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File metadata and controls

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TorchServe is a performant, flexible and easy to use tool for serving PyTorch models in production.


Setting up TorchServe for your production application may require additional steps depending on the type of model you are serving and how that model is served.

Archive Model

The Torchserve Model Archiver is a command-line tool found in the torchserve container as well as on pypi. This process is very similar for the TorchServe Workflow.

Follow the instructions found in the link above depending on whether you are intending to archive a model or a workflow. Use the provided container rather than installing the archiver with the example command below:

Create a Model Archive for CPU device

curl -O
docker run --rm -it \
           --entrypoint='' \
           -u root \
           -v $PWD:/home/model-server \
           intel/intel-optimized-pytorch:2.4.0-serving-cpu \
           torch-model-archiver --model-name squeezenet1_1 \
           --version 1.1 \
           --model-file model-archive/ \
           --serialized-file squeezenet1_1-b8a52dc0.pth \
           --handler image_classifier \
           --export-path /home/model-server

Create a Model Archive for XPU device

Use a squeezenet model optimized for XPU using Intel® Extension for PyTorch*.

docker run --rm -it \
           --entrypoint='' \
           -u root \
           -v $PWD:/home/model-server \
           --device /dev/dri \
           intel/intel-optimized-pytorch:2.3.110-serving-xpu \
           sh -c 'python model-archive/ && \
           torch-model-archiver --model-name squeezenet1_1 \
           --version 1.1 \
           --serialized-file \
           --handler image_classifier \
           --export-path /home/model-server'

Test Model

Test Torchserve with the new archived model. The example below is for the squeezenet model.

Run Torchserve for CPU device

# Assuming that the above pre-archived model is in the current working directory
docker run -d --rm --name server \
          -v $PWD:/home/model-server/model-store \
          -v $PWD/wf-store:/home/model-server/wf-store \
          --net=host \

Run Torchserve for XPU device

# Assuming that the above pre-archived model is in the current working directory
docker run -d --rm --name server \
          -v $PWD:/home/model-server/model-store \
          -v $PWD/wf-store:/home/model-server/wf-store \
          -v $PWD/ \
          --net=host \
          --device /dev/dri \

After lauching the container, follow the steps below:

# Verify that the container has launched successfully
docker logs server
# Attempt to register the model and make an inference request
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8081/models?initial_workers=1&synchronous=true&url=squeezenet1_1.mar&model_name=squeezenet"
curl -O
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/v2/models/squeezenet/infer -T kitten_small.jpg
# Stop the container
docker container stop server

Modify TorchServe Config File

As demonstrated in the above example, models must be registered before they can be used for predictions. The best way to ensure models are pre-registered with ideal settings is to modify the included config file for the torchserve server.


Since torchserve 0.11.1 torchserve asks for token authentication for security. We've disabled it in the by setting disable_token_authorization=true. If you want to enable the authentication you can find more details in the documentation.


Since torchserve 0.11.1 the model API has been disabled by default. We enable the model API by setting enable_model_api=true in provided

  1. Add your model to the config file

      "squeezenet": {\
        "1.0": {\
            "defaultVersion": true,\
            "marName": "squeezenet1_1.mar",\
            "minWorkers": 1,\
            "maxWorkers": 1,\
            "batchSize": 1,\
            "maxBatchDelay": 1\

    [!NOTE] Further customization options can be found in the TorchServe Documentation.

  2. Test Config File

    # Assuming that the above pre-archived model is in the current working directory
    docker run -d --rm --name server \
              -v $PWD:/home/model-server/model-store \
              -v $PWD/ \
              --net=host \
    # Verify that the container has launched successfully
    docker logs server
    # Check the models list
    curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/models"
    # Stop the container
    docker container stop server

    Expected Output:

      "models": [
          "modelName": "squeezenet",
          "modelUrl": "squeezenet1_1.mar"


Apply Intel Optimizations to KServe by patching the serving runtimes to use Serving Containers with Intel Optimizations via kubectl apply -f patch.yaml


You can modify this patch.yaml file to change the serving runtime pod configuration.

Create an Endpoint

  1. Create a volume with the follow file configuration:

    ├── config
    │   └──
    └── model-store
        └── my-model.mar
  2. Modify your TorchServe Server Configuration with a model snapshot like the following:


    The model snapshot MUST contain the keys defaultVersion, marName, minWorkers, maxWorkers, batchSize, and responseTimeout. Even if your model .mar includes those keys.

  3. Create a new endpoint

    apiVersion: ""
    kind: "InferenceService"
      name: "ipex-torchserve-sample"
            name: pytorch
          protocolVersion: v2
          storageUri: pvc://my-volume
  4. Test the endpoint

    curl -v -H "Host: ${SERVICE_HOSTNAME}" http://${INGRESS_HOST}:${INGRESS_PORT}/v2/models
  5. Make a Prediction Use this python script to convert your input to a bytes format:

    import base64
    import json
    import argparse
    import uuid
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("filename", help="converts image to bytes array", type=str)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    image = open(args.filename, "rb")  # open binary file in read mode
    image_read =
    image_64_encode = base64.b64encode(image_read)
    bytes_array = image_64_encode.decode("utf-8")
    request = {
        "inputs": [
                 "name": str(uuid.uuid4()),
                 "shape": [-1],
                 "datatype": "BYTES",
                 "data": [bytes_array],
     result_file = "{filename}.{ext}".format(
         filename=str(args.filename).split(".")[0], ext="json"
     with open(result_file, "w") as outfile:
         json.dump(request, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

    Using the script will produce a json file to use as a prediction payload:

    curl -v -H "Host: ${SERVICE_HOSTNAME}" -X POST \
    http://${INGRESS_HOST}:${INGRESS_PORT}/v2/models/${MODELNAME}/infer \
    -d @./${PAYLOAD}.json


You can find your SERVICE_HOSTNAME in the KubeFlow UI with the copy button and removing the http:// from the url.


You can find your ingress information with kubectl get svc -n istio-system | grep istio-ingressgateway and using the external IP and port mapped to 80.