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File metadata and controls

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Example Encointer

Encointer is an example of a custom business logic implemented in a substrate pallet and then integrated into an Integritee validateer (i.e. with sidechain).

The basics of developing your own substrate pallet are explained in the substrate dev docs.

Encointer Pallets

Encointer has been developed as a substrate chain with 4 custom pallets added to the node-template:


We will now show you how we can turn Testnet Gesell (all public) in to Testnet Cantillon, featuring confidentiality for sensitive pallets.

In order to protect the privacy of users we will move the balances and ceremony pallets into the Integritee enclave. These pallets will still need to interact with the on-chain state, as indicated in the diagram below:


The final code can be inspected on encointer github

TEE Runtime

Substrate chains wrap all their business logic into a runtime made up of pallets. Integritee does so too, so let's create our TEE runtime:

git clone

this is actually a fork of substrate node-template, stripped from everything we don't need for our case.

Now we need to include our pallets balances and ceremonies exactly the way you're used to from substrate:


    pub enum Runtime where
        Block = Block,
        NodeBlock = opaque::Block,
        UncheckedExtrinsic = UncheckedExtrinsic
        System: system::{Module, Call, Config, Storage, Event<T>},
        Timestamp: timestamp::{Module, Call, Storage, Inherent},
        Balances: balances::{Module, Call, Storage, Config<T>, Event<T>},
        TransactionPayment: transaction_payment::{Module, Storage},
        Sudo: sudo::{Module, Call, Config<T>, Storage, Event<T>},
        EncointerCeremonies: encointer_ceremonies::{Module, Call, Storage, Config<T>, Event<T>},
        EncointerBalances: encointer_balances::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>},

Looks familiar? If not, learn from the best

We will skip the nitty gritty of including your pallets


The blockchain we'll be using is based on parity's node-template with one Integritee specific pallet that will take care of the worker registry and will proxy TrustedCalls

git clone

Encointer will add its public pallets to this node template: scheduler and currencies. See encointer-node


Now we need a way to call our custom pallet functions isolated in a TEE.

Integritee encapsulates all the application-specific stuff in its integritee-stf crate that you can customize.

git clone

Let's start by defining a new TrustedCall:


#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone)]
pub enum TrustedCall {
    balance_transfer(AccountId, AccountId, CurrencyIdentifier, BalanceType),
    ceremonies_register_participant(AccountId, CurrencyIdentifier, Option<ProofOfAttendance<MultiSignature, AccountId32>>)

impl TrustedCall {
    fn account(&self) -> &AccountId {
        match self {
            TrustedCall::balance_transfer(account, _, _, _) => account,
            TrustedCall::ceremonies_register_participant(account, _, _) => account,

Important: The first argument of each TrustedCall has to be the incognito AccountId which will sign the TrustedCallSigned which will then be encrypted and sent to the worker through the blockchain as a proxy.

Now that we defined a new call we need to execute it:


    pub fn execute(ext: &mut State, call: TrustedCall, _nonce: u32, calls: &mut Vec<OpaqueCall>) {
        ext.execute_with(|| {
            let _result = match call {
                TrustedCall::balance_transfer(from, to, cid, value) => {
                    let origin = sgx_runtime::Origin::signed(AccountId32::from(from));
                    sgx_runtime::EncointerBalancesCall::<Runtime>::transfer(AccountId32::from(to), cid, value)
                TrustedCall::ceremonies_register_participant(from, cid, proof) => {
                    let origin = sgx_runtime::Origin::signed(AccountId32::from(from));
                    sgx_runtime::EncointerCeremoniesCall::<Runtime>::register_participant(cid, proof)

Now you see that TrustedCall::ceremonies_register_participant() calls register_participant() in our ceremonies pallet.

This function call depends on the scheduler and currencies pallets which are not present in our TEE runtime. It is on-chain. So we need to tell Integritee that it needs to fetch on-chain storage (and verify a read-proof) before executing our call:


    pub fn get_storage_hashes_to_update(call: &TrustedCall) -> Vec<Vec<u8>> {
        let mut key_hashes = Vec::new();
        match call {
            TrustedCall::balance_transfer(account, _, _, _) => { },
            TrustedCall::ceremonies_register_participant(account, _, _) => {
                key_hashes.push(storage_value_key("EncointerScheduler", "CurrentPhase"));
                key_hashes.push(storage_value_key("EncointerScheduler", "CurrentCeremonyIndex"));
                key_hashes.push(storage_value_key("EncointerCurrencies", "CurrencyIdentifiers"));

See How to access on-chain storage for more details.

Important: Make sure your on-chain runtime and TEE runtime depend on the same version of substrate. Otherwise, mapping storage keys between the two runtimes might fail.

