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JudgeIt REST Service

One method of using JudgeIt is through a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). This directory contains the RESTful service code that interfaces with the JudgeIt framework. It offers endpoints for initiating evaluations, retrieving results, and configuring evaluation parameters.

Architecture Diagram:

  • SaaS: If you are using SaaS based LLM service (, you can set the value of WX_PLATFORM as saas in the environment variable.


  • On Prem: If you have an LLM deployed on premise on CP4D, you can set the value of WX_PLATFORM as onpremise in the environment variable.


Table of Contents


There are four components in this service.

  • REST Server
  • Redis Broker
  • Celery Worker
  • Flower Server

REST Server

This FastAPI-based Python REST service offers various endpoints to evaluate LLM (Large Language Model) generations. It supports two types of requests: batch and single, with three evaluation types—rating, similarity, and multi-turn. Additionally, it provides a Swagger UI for easy interaction with the endpoints.

Swagger ui

We submit our long-running tasks to the Redis broker for asynchronous execution. After submitting a task, we monitor its progress using status endpoints (including server-sent events, WebSocket, and HTTP requests). Once the task is completed, we retrieve the result from the download endpoint.

Redis Broker

Redis is an in-memory data store that can be used as a message broker in Celery, providing a simple and efficient way to manage task queues, making it an ideal choice for our solution.It receives tasks from the FastAPI service and places them in the queue for processing.

Celery Worker

Consume tasks from the Redis queue and execute them asynchronously, then return the result to the Redis broker.

Flower Server

It monitors the Celery cluster in real-time, offering a web-based interface to track task execution, worker performance, and queue status.

Getting Started


The following prerequisites are required to run the tester:

  1. podman and podman-compose are installed. If you're using Docker and Docker Compose, you can skip this step. Simply use the docker command in place of podman and docker-compose instead of podman-compose.

    • macOS: use the following commands to install Podman and Podman Compose
        brew install podman podman-compose
    • Ubuntu: Use the following commands to install Podman and Podman Compose
        sudo apt update
        sudo apt install podman podman-compose
    • Windows:

      • Download Podman for Windows: Visit the Podman for Windows release page ( and download the latest installer for your Windows version.

      • Run the installer: Double-click the downloaded installer file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

  2. project id: project's Manage tab (Project -> Manage -> General -> Details)

  3. IBM Cloud api key: (this must be for the same cloud account that hosts the instance)


Note Any keys included in this repository are intended solely for illustrative purposes and are neither valid nor active. These non-functional keys should be replaced with your own secure and valid credentials.

  1. Change directory into the JudgeIt REST-Service

    git clone && cd JudgeIt-LLM-as-a-Judge/REST-Service
  2. In the docker-compose.yml file, update the following variables:

    1. WX_PLATFORM: There are two options available: saas or onpremise. If you're using the IBM Watsonx platform, choose saas, but if you're using the on-premise Watsonx platform on CP4D, select 'onpremise'.
    2. WATSONX_URL: Please provide watsonx url e.g.
    3. IBM_CLOUD_API_KEY: IBM Cloud/Watsonx api key
    4. WX_PROJECT_ID: your project id
    5. WX_USER: watsonx user is required when you choose the platform onpremise
    6. SERVER_URL: Server url where the service will be deployed. It helps to navigate swagger ui.
    container_name: fastapi_app
    build: .
    #  - ./app:/app
      - 3001:3001
      - WATSONX_URL=
      - WX_PROJECT_ID=
      - LLM_JUDGE_API_KEY=JudgeIt-Secret-Api-Key
      - WX_PLATFORM=
      - WX_USER=
      - CELERY_BROKER_URL=redis://redis:6379/0
      - CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND=redis://redis:6379/0
      - SERVER_URL='http://localhost:3001'
    restart: always

    container_name: redis
    image: redis:7.2.5-alpine
    restart: always

    container_name: celery_worker
    build: .
    #  - ./app:/app
    command: celery -A app.celery.celery_worker.celery worker --loglevel=info
      - WATSONX_URL=
      - WX_PROJECT_ID=
      - WX_PLATFORM=
      - WX_USER=
      - CELERY_BROKER_URL=redis://redis:6379/0
      - CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND=redis://redis:6379/0
      - fastapi_app
      - redis
    restart: always

    container_name: flower
    build: .
    command: celery --broker=redis://redis:6379/0 flower --port=5555
      - 5556:5555
      - CELERY_BROKER_URL=redis://redis:6379/0
      - CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND=redis://redis:6379/0
      - fastapi_app
      - redis
      - celery_worker
    restart: always
  1. Build

    podman-compose build
  2. Run

    podman-compose up -d
  3. Validate

    Validate if all the services are up and running.

    podman-compose ps

    The output will be like below.

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                        COMMAND               CREATED        STATUS        PORTS                                       NAMES
1a6c7af902fa  localhost/rest-service_fastapi_app:latest    python3       9 seconds ago  Up 9 seconds>3001/tcp, 3001/tcp, 8080/tcp  fastapi_app
16117ab1b15e         redis-server          6 seconds ago  Up 7 seconds  6379/tcp                                    redis
0269de20e376  localhost/rest-service_celery_worker:latest  celery -A app.cel...  5 seconds ago  Up 6 seconds  3001/tcp, 8080/tcp                          celery_worker
600c2aa3d650  localhost/rest-service_flower:latest         celery --broker=r...  5 seconds ago  Up 5 seconds>5555/tcp, 3001/tcp, 8080/tcp  flower


JudgeIt App

You can now move on to spinning up the JudgeIt NextJS App

Openshift deployment

For openshift deployment please follow the instruction here

Configuring your Input File

Each type of LLM Judge will accept an excel/csv file as an input file. The repository contains a sample input file for each type of LLM Judge that you can copy, edit, and use to test. They are located at: JudgeIt-LLM-as-a-Judge/Framework/data/input

  1. RAG Evaluation (Similarity): provide an excel/csv file with a golden_text column and generated_text column to compare
  2. RAG Evaluation (Rating): provide an excel/csv file with a golden_text column and generated_text column to compare
  3. Multi-turn Evaluation: provide an excel/csv file with the following columns: previous_question, previous_answer, current_question, golden_rewritten_question, and rewritten_question

Note: Your input files can contain additional columns than the ones specified above. These columns will have no effect on the LLM Judge and will be perserved in the output file.

Understanding the Results

The generated results will be saved to an excel/csv file at the location specified in your config file. Each file will contain all the columns provided in the input file.

  1. For RAG Evaluation (Similarity), the LLM Judge will output a Grade and Explanation. A grade of 0 means the texts are dissimilar, while a grade of 1 means the texts are similar.
  2. For RAG Evaluation (Rating), the LLM Judge will output a Grade and Explanation. A grade of 1 means the texts are dissimilar, a grade of 2 means the texts are partially similar, and a text of 3 means the texts are significantly similar.
  3. For Multi-turn Evaluation, the LLM Judge will output a Grade. A grade of 0 means the golden rewritten question and rewritten question are dissimilar, while a grade of 1 means the questions are similar.