diff --git a/docs/api/near/bts.md b/docs/api/near/bts.md
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+++ b/docs/api/near/bts.md
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+# NEAR BTS Contract
+## Requirements
+* #### NEAR CLI
+    - The NEAR [Command Line Interface (CLI)](https://github.com/near/near-cli) is a tool that enables to interact with the NEAR network directly from the shell. Under the hood, NEAR CLI utilizes the NEAR [JavaScript API](https://github.com/near/near-api-js)
+    - Installation
+    ```console
+    npm install -g near-cli
+    ```
+* #### NEAR Wallet  
+    - Testnet: https://wallet.testnet.near.org/
+    - Mainnet: https://wallet.near.org/
+* #### Authorize CLI
+    ```console
+    near login
+    ```
+## API
+### Balance
+#### Usable Balance
+- balance_of
+| Parameters | Type | Info |
+| account_id | string | Valid near account id |
+| coin_name | string | Name of coin  |
+**CLI Command** 
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near view <BTS> balance_of '{"account_id": "<ACCOUNT ID>", "coin_name": "<Coin Name>"}'
+#### Refundable Balance
+- refundable_balance_of
+| Parameters | Type | Info |
+| account_id | string | Valid near account id |
+| coin_name | string | Name of coin  |
+**CLI Command** 
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near view <BTS> refundable_balance_of '{"account_id": "<ACCOUNT ID>", "coin_name": "<Coin Name>"}'
+#### Locked Balance
+- locked_balance_of
+| Parameters | Type | Info |
+| account_id | string | Valid near account id |
+| coin_name | string | Name of coin |
+**CLI Command** 
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near view <BTS> locked_balance_of '{"account_id": "<ACCOUNT ID>", "coin_name": "<Coin Name>"}'
+### Deposit
+#### Deposit NEAR to BTS
+- deposit
+**CLI Command** 
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near call <BTS> deposit --amount <AMOUNT in NEAR> --accountId <ACCOUNT ID>
+#### Deposit Cross-Chain Native Coin to BTS
+- ft_transfer_call
+| Parameters | Type | Info |
+| receiver_id | string | Valid near account id |
+| amount | string | Amount to deposit |
+| msg | string |  |
+**CLI Command** 
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near call <NEP141 Contract> ft_transfer_call '{"receiver_id": "<BTS>", "amount": "<AMOUNT>", "msg": ""}' --accountId <ACCOUNT ID> --amount <1 yoctoNEAR in highest Denomination ie 0.000000000000000000000001>
+### Withdraw
+- withdraw
+| Parameters | Type | Info |
+| coin_name | string | Name of coin to withdraw  |
+| amount | string | Amount to withdraw |
+**CLI Command** 
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near call <BTS> withdraw '{"coin_name": "<COIN NAME>", "amount":"<Amount in lowest Denomination>"}' --amount <1 yoctoNEAR in highest Denomination ie 0.000000000000000000000001> --gas 300000000000000 --accountId <ACCOUNT ID>
+### Fee
+#### Get Fee
+- get_fee
+| Parameters | Type | Info |
+| coin_name | string | Name of coin to transfer  |
+| amount | string | Amount to transfer |
+**CLI Command** 
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near view <BTS> get_fee '{"coin_name": "<Coin Name>", "amount": "<Amount in lowest Denomination, For NEAR in yoctoNEAR ie 1 NEAR = 1^24 yoctoNEAR>"}'
+### Transfer
+- transfer
+| Parameters | Type | Info |
+| coin_name | string | Name of coin to transfer  |
+| destination | string | BTP Address of destination |
+| amount | string | Amount to transfer |
+**CLI Command** 
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near call <BTS> transfer '{"coin_name": "<Coin Name>", "destination": "btp://<Network>/<Address>", "amount": "<Amount in lowest Denomination, For NEAR in yoctoNEAR ie 1 NEAR = 1^24 yoctoNEAR>"}' --gas 300000000000000 --accountId <ACCOUNT ID>
+## Usage
+### Transfer NEAR to Cross-Chain 
+1. Deposit NEAR to BTS [here](#deposit-near-to-bts)  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near call bts.iconbridge-6.testnet deposit --amount 10 --accountId dev-20211206025826-24100687319598
+2. Query Transfer Fee [here](#get-fee)  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near view bts.iconbridge-6.testnet get_fee '{"coin_name": "btp-0x2.near-NEAR", "amount": "10000000000000000000000000"}'
+3. Transfer [here](#transfer)  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near call bts.iconbridge-6.testnet transfer '{"coin_name": "btp-0x2.near-NEAR", "destination": "btp://0x2.icon/hx54d9ba221fbe8a475a8bf38c7d048675b5d7b85a", "amount": "10000000000000000000000000"}' --gas 300000000000000 --accountId dev-20211206025826-24100687319598
