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ICON SDK Quick Start for Python

This document describes how to interact with ICON Network using Python SDK. This document contains SDK installation, API usage guide, and code examples.

Get different types of examples as follows. Complete source code is found on Github at

Example Description
Wallet An example of creating and loading a keywallet.
ICX Transfer An example of transferring ICX and confirming the result.
Token Deploy and Transfer An example of deploying an IRC token, transferring the token and confirming the result.
Sync Block An example of checking block confirmation and printing the ICX and token transfer information.


Enumerate any required knowledge, configuration, or resources to complete this tutorial. Provide links to other useful resources. Helping your readers to prepare increases the likelihood that they will continue reading.

ICON SDK for Python development and execution requires following environments.

  • Python
    • Version: Python 3.8+
    • IDE: Pycharm is recommended.


Should present the information of latest stable version.

At first, you need to get ICON SDK for Python into your project. It can be installed using pip as follows:

$ pip install iconsdk

How to Use

Import, initialize, deinitialize, and basic call that applies to every or most code to use the SDK. This section also serves as a test if the SDK has been correctly installed and ready to use.

Create IconService and Set Provider

After that, you need to create an IconService instance and set a provider.

  • The IconService class contains a set of API methods. It accepts a HTTPProvider which serves the purpose of connecting to HTTP and HTTPS based JSON-RPC servers.
  • A provider defines how the IconService connects to Loopchain.
  • The HTTPProvider takes a base domain URL where the server can be found. For local development, this would be something like http://localhost:9000.

Here is an example of calling a simple API method to get a block by its height :

from iconsdk.icon_service import IconService
from iconsdk.providers.http_provider import HTTPProvider

# Creates an IconService instance using the HTTP provider and set a provider.
icon_service = IconService(HTTPProvider("http://localhost:9000", 3))

# Gets a block by a given block height.
block = icon_service.get_block(1209)


from iconsdk.builder.call_builder import CallBuilder

# Returns block information by block height
block = icon_service.get_block(1000)    		 

# Returns block information by block hash
block = icon_service.get_block("0x000...000")

# Returns the last block information
block = icon_service.get_block("latest")    	

# Returns the balance of the account of given address
balance = icon_service.get_balance("hx000...1")

# Returns a list of the SCORE APIs
score_apis = icon_service.get_score_api("cx000...1")

# Returns the total supply of ICX
total_supply = icon_service.get_total_supply()

# Returns information about a transaction requested by transaction hash
tx = icon_service.get_transaction("0x000...000")

# Returns the result of a transaction by transaction hash
tx_result = icon_service.get_transaction_result("0x000...000")

# Generates a call instance using the CallBuilder
call = CallBuilder().from_(wallet.get_address())\
                    .params({"address": "hx000...1"})\

# Executes a call method to call a read-only API method on the SCORE immediately without creating a transaction on Loopchain
result =


Calling SCORE APIs to change states is requested as sending a transaction. Before sending a transaction, the transaction should be signed. It can be done using a Wallet object.

Generate a transaction

After then, you should create an instance of the transaction using different types of transaction builders as follows.

from iconsdk.builder.transaction_builder import (
from iconsdk.signed_transaction import SignedTransaction

# Generates an instance of transaction for sending icx.
transaction = TransactionBuilder()\

# Generates an instance of transaction for deploying SCORE.
transaction = DeployTransactionBuilder()\

# Generates an instance of transaction for calling method in SCORE.
transaction = CallTransactionBuilder()\

# Generates an instance of transaction for sending a message.
transaction = MessageTransactionBuilder()\

# Returns the signed transaction object having a signature
signed_transaction = SignedTransaction(transaction, wallet)

# Sends the transaction
tx_hash = icon_service.send_transaction(signed_transaction)

Sign a transaction

Before sending a transaction, the transaction should be signed by using SignedTransaction class. The SignedTransaction class is used to sign the transaction by returning an instance of the signed transaction as demonstrated in the example below. The instance of the signed transaction has the property of a signature.

# Returns the signed transaction object having a signature
signed_transaction = SignedTransaction(transaction, wallet)

Send a transaction

Finally, you can send a transaction with the signed transaction object as follows.

# Sends the transaction
tx_hash = icon_service.send_transaction(signed_transaction)

Estimate step

It is important to set a proper step_limit value in your transaction to make the submitted transaction executed successfully.

estimate_step API provides a way to estimate the Step usage of a given transaction. Using the method, you can get an estimated Step usage before sending your transaction then make a SignedTransaction with the step_limit based on the estimation.

