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This SDK exposes all the functionalities required to interact with TRUSTID-based DLT networks.


  • To install this library you need access to the private repo:
$ npm install @hyperledger-labs/trustid-sdk@1.0.0

Getting started

To use the sdk it's necessary to read the Getting started guide

The SDK to connect with Hyperledger Fabric will need to configure the connection. On one side we need the hyperledger fabric standard connection profile, on the othe side we will need to complete de following configuration in a JSON object.

    stateStore: '',
    caURL: '',
    caName: '',
    caAdmin: '',
    caPassword: '',
    tlsOptions: {
        verify: false
    mspId: '',
    walletID: '',
    asLocalhost: ,
    ccp: connection profile commented bellow,
    chaincodeName: "name of the identity chaincode deployed",
    fcn: "proxy",
    channel: ""

Example of use

You can find a set of examples using the SDK in the examples directory.

// Use library
var id = require('trustid-sdk')
import { TrustIdHf, Keystore, FileKeystore } from 'trustid-sdk';
import {AccessPolicy, PolicyType} from 'trustid-sdk';

// Initialize wallet
wal = id.Wallet.Instance;

// Create Keystore
ks = new FileKeystore();
// Set keystore in wallet
// LoadKeystore from file
 wal.loadKeystore('file', './keystore')
// Set endpoint of driver and store in variable to use it.
let ccp = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(ccpPath, 'utf8'));
let config = {
    stateStore: '/tmp/statestore',
    caURL: '',
    caName: '',
    caAdmin: 'adminCA',
    caPassword: 'adminpw',
    tlsOptions: {
        verify: false
    mspId: 'org1MSP',
    walletID: 'admin',
    asLocalhost: true,
    ccp: ccp,
    chaincodeName: "identitycc",
    fcn: "proxy",
    channel: "telefonicachannel"

const trustID = new TrustIdHf(config);
wal.addNetwork("hf", trustID);
await wal.networks["hf"].configureDriver();

// Use the wallet and the driver
await wal.networks["hf"].createIdentity(wal.getDID("default"))
await trustID.getIdentity(wal.getDID("default"), wal.getDID("default").id);

let access: AccessPolicy = {policy: PolicyType.PublicPolicy};

await trustID.createService(wal.getDID("default"), `vtn:trustos:service:1`, "chaincode", access, "mychannel");


The library has the following modules:

  • wallet.ts: Core module of the library. It wraps all the state and logic for identity management and interaction with TrustID networks. To start using the SDK a new wallet needs to be initialized. A wallet exposes the following methods:

    • public setKeystore(keystore: Keystore): void: Sets a type of keystore, supported: In memory, filesystem, mongodb
    • public generateDID(type: string, controller: string, passphrase): DID: Generates an identity
    • public storeDID(did: DID): Promise<boolean>: Stores the did in the keystore
    • public updateDID(did: DID): Promise<boolean> : Updates info from DID
    • public listDID(): string[]: Returns dids stored in keystore
    • public recoverKeySSS(id: string, secrets: Buffer[], newPassword: string): Promise<void>: Recovers the key
    • public updatePassword(id: string, oldPassphrase:,passphrase: string=""): Promise<void> : Updates the password to unlock the did
    • public updateTempKeyDID(id: string, passphrase:,tempPassphrase: string=""): Promise<void>: Unlocks the account with a temporal key
    • public addNetwork(id: string, network: TrustID): void: Adds a new network to interact to.
  • class DID: Has the following structure.

    • public id: string: Id string that identifies the DID.
    • public pubkey: string: PublicKey of the DID.
    • public type: string: Key type (RSA / EC / OKP).
    • public controller: string: Verifier of the identity
    • public access: number: Access level. This is the access level to be checked in the service AccessPolicy threshold.
    • private privkey: string: Private Key of the DID.

    And exposes the following functions:

    • public unlockAccount(passphrase: string = ""): void: Unlocks private key in order to use the DID.
    • public lockAccount(): any: Locks the private key for a DID.
    • public sign(payload: object, passphrase: string = ""): string: Sign a payload with a specific DID.
    • public verify(signature: string, id: string = "default"): any: Verifies a signature from a DID.
  • TrustID.ts: Interface that enables the inteoperation between the drivers and the different functionalities of TrustID. The only component implemented currently is the trustIDhf.ts enabling the interaction with Hyperledger Fabric TrustID networks.

    • configureDriver(endpoint: string): void: Sets the network endpoint to interact with the TrustID network.
    • disconnectDriver(endpoint: string): void: Disconects the network endpoint to interact with the TrustID network.
    • createIdentity(did: DID): Promise<object>: Create an identity in TrustID. It generates a new DID in the wallet and register it in the network.
    • importIdentity(did: DID, controller?: DID): Imports an existing identity to the chaincode
    • verifyIdentity(adminDID: DID, id:string): Promise<object>: Verifies an identity as an admin.
    • getIdentity(did: DID, id: string): * Promise<object>: Gets a registered identity from TrustID.
    • revokeIdentity(adminDID: DID, id: string): Promise<object>: Revokes a registered identity. Only supported by the owner or controller of the DID.
    • createService(did: DID, serviceDID: string, name: string, isPublic: boolean): Promise<object>: Creates a new service in the TrustID network.
    • updateService(did: DID, serviceDID: string, access: Access, isPublic: boolean): Promise<object>: Updates the information from a service.
    • updateServiceAccess(did: DID, serviceDID: string, access: AccessPolicy): Promise<object>: Updates the access from a service.
    • getService(did: DID, serviceDID: string): Promise<object>: Gets information from a registered service.
    • invoke (did: DID, serviceDID: string, args: string[], channel: string): Promise<object>: Invokes a function of a registered service in the TrustID network.
    • query(did: DID, serviceDID: string, args: string[], channel: string): Promise<object>: Queries a function of a registered service in the TrustID network
  • PolicyType (policy: PolicyType, threshold:?Number, registry:?object): It defined the policyType to be used for a service. There are currently three types of policyTypes supported (more could be easily added according to your needs) * PublicPolicy: Grants public access by any user to your service. * SameControllerPolicy: Only verified identities whose controller is the same controller who created the service has access to the service (this policy comes pretty handy when you want to define "corporate-wide" services). * FineGrainedPolicy: Grants fine-grained access to users to your service. In this policy you explicitly define the access of users to the service. There are two ways of using this policyType, you can define a threshold so every user with an access level equal or higher than the threshold is granted access to the service; or you could use fine-grained access levels defined in the registry, where you would add the following tuple: {<did>, <access_role>}. Thus, only users in the registry with an access level over the threshold will be granted access to the service with access_role permissions.

  • keystore.ts: Interface that enables the implementation of keystore storages. There are currently two implementations of keystore supported: FileKeystore.ts (to store DIDs in file keystore)and MongoKeystore.ts (to store DIDs in MongoDB).

    • abstract getDID(id: string): DID: Get specific DID from keystore.
    • abstract storeDID(did: DID): boolean: Store DID in keystore.
    • public storeInMemory(did: DID): boolean: Store DID inMemory for easy and performant use.
    • public listDID(): string[]: List DIDs in memory.
    • public setDefault(did: DID): boolean: Set DID as default identity for the keystore wallet.