OpenTripPlanner is a member project of the Software Freedom Conservancy. Development of OpenTripPlanner is managed by a Project Leadership Committee (PLC) which makes decisions by simple majority vote. The current members of this committee are (in alphabetical order):
Name | Affiliation |
Sean Barbeau | University of South Florida |
Sheldon Brown | Cambridge Systematics |
Andrew Byrd | Conveyal |
Thomas Craig | CALACT ITS4US |
Drew Dara-Abrams | Interline |
David Emory | IBI Group |
Thomas Gran | Entur (Norway) |
Tuukka Hastrup | Transpordiamet (Estonia) |
Joel Lappalainan | Digitransit (Finland) |
Frank Purcell | TriMet (Portland, Oregon) |
David Turner | ex-OpenPlans |
Anders Varmy | Skanetrafiken |
Leonard Ehrenfried | Independent contractor |
The PLC holds a quarterly video conference on the first Tuesday of June, September, December, and March. An agenda is prepared as a collaborative document in advance of each quarterly meeting. These meetings are held at 8AM US Pacific time to accommodate members in the US Pacific, US Eastern, and Central European time zones.
We take care to avoid a governance system that is too conceptual or process-heavy. The main goal is to have regular agenda-driven meetings that yield clear decisions and action items assigned to specific people. The committee should ideally be composed of active, professional contributors to the OpenTripPlanner project, including representatives of organizations that host official public deployments of OTP.
We enfore a policy on the review and merging of new changes to the OTP system, guided by a roadmap maintained by the committee. All changes must be reviewed and approved by at least two people from two different organizations. The list of approved reviewers is the PLC Github group, visible here