+4. Check locked balance for the transfered amount [here](#balance)  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near view bts.iconbridge-6.testnet locked_balance_of '{"account_id": "dev-20211206025826-24100687319598", "coin_name": "btp-0x2.near-NEAR"}'
+### Receiving NEAR from Cross-Chain
+1. Check usable balance amount to withdraw [here](#balance)  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near view bts.iconbridge-6.testnet balance_of '{"account_id": "dev-20211206025826-24100687319598", "coin_name": "btp-0x2.near-NEAR"}'
+2. Withdraw [here](#withdraw)  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near call bts.iconbridge-6.testnet withdraw '{"coin_name": "btp-0x2.near-NEAR", "amount":"10000000000000000000000000"}' --amount 0.000000000000000000000001 --gas 300000000000000 --accountId dev-20211206025826-24100687319598
+3. Check balance  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near state dev-20211206025826-24100687319598
+### Transfer Cross-Chain Native Coins to Cross-Chain 
+1. Deposit Cross-Chain Native Coin to BTS [here](#deposit-cross-chain-native-coin-to-bts)  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near call btp-icx.bts.iconbridge-6.testnet ft_transfer_call '{"receiver_id": "bts.iconbridge-6.testnet", "amount": "10000000000000000000000000", "msg": ""}' --accountId dev-20211206025826-24100687319598 --amount 0.000000000000000000000001
+2. Query Transfer Fee [here](#get-fee)  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near view bts.iconbridge-6.testnet get_fee '{"coin_name": "btp-0x2.icon-ICX", "amount": "10000000000000000000000000"}'
+3. Transfer [here](#transfer)  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near call bts.iconbridge-6.testnet transfer '{"coin_name": "btp-0x2.icon-ICX", "destination": "btp://0x2.icon/hx54d9ba221fbe8a475a8bf38c7d048675b5d7b85a", "amount": "10000000000000000000000000"}' --gas 300000000000000 --accountId dev-20211206025826-24100687319598
+4. Check locked Balance for the transfered amount [here](#locked-balance)  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near view bts.iconbridge-6.testnet locked_balance_of '{"account_id": "dev-20211206025826-24100687319598", "coin_name": "btp-0x2.icon-ICX"}'
+### Receiving Cross-Chain from Cross-Chain
+1. Check usable balance amount to withdraw [here](#usable-balance)  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near view bts.iconbridge-6.testnet balance_of '{"account_id": "dev-20211206025826-24100687319598", "coin_name": "btp-0x2.icon-ICX"}'
+2. Withdraw [here](#withdraw)  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near call bts.iconbridge-6.testnet withdraw '{"coin_name": "btp-0x2.icon-ICX", "amount":"10000000000000000000000000"}' --amount 0.000000000000000000000001 --gas 300000000000000 --accountId dev-20211206025826-24100687319598
+3. Check balance  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near view btp-icx.bts.iconbridge-6.testnet ft_balance_of '{"account_id": "dev-20211206025826-24100687319598"'
+### Reclaiming Failed Transfer
+1. Check refundable balance to reclaim [here](#refundable-balance)  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near view bts.iconbridge-6.testnet refundable_balance_of '{"account_id": "dev-20211206025826-24100687319598", "coin_name": "btp-0x2.icon-ICX"}'
+2. Reclaim  
+NEAR_ENV=testnet near call bts.iconbridge-6.testnet reclaim '{"coin_name": "btp-0x2.icon-ICX", "amount":"10000000000000000000000000"}' --amount 0.000000000000000000000001 --gas 300000000000000 --accountId dev-20211206025826-24100687319598
+## Environment
+- [Testnet](./testnet.md)
diff --git a/docs/api/near/testnet.md b/docs/api/near/testnet.md
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+## Testnet
+### BTS
+### Registered Tokens
+| Coin/Token|Coin Name| Network| Denomination| NEP141 Contract |
+| NEAR   | btp-0x2.near-NEAR | 0x2.near | 24 | N/A |
+| ICX   | btp-0x2.icon-ICX | 0x2.icon | 18   | btp-icx.bts.iconbridge-6.testnet |
diff --git a/docs/testnet_deployment.json b/docs/testnet_deployment.json
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@@ -1,44 +1,55 @@
-    "networks": {
-         "icon": {
-              "uri": "https://lisbon.net.solidwallet.io/api/v3/icon_dex",
-              "network_id": "0x2",
-              "btp_network_id": "0x2.icon",
-              "block_height": 11273953
-         },
-         "bsc": {