# Generates a raw transaction without the stepLimit
transaction = TransactionBuilder()\
# Returns an estimated step value
estimate_step = icon_service.estimate_step(transaction)

# Adds some margin to the estimated step 
estimate_step += 10000

# Returns the signed transaction object having a signature with the same raw transaction and the estimated step
signed_transaction = SignedTransaction(transaction, wallet, estimate_step)

# Sends the transaction
tx_hash = icon_service.send_transaction(signed_transaction)

Note that the estimation can be smaller or larger than the actual amount of step to be used by the transaction, so it is recommended to add some margin to the estimation when you set the step_limit of the SignedTransaction.

Code Examples


This example shows how to create a wallet object by using a method of create and load it with a private key or a keystore file by using a method of load.

Create a wallet

Create new EOA by calling create method. After creation, the address and private key can be looked up.

# Generates a wallet 
wallet = KeyWallet.create() 
print("address: ", wallet.get_address()) # Returns an address
print("private key: ", wallet.get_private_key()) # Returns a private key

# Output
address:  hx684c9791784c10c419eaf9322ef42792e4979712
private key:  39765c71ed1884ce08010900ed817119f4227a8b3ee7a36c906c0ae9b5b11cae

Load a wallet

You can load an existing EOA by calling a load method. After creation, the address and private key can be looked up.

# Loads a wallet from a private key in bytes
wallet = KeyWallet.load(TEST_PRIVATE_KEY) 
print("address: ", wallet.get_address()) # Returns an address
print("private key: ", wallet.get_private_key()) # Returns a private key

Store the wallet

After creating a Wallet object, you can generate a keystore file on the file path by calling a store method.

# Stores a key store file on the file path
file_path = "./test/test_keystore", "abcd1234*")

ICX Transfer

This example shows how to transfer ICX and check the result.

For the KeyWallet and IconService creation, please refer to the information above.

ICX transfer transaction

In this example, you can create two wallets for sending and receiving ICX to transfer 1ICX from wallet1 to wallet2.

# Wallet for sending ICX
wallet1 = KeyWallet.load(TEST_PRIVATE_KEY)
# Wallet for receiving ICX
wallet2 = KeyWallet.create()
print("address: ", wallet2.get_address()) # Returns an address
print("private key: ", wallet2.get_private_key()) # Returns a private key

You can get a default step cost used to transfer ICX as follows.

# Returns a step cost  
# GOVERNANCE_ADDRESS : cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000001
def get_default_step_cost():
    _call = CallBuilder()\
    _result =
    default_step_cost = convert_hex_str_to_int(_result["default"])
    return default_step_cost

Generate transaction instance with the values as below.

# Enters transaction information
transaction = TransactionBuilder()\
    .step_limit(get_default_step_cost()) \
    .nid(3) \
    .nonce(2) \
    .version(3) \
    .timestamp(int(time() * 10 ** 6))\
  • nid is networkId; 1: mainnet, 2-: etc.
  • step_limit is recommended by using 'default' step cost in the response of getStepCosts API.
  • timestamp is used to prevent the identical transactions. Only current time is required (Standard unit : us). If the timestamp is considerably different from the current time, the transaction will be rejected.

Generate SignedTransaction to add signature of the transaction.

# Returns the signed transaction object having a signature
signed_transaction = SignedTransaction(transaction, wallet1)

# Reads params to transfer to nodes

After calling the method of send_transaction of IconService, you can send transaction and check the transaction’s hash value. Finally, ICX transfer is sent.

# Sends the transaction
tx_hash = icon_service.send_transaction(signed_transaction)
# Prints transaction hash
print("txHash: ", tx_hash)

# Output
txHash:  0x243438ff59561f403bac4e7b193c00d803c3aabf79249e0246451b0db7751a59

Check the transaction result

After transaction is sent, the result can be looked up with the returned hash value.

In this example, you can check your transaction result in every 2 seconds because of the block confirmation time. Checking the result is as follows:

# Returns the result of a transaction by transaction hash
tx_result = icon_service.get_transaction_result(tx_hash)
print("transaction status(1:success, 0:failure): ", tx_result["status"])

# Output
transaction status(1:success, 0:failure):  1

You can check the following information using the TransactionResult.