Finally, we will extend our CLI client to allow us to call our function:


                .description("register participant for next encointer ceremony")
                .options(|app| {
                            .help("AccountId in ss58check format"),
                .runner(move |_args: &str, matches: &ArgMatches<'_>| {
                    let arg_who = matches.value_of("accountid").unwrap();
                    let who = get_pair_from_str(matches, arg_who);
                    let (mrenclave, shard) = get_identifiers(matches);
                    let tcall = TrustedCall::ceremonies_register_participant(
                        shard, // for encointer we assume that every currency has its own shard. so shard == cid
                    let nonce = 0; // FIXME: hard coded for now
                    let tscall =
                        tcall.sign(&sr25519_core::Pair::from(who), nonce, &mrenclave, &shard);
                        "send trusted call register_participant for {}",
                    perform_operation(matches, &TrustedOperationSigned::call(tscall));

This will allow us to call

 encointer-client trusted register-participant //AliceIncognito --mrenclave Jtpuqp6iA98JmhUYwhbcV8mvEgF9uFbksWaAeyALZQA --shard 3LjCHdiNbNLKEtwGtBf6qHGZnfKFyjLu9v3uxVgDL35C

The --mrenclave identifies the Trusted Computing Base (TCB) while --shard identifies the local currency we're registering for.


As you may have guessed by now, Encointer uses sharding. Encointer maintains a global registry of local currencies on-chain (with the currencies pallet). The balances for each local currency are maintained confidentially within Integritee. One shard for each currency. This means that a worker has to decide what shard it operates on.


Now that everything is super-isolated and confidential, how should we know if our call actually worked?

That's why the Integritee worker exposes an RPC interface for encrypted and authenticated queries.

We will now implement a getter that can only be called by the AccountId it refers to.


#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone)]
pub enum TrustedGetter {
    balance(AccountId, CurrencyIdentifier),
    ceremony_registration(AccountId, CurrencyIdentifier)

impl TrustedGetter {
    pub fn account(&self) -> &AccountId {
        match self {
            TrustedGetter::balance(account, _) => account,
            TrustedGetter::ceremony_registration(account, _) => account,

Again, the first argument specifies the AccountId that is allowed to read its part of the state, authenticated by a signature.


    pub fn get_state(ext: &mut State, getter: TrustedGetter) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
        ext.execute_with(|| match getter {
            TrustedGetter::balance(who, cid) => {
                Some(get_encointer_balance(&who, &cid).encode())
            TrustedGetter::ceremony_registration(who, cid) => {
                Some(get_ceremony_registration(&who, &cid).encode())

fn get_ceremony_registration(who: &AccountId, cid: &CurrencyIdentifier) -> ParticipantIndexType {
    let cindex = match sp_io::storage::get(&storage_value_key(
        "CurrentCeremonyIndex")) {
            Some(val) => if let Ok(v) = CeremonyIndexType::decode(&mut val.as_slice()) { v } else { 0 },
            None => 0
    info!("cindex = {}", cindex);
    if let Some(res) = sp_io::storage::get(&storage_double_map_key(
    )) {
        if let Ok(pindex) = ParticipantIndexType::decode(&mut res.as_slice()) {
        } else {
            debug!("can't decode ParticipantIndexType for {:x?}", res);
    } else {
        debug!("no registration for caller");

Note: Currently, the STF is not aware of the runtime metadata, so we have to hard-code hashers for StorageMap and StorageDoubleMap.

Again, we will introduce our getter in the CLI:


        .description("query state if registration for this ceremony")
        .options(|app| {
                    .help("AccountId in ss58check format"),
        .runner(move |_args: &str, matches: &ArgMatches<'_>| {
            let arg_who = matches.value_of("accountid").unwrap();
            println!("arg_who = {:?}", arg_who);
            let who = get_pair_from_str(matches, arg_who);
            let (mrenclave, shard) = get_identifiers(matches);
            let tgetter =
                TrustedGetter::ceremony_registration(sr25519_core::Public::from(who.public()), shard);
            let tsgetter = tgetter.sign(&sr25519_core::Pair::from(who));
            let res = perform_operation(matches, &TrustedOperationSigned::get(tsgetter));
            let ind = if let Some(v) = res {
                if let Ok(vd) = ParticipantIndexType::decode(&mut v.as_slice()) {
                } else {
                    info!("could not decode value {:x?}", v);
            } else {
            println!("{}", ind);

Note: Encointer in this example still uses the outdated clap v2 syntax to define the command line interface. Any SDK versions released will already be using the more recent v3 format.

So we can query our index in the particpant registry with our CLI

encointer-client trusted ceremony-registration //AliceIncognito --mrenclave Jtpuqp6iA98JmhUYwhbcV8mvEgF9uFbksWaAeyALZQA --shard 3LjCHdiNbNLKEtwGtBf6qHGZnfKFyjLu9v3uxVgDL35C

Happy coding!