Exercise: Your AKS cluster requires MFA Authentication with MS Azure Active directory and you have to use a specific VPN to login to the cluster.
How do you connect?
If you connect using VPN: Get connected with F5 BIG IP or your preference VPN client to create and maintain your VPN connection.
Go to URL https://portal.azure.com/ and do the Microsoft phone verification - MFA MS procedure
In MS portal home, go to All resources and find the AKS cluster you need to connect and select the connect icon, then click on it.
Steps from this point assume that you have the MS az commands installed. You can check this by issuing the comman
like this:
C:\>az --version
azure-cli 2.12.0
core 2.12.0
telemetry 1.0.6
Open your MS-Dos shell and type the following command
C:\>az login
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page https://microsoft.com/devicelogin and enter the code XXXXXXXXX to authenticate.
"cloudName": "AzureCloud",
"id": "0ea89fa8-210b-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx",
"isDefault": false,
Do as instructions suggest.
- From the Connect window in MS Azure portal copy the first connection command: In the same MS-DOS window type the following command
C:\>az account set --subscription <your subscription id>
C:\>az aks get-credentials --resource-group <the resource group your cluster begins> --name <the AKS cluster name> --overwrite-existing
putting the flag --overwrite-existing
might help you to get rid of error
error: error loading config file "C:\Users\c5179796/.kube/config": error converting *[]NamedAuthInfo into *map[string]*api.AuthInfo: duplicate name "clusterUser_someclustername" in list: [{clusterUser_somecluster { [....
This error is discussed here: kubernetes/kubernetes#66435
- Try out some commands
C:\>kubectl get nodes
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page https://microsoft.com/devicelogin and enter the code XXXXXXXXX to authenticate.
aks-wpaasdev-19766648-vmss000000 Ready agent 35d v1.17.9
aks-wpaasdev-19766648-vmss000001 Ready agent 35d v1.17.9
aks-wpaasdev-19766648-vmss000002 Ready agent 35d v1.17.9
Authenticate again, this time to the AKS Cluster Azure AD again by opening the browser to the suggeted URL https://microsoft.com/devicelogin by entering the proposed code.
Tryout some commands from the basic Kubernetes cheat sheet: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/