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Search and Sort

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Searching and Sorting

Serial No. Questions
1 Find first and last positions of an element in a sorted array
2 Find a Fixed Point (Value equal to index) in a given array
3 Search in a rotated sorted array
4 square root of an integer
5 Maximum and minimum of an array using minimum number of comparisons
6 Optimum location of point to minimize total distance
7 Find the repeating and the missing
8 find majority element
9 Searching in an array where adjacent differ by at most k
10 find a pair with a given difference
11 find four elements that sum to a given value
12 maximum sum such that no 2 elements are adjacent
13 Count triplet with sum smaller than a given value
14 merge 2 sorted arrays
15 print all subarrays with 0 sum
16 Product array Puzzle
17 Sort array according to count of set bits
18 minimum no. of swaps required to sort the array
19 Bishu and Soldiers
20 Rasta and Kheshtak
21 Kth smallest number again
22 Find pivot element in a sorted array
23 K-th Element of Two Sorted Arrays
24 Aggressive cows
25 Book Allocation Problem
27 Job Scheduling Algo
28 Missing Number in AP
29 Smallest number with atleastn trailing zeroes infactorial
30 Painters Partition Problem:
31 ROTI-Prata SPOJ
32 DoubleHelix SPOJ
33 Subset Sums
34 Find the inversion count
35 Implement Merge-sort in-place
36 Partitioning and Sorting Arrays with Many Repeated Entries