  • status : 1 (success), 0 (failure)
  • to : transaction’s receiving address
  • failure : Only exists if status is 0(failure). code(str), message(str) property included
  • txHash : transaction hash
  • txIndex : transaction index in a block
  • blockHeight : Block height of the transaction
  • blockHash : Block hash of the transaction
  • cumulativeStepUsed : Accumulated amount of consumed step’s until the transaction is executed in block
  • stepUsed : Consumed step amount to send the transaction
  • stepPrice : Consumed step price to send the transaction
  • scoreAddress : SCORE address if the transaction generated SCORE (optional)
  • eventLogs : Occurred EventLog’s list during execution of the transaction.
  • logsBloom : Indexed Data’s Bloom Filter value from the occurred Eventlog’s Data

Check the ICX balance

In this example, you can check the ICX balance by looking up the transaction before and after the transaction.

ICX balance can be checked with calling the getBalance method of IconService.

# Gets balance
balance = icon_service.get_balance(wallet2.get_address())
print("balance: ", balance)
# Output 
balance:  10000 

Token Deploy and Transfer

This example shows how to deploy token, transfer token and check the balance.

For the KeyWallet and IconService generation, please refer to the information above.

Token deploy transaction

You need the SCORE Project to deploy token.

In this example, you will use from the sample_data folder.

  • : TokenStandard SCORE Project Zip file.

Generate Keywallet using TEST_PRIVATE_KEY, then read the binary data from by using the function gen_deploy_data_content.

  • score_path: File path where the zip file of SCORE is on.
# Reads the zip file '' and returns bytes of the file
install_content_bytes = gen_deploy_data_content(score_path)

# Loads a wallet from a key store file
wallet1 = KeyWallet.load(TEST_PRIVATE_KEY)

You can get max step limit to send token as follows.

# Returns a max step limit
# GOVERNANCE_ADDRESS : cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000001
def get_max_step_limit():
    _param = {
        "context_type": "invoke"
    _call = CallBuilder()\
    _result =
    return convert_hex_str_to_int(_result)

Generate transaction with the given values.

  • SCORE_INSTALL_ADDRESS uses cx0 to deploy SCORE.
  • step_limit is put by max step limit for sending transaction.
  • params enters the basic information of the token you want to deploy. It must enter the given values, 'initialSupply' data. Otherwise, your transaction will be rejected.
params = {
    "initialSupply": 2000
# Enter transaction information.
deploy_transaction = DeployTransactionBuilder()\

Generate SignedTransaction to add signature to the transaction. You can check the transaction hash value by calling sendTransaction from IconService Token transfer is now completed.

# Returns the signed transaction object having a signature
signed_transaction = SignedTransaction(transaction, wallet1)

# Sends the transaction
tx_hash = icon_service.send_transaction(signed_transaction)

# Prints transaction hash
print("txHash: ", tx_hash)
Check the deploy transaction result

After sending the transaction, you can check the result with the returned hash value.

In this example, you can check your transaction result in every 2 seconds because of the block confirmation time.

If the transaction succeeds, you can check scoreAddress from the result.

You can use SCORE after SCORE audit is successfully accepted.

# Returns the result of a transaction by transaction hash
tx_result = icon_service.get_transaction_result(tx_hash)
print("transaction status(1:success, 0:failure): ", tx_result["status"])
print("score address: ", tx_result["scoreAddress"])
print("waiting a second for accepting score...\n")

# Output
transaction status(1:success, 0:failure):  1
score address:  cx8c5ea60f73aafe10f9debfe2e3140b56335f5cfc
waiting a second for accepting score...

For the 'TransactionResult', please refer to the icx_transaction_example.

Token transfer transaction

You can send the token that have already generated.

You can generate KeyWallet using TEST_PRIVATE_KEY just like in the case of icx_transaction_example, then send 1 Token to the other wallet. You need token address to send your token.

You can get the default step cost to send token as follows.

# Returns a step cost  
# GOVERNANCE_ADDRESS : cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000001
def get_default_step_cost():
    _call = CallBuilder()\
    _result =
    default_step_cost = convert_hex_str_to_int(_result["default"])
    return default_step_cost

Generate Transaction with the given parameters as below. You have to add receiving address and value by entering the given key name('_to', '_value') to send the token. Otherwise, the transaction will be rejected.