-              "uri": "https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545",
-              "network_id": "0x61",
-              "btp_network_id": "0x61.bsc",
-              "block_height": 21985565
-         }
-    },
-    "contracts": {
-         "icon": {
-              "sICX": "cxc7b869d97a567044a2a5acea180ecd9071cd20b0",
-              "bnUSD": "cxcadcaf77d8e46089fd3d98fcf71eabee1700f148",
-              "BNB": "cx55b835590d43af7bf6f5be3c3d50982264d24e5d",
-              "BUSD": "cx39a7fefbe48ca7984e036abb1fab16f25fa641bb",
-              "USDT": "cxdb7e556a7fd5441bead5d7c5403d414223d51132",
-              "USDC": "cxf021731307d9f382935ac4bda81ee03946e1e4bd",
-              "BTCB": "cx7c1ef7b631a64e33e35565b81e669a05cdd0d968",
-              "ETH": "cx4663c5f1d955207c5718aedb11ff029f08b50036",
-              "bmc": "cx053b96e2de3b9e6fc06db7b390d96ebf5fe82892",
-              "bts": "cxa843db0a27750230559f997bafaeb7f8739afc81"
-         },
-         "bsc": {
-              "BUSD": "0x119344c4354AcD401Ffb7Ed58e2B03fBA6759a87",
-              "USDT": "0x51C59A4453e26c1DC46E282cbC6FFDD72ceC16DA",
-              "USDC": "0x2f84D2Eeac14e2d02aaf00eB25801721D4233d19",
-              "BTCB": "0xd5d707da717cf4771Ed995f16E976C711890F118",
-              "ETH": "0xE3471f58314332502Be2B0681a66D674D98763D6",
-              "ICX": "0x7d8c52A23FD7e3ca1342797baE7caF6d7b8036BA",
-              "sICX": "0x0a7792fe75548b26b287871081Aa6b05f48D9e89",
-              "bnUSD": "0xc0c1aA22F99bb6724dC4159C256A5989D90A659C",
-              "BMCManagement": "0x5B9733113745F87A790321e2a84e73CbDa628B95",
-              "BMCPeriphery": "0x853CceE29C20331DB18937E6bEdb8ab477ebe691",
-              "BTSCore": "0x1a2aDf985D6c2700fdAf72A9c1e2b39e3B647F7e",
-              "BTSPeriphery": "0x69555E113279b3d3805492a829DD765ED394A669"
-         }
-    }
+     "networks": {
+          "icon": {
+               "uri": "https://lisbon.net.solidwallet.io/api/v3/icon_dex",
+               "network_id": "0x2",
+               "btp_network_id": "0x2.icon",
+               "block_height": 11273953
+          },
+          "bsc": {
+               "uri": "https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545",
+               "network_id": "0x61",
+               "btp_network_id": "0x61.bsc",
+               "block_height": 21985565
+          },
+          "near": {
+               "uri": "https://rpc.testnet.near.org",
+               "network_id": "0x2",
+               "btp_network_id": "0x2.near",
+               "block_height": 102880710
+          }
+     },
+     "contracts": {
+          "icon": {
+               "sICX": "cxc7b869d97a567044a2a5acea180ecd9071cd20b0",
+               "bnUSD": "cxcadcaf77d8e46089fd3d98fcf71eabee1700f148",
+               "BNB": "cx55b835590d43af7bf6f5be3c3d50982264d24e5d",
+               "BUSD": "cx39a7fefbe48ca7984e036abb1fab16f25fa641bb",
+               "USDT": "cxdb7e556a7fd5441bead5d7c5403d414223d51132",
+               "USDC": "cxf021731307d9f382935ac4bda81ee03946e1e4bd",
+               "BTCB": "cx7c1ef7b631a64e33e35565b81e669a05cdd0d968",
+               "ETH": "cx4663c5f1d955207c5718aedb11ff029f08b50036",
+               "bmc": "cx053b96e2de3b9e6fc06db7b390d96ebf5fe82892",
+               "bts": "cxa843db0a27750230559f997bafaeb7f8739afc81"
+          },
+          "bsc": {
+               "BUSD": "0x119344c4354AcD401Ffb7Ed58e2B03fBA6759a87",
+               "USDT": "0x51C59A4453e26c1DC46E282cbC6FFDD72ceC16DA",
+               "USDC": "0x2f84D2Eeac14e2d02aaf00eB25801721D4233d19",
+               "BTCB": "0xd5d707da717cf4771Ed995f16E976C711890F118",
+               "ETH": "0xE3471f58314332502Be2B0681a66D674D98763D6",
+               "ICX": "0x7d8c52A23FD7e3ca1342797baE7caF6d7b8036BA",
+               "sICX": "0x0a7792fe75548b26b287871081Aa6b05f48D9e89",
+               "bnUSD": "0xc0c1aA22F99bb6724dC4159C256A5989D90A659C",
+               "BMCManagement": "0x5B9733113745F87A790321e2a84e73CbDa628B95",
+               "BMCPeriphery": "0x853CceE29C20331DB18937E6bEdb8ab477ebe691",
+               "BTSCore": "0x1a2aDf985D6c2700fdAf72A9c1e2b39e3B647F7e",
+               "BTSPeriphery": "0x69555E113279b3d3805492a829DD765ED394A669"
+          },
+          "near": {
+               "bmc":"7270a79be789d770f2de015047684e2806597eeee96ee3ca87b179c6399deaaf",
+               "bts":"bts.iconbridge-6.testnet",
+               "ICX":"btp-icx.bts.iconbridge-6.testnet"
+          }
+     }
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