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Releases: ibm-apiconnect/apicops

apicops-v10 0.10.56

28 Jul 10:11
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apicops-v10 0.10.56 Pre-release

All binaries are 64-bit only. Please download the correct binary for your operating system and rename apicops-v10-linux and apicops-v10-macos to apicops-v10 once downloaded. You'll also need to chmod +x.

apicops-v10 0.10.54

09 May 11:09
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All binaries are 64-bit only. Please download the correct binary for your operating system and rename apicops-v10-linux and apicops-v10-macos to apicops-v10 once downloaded. You'll also need to chmod +x.

This version:

  • Adds appliance-checks:appliance-pre-upgrade command
  • Adds version:pre-upgrade command that checks subsystem status, Postgres health and orphan PVCs (includes commands like upgrade:check-subsystem-status, upgrade:pg-health-check and upgrade:check-pvc)
  • upgrade:pg-health-check command involves
    • Ensuring postgres leader is available
    • Same timeline and no lag between leader and replica
    • Communication check between pgbackrest and postgres
    • Making sure wal count is not exceeding 200
    • Monitoring archive failures
    • Validation of the backupsetting and permissions
  • Adds version:check-install that check management and portal disk
  • Includes individual commands platform:check-mgmt-disk, platform:check-portal-disk and platform:check-appliance-disk.
  • Adds inflate flag for psql command and fix for snapshot:get cloud webhook

apicops-v2018 0.2.215

01 Jul 08:46
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apicops-v2018 0.2.215 Pre-release

All binaries are 64-bit only. Please download the correct binary for your operating system and rename apicops-linux and apicops-macos to apicops once downloaded. You'll also need to chmod +x.

apicops-v2018 0.2.212

09 Jun 11:06
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apicops-v2018 0.2.212 Pre-release

All binaries are 64-bit only. Please download the correct binary for your operating system and rename apicops-linux and apicops-macos to apicops once downloaded. You'll also need to chmod +x.

apicops-v10 0.10.53

28 Apr 16:07
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apicops-v10 0.10.53 Pre-release

All binaries are 64-bit only. Please download the correct binary for your operating system and rename apicops-v10-linux and apicops-v10-macos to apicops-v10 once downloaded. You'll also need to chmod +x.

apicops-v2018 0.2.211

28 Apr 16:15
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apicops-v2018 0.2.211 Pre-release

All binaries are 64-bit only. Please download the correct binary for your operating system and rename apicops-linux and apicops-macos to apicops once downloaded. You'll also need to chmod +x.

apicops-v2018 0.2.206

15 Mar 22:34
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apicops-v2018 0.2.206 Pre-release

All binaries are 64-bit only. Please download the correct binary for your operating system and rename apicops-linux and apicops-macos to apicops once downloaded. You'll also need to chmod +x.

apicops-v10 0.10.49

26 Jan 15:19
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apicops-v10 0.10.49 Pre-release

All binaries are 64-bit only. Please download the correct binary for your operating system and rename apicops-v10-linux and apicops-v10-macos to apicops-v10 once downloaded. You'll also need to chmod +x.

apicops-v2018 0.2.205

21 Jun 14:57
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apicops-v2018 0.2.205 Pre-release

v2018 specific version

All binaries are 64-bit only. Please download the correct binary for your operating system and rename apicops-linux and apicops-macos to apicops once downloaded. You'll also need to chmod +x.

This version:

  • Adds Important pre-upgrade step to clear completed tasks
  • Adds heartbeat last scheduled run time to ISS

apicops-v10 0.10.48

03 Jun 21:18
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apicops-v10 0.10.48 Pre-release

v10 version - will NOT run on v2018

All binaries are 64-bit only. Please download the correct binary for your operating system and rename apicops-v10-linux and apicops-v10-macos to apicops-v10 once downloaded. You'll also need to chmod +x.

This version:

  • Adds command "certs:renew-ingress-ca-certs" that automates the ingress-ca dependent certs renewal process in apic namespace (not confirmed for OCP at this time)
  • Adds heartbeat last scheduled run info to ISS