  • nid is networkId; 1: mainnet, 2-: etc.
  • step_limit is recommended by using 'default' step cost multiplied by 2 in the response of getStepCosts API.
  • timestamp is used to prevent the identical transactions. Only current time is required (Standard unit : us). If the timestamp is considerably different from the current time, the transaction will be rejected.
  • method is 'transfer' in this case.
  • params You must enter the given key name('_to', '_value'). Otherwise, the transaction will be rejected.
# You must enter the given key name("_to", "_value"). Otherwise, the transaction will be rejected.
params = {"_to": wallet2.get_address(), "_value": 10}

# Enters transaction information.
call_transaction = CallTransactionBuilder()\
    .to(SCORE_ADDRESS) \
    .nid(3) \
    .nonce(4) \

Generate SignedTransaction to add signature to your transaction.

# Returns the signed transaction object having a signature
signed_transaction = SignedTransaction(call_transaction, wallet1)

# Reads params to transfer to nodes

Call sendTransaction of IconService to check the transaction hash. Token transaction is sent.

# Sends the transaction
tx_hash = icon_service.send_transaction(signed_transaction)

# Prints transaction hash
print("txHash: ", tx_hash)

# Output
txHash: 0x6b17886de346655d96373f2e0de494cb8d7f36ce9086cb15a57d3dcf24523c8f
Check the transfer transaction result

You can check the result with the returned hash value of the transaction.

In this example, you can check your transaction result in every 2 seconds because of the block confirmation time. Checking the result is as follows:

# Returns the result of a transaction by transaction hash
tx_result = icon_service.get_transaction_result(tx_hash)
print("transaction status(1:success, 0:failure): ", tx_result["status"])

# Output
transaction status(1:success, 0:failure):  1

For the TransactionResult, please refer to the icx_transaction_example.

Check the token balance

In this example, you can check the token balance before and after the transaction.

You can check the token balance by calling balanceOf from the token SCORE.

  • method is 'balanceOf' in this case
  • params should be put with '_owner' data. Otherwise, your transaction will be rejected.
params = {
    "_owner": wallet2.get_address()

call = CallBuilder()\

result =
print("balance: ", convert_hex_str_to_int(result))

# Output
balance:  1000000000000000000000

Sync Block

This example shows how to read block information and print the transaction result for every block creation.

Please refer to above for KeyWallet and IconService creation.

Read the block information

In this example, 'getLastBlock' is called periodically in order to check the new blocks, by updating the transaction information for every block creation.

# Checks the last block height
pre_last_height = icon_service.get_block("latest")["height"]
print(f"Starts to scan forward block at block height({pre_last_height})")

# Returns the last block
last_block = icon_service.get_block("latest")

# Returns the transaction list.
tx_list = last_block["confirmed_transaction_list"]
# Output
Starts to scan forward block at block height(129)

If a new block has been created, get the transaction list. You can check the following information.

  • version : json rpc server version
  • to : Receiving address of transaction
  • value: The amount of ICX coins to transfer to the address. If omitted, the value is assumed to be 0
  • timestamp: timestamp of the transmitting transaction (unit: microseconds)
  • nid : network ID (1: mainnet, 2-: etc)
  • signature: digital signature data of the transaction
  • txHash : transaction hash
  • dataType: A value indicating the type of the data item (call, deploy, message)
  • data: Various types of data are included according to dataType.

Transaction output

After reading the transaction result, you can check history having sent ICX or tokens. Transaction output is as follows:

# Returns confirmed transaction list
tx_list = block["confirmed_transaction_list"]

if len(tx_list) > 0:
    for tx in tx_list:
        print("\ntxHash:", tx["txHash"])
        tx_result = icon_service.get_transaction_result(tx["txHash"])

        # Finds ICX transaction
        if "value" in tx and tx["value"] > 0:
            print("status: ", tx_result["status"])
            print("from  : ", tx["from"])
            print("to    : ", tx["to"])
            print("amount: ", tx["value"])

        # Finds token transfer
        if "dataType" in tx and tx["dataType"] == "call" and \
        "method" in tx["data"] and tx["data"]["method"] == "transfer":
            score_address = tx["to"]
            print(f"[{get_token_name(score_address)} Token({get_token_symbol(score_address)})]")
            print("status: ", tx_result["status"])
            print("from  : ", tx["from"])
            print("to    : ", tx["data"]["params"]["_to"])
            print("amount: ", convert_hex_str_to_int(tx["data"]["params"]["_value"]))

Check the token name & symbol

You can check the token SCORE by calling the name and symbol functions.

# Returns token name
def get_token_name(token_address: str):
    call = CallBuilder()\

# Returns token symbol
def get_token_symbol(token_address: str):
    call = CallBuilder()\