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The International Genome Sample Resource (IGSR) presents all the data it has on the 1000 Genomes samples through the 1000 Genomes FTP site{:target="_blank"} and the mirror site{:target="_blank"} hosted at the NCBI. Currently this FTP site contains the three main releases of the 1000 Genomes Project.
{% for release in %} {% endfor %}1000 Genomes Release | Variants | Individuals | Populations | VCF | Sequence and Alignments | Supporting Data |
{{release.release}} | {{release.variants}} | {{release.individuals}} | {{release.populations}} | VCF | Alignments | {% if release.supporting %}Supporting Data{% else %} - {% endif %} |
##1000 Genomes Data Access Tools
The FTP site{:target="_blank"} is accessible both over FTP and [HTTP]({{site.ebi_ftp| replace:'ftp://', 'http://'}}){:target="_blank"}. It is also accessible via two fast download tools, aspera and globus grid ftp.
The data is also via an Aspera server from both sites. To be able to use this service you need to download the Aspera connect software{:target="_blank"}. This provides both a browser plug in for downloading data and a bulk download client called ascp. An example command line to get a file using ascp looks like:
{% highlight bash %}
ascp -i bin/aspera/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.putty -Tr -Q -l 100M
-L- ./
{% endhighlight %}
The location of -i
will depend on where the ascp program was installed. This key should not ask you for a password. IGSR data is freely available and should never request a password for download.
###Globus Grid FTP
The 1000 Genomes FTP site is available as an end point in the Globus Online system{:target="_blank"}. In order to access the data you need to sign up for an account with Globus via their signup page{:target="_blank"}. You must also install the Globus Connect Personal software{:target="_blank"} and setup a personal endpoint to download the data too.
The 1000 Genomes end point is one of several EMBL-EBI hosted end points and is called ebi#1000genomes
. When you have setup your personal end point you should be able to start a transfer using their web front end.
The Globus website has support for setting up accounts{:target="_blank"} and installing the globus personal connect software{:target="_blank"}.