Zaino Currently Serves the following gRPC services as defined in the LightWallet Protocol:
- GetLatestBlock (ChainSpec) returns (BlockID)
- GetBlock (BlockID) returns (CompactBlock)
- GetBlockNullifiers (BlockID) returns (CompactBlock)
- GetBlockRange (BlockRange) returns (stream CompactBlock)
- GetBlockRangeNullifiers (BlockRange) returns (stream CompactBlock)
- GetTransaction (TxFilter) returns (RawTransaction)
- SendTransaction (RawTransaction) returns (SendResponse)
- GetTaddressTxids (TransparentAddressBlockFilter) returns (stream RawTransaction)
- GetTaddressBalance (AddressList) returns (Balance)
- GetTaddressBalanceStream (stream Address) returns (Balance) (MARKED FOR DEPRECATION)
- GetMempoolTx (Exclude) returns (stream CompactTx)
- GetMempoolStream (Empty) returns (stream RawTransaction)
- GetTreeState (BlockID) returns (TreeState)
- GetLatestTreeState (Empty) returns (TreeState)
- GetSubtreeRoots (GetSubtreeRootsArg) returns (stream SubtreeRoot)
- GetAddressUtxos (GetAddressUtxosArg) returns (GetAddressUtxosReplyList)
- GetAddressUtxosStream (GetAddressUtxosArg) returns (stream GetAddressUtxosReply)
- GetLightdInfo (Empty) returns (LightdInfo)
- Ping (Duration) returns (PingResponse) (CURRENTLY UNIMPLEMENTED)
Zaino has also committed to taking over responsibility for serving all Zcash RPC Services required by non-validator (miner) clients from Zcashd. A full specification of the Zcash RPC services served by Zaino, and their current state of development, can be seen here.