXXXX"
to get logs from specific node.In case of issues it is worth to consult: kubelet and containerd systemd services logs following commands:
# For kubelet logcli query --org-id="operator" '{unit="kubelet.service"}' # For containerd logcli query --org-id="operator" '{unit="containerd.service"}'
Logs for cri-resmgr-extension
are available in "Garden" Grafana in garden namespace. Logs for cri-resmgr-installation
, cri-resmgr-agent
and cri-resource-manager
daemon are in dedicated Grafana for shoot (deployed in a seed in shoot namespace e.g. shoot--local--local).
Note that example commands below assume running local setup with kind based Gardener.
You can check the logs in Grafana - svc/grafana namespace garden.
Expose it first with:
kubectl port-forward -n garden svc/grafana 3000:3000
Then go to and Dashboards/Extensions or (generic Pod Logs) and choose "gardener-extension-cri-resmgr"
Grafana dashboard:

or Explore with Loki expression
to filter only errors use the following query:
{container_name="gardener-extension-cri-resmgr"}|json|log_level="error"|line_format "{{.log_msg}} {{.log_error}}"
You can check the logs in Grafana for operators "grafana-operators" in Shoot namespace.
Expose it first with (for shoot local)
kubectl port-forward -n shoot--local--local svc/grafana-operators 3001:3000
Then go to and Kubernetes DaemonSets and chose "cri-resmgr-agent" or "cri-resmgr-installation" then drill down to specific Pod
Or use Explorer and enter following Loki queries for installation logs:
{pod_name=~"cri-resmgr-installation-.*", container_name="installation"}
and for agent:

You can check the logs in Grafana - svc/grafana-operators in seed namespace.
Loki expression
{origin="systemd-journal",job="systemd-combine-journal"} | json | unit="cri-resource-manager.service" | unpack
with skip_headers=on in cri-resource-manager you can even parse more output from cri-resource-manager
{origin="systemd-journal",job="systemd-combine-journal"} | json | unit="cri-resource-manager.service" | unpack | label_format _entry="" | regexp "(?P<level>.): \\[ *(?P<module>.*?) *\\] (?P<msg>.*)" | line_format "{{.msg}}" | label_format msg=""
and e.g. apply the filter for level="E"
{origin="systemd-journal",job="systemd-combine-journal"} | json | unit="cri-resource-manager.service" | unpack | label_format _entry="" | regexp "(?P<level>.): \\[ *(?P<module>.*?) *\\] (?P<msg>.*)" | line_format "{{.msg}}" | label_format msg="" | level="E"
and e.g. apply the filter for module="E"
{origin="systemd-journal",job="systemd-combine-journal"} | json | unit="cri-resource-manager.service" | unpack | label_format _entry="" | regexp "(?P<level>.): \\[ *(?P<module>.*?) *\\] (?P<msg>.*)" | line_format "{{.msg}}" | label_format msg="" | module="policy"
I: [resource-manager] successfully switched to new configuration

Assuming having gardner cloned in ~/work/gardener
and already set /etc/hosts properly with following entries: api.e2e-default.local.external.local.gardener.cloud api.e2e-default.local.internal.local.gardener.cloud
make -C ~/work/gardener kind-up
cp ~/work/gardener/example/gardener-local/kind/local/kubeconfig ~/.kube/config
make -C ~/work/gardener gardener-up
kubectl apply -f ./examples/ctrldeploy-ctrlreg.yaml
make e2e-test KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config
Additional options available provided by test framework: when running manually with ginkgo:
KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config ginkgo -v --progress --label-filter enable ./test/e2e/... -- -verbose debug -disable-dump -project-namespace testbroken
Disable the state dump if a test fails
-existing-shoot-name string
Name of an existing shoot to use instead of creating a new one.
-kubecfg string
the path to the kubeconfig of the garden cluster that will be used for integration tests
-project-namespace string
specify the gardener project namespace to run tests
if set to true then the test does not try to access the shoot via its kubeconfig
-verbose string
verbosity level (defaults to info)
access to e2e shoot with k9s example:
k9s --kubeconfig <(kubectl view-secret -n garden-local e2e-default.kubeconfig kubeconfig)