- getting booking history of customer having customer_id 1
CREATE VIEW customer_booking_history AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer.customer_id, driver_id, car_id
FROM customer, booking WHERE customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id and customer.customer_id = 1;
- loging in (getting) a customer having phone_number '001-370-289-4294'
CREATE VIEW login_customer_by_phone_number AS
SELECT * FROM customer WHERE customer.phone_number = '001-370-289-4294';
- signing up (inserting) a new customer
INSERT INTO customer VALUES(101, 'Martin Luther', 'lmao1234', NULL, '820-403-0187x9440');
- updating customer phone_number having customer_id 2
UPDATE customer SET phone_number = '820-403-0187' WHERE customer_id = 2;
- updating customer password having customer_id 2
UPDATE customer SET password = 'BEUe96Bz' WHERE customer_id = 2;
- clearing (setting it to NULL) customer current_booking having customer_id 2
UPDATE customer SET current_booking = NULL WHERE customer_id = 2;
- getting booking history of driver having driver_id 1
CREATE VIEW driver_booking_history AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer_id, driver.driver_id, booking.car_id
FROM driver, booking WHERE driver.driver_id = booking.driver_id and driver.driver_id = 1;
- loging in (getting) a driver having phone_number '9185337644'
CREATE VIEW login_driver_by_phone_number AS
SELECT * FROM driver WHERE driver.phone_number = '9185337644';
- getting currently working/active drivers
CREATE VIEW working_drivers AS
SELECT * FROM driver WHERE working=TRUE;
- signing up (inserting) a new driver
INSERT INTO driver VALUES(101, 'Martin Luther', 'lmao1234', NULL, '820-403-0187x9440');
- updating driver phone_number having driver_id 2
UPDATE driver SET phone_number = '820-403-0187' WHERE driver_id = 2;
- updating driver password having driver_id 2
UPDATE driver SET password = 'BEUe96Bz' WHERE driver_id = 2;
- clearing (setting it to NULL) driver current_booking having driver_id 2
UPDATE driver SET current_booking = NULL WHERE driver_id = 2;
- updating driver current_location having driver_id 2
UPDATE driver SET current_location = '40611 Henderson Key Brownton, IA 42973' WHERE driver_id = 2;
- setting (setting it to TRUE) driver working(status) having driver_id 2
UPDATE driver SET working = TRUE WHERE driver_id = 2;
- clearing (setting it to FALSE) driver working(status) having driver_id 2
UPDATE driver SET working = FALSE WHERE driver_id = 2;
- getting cars having capacity 5
CREATE VIEW get_car_from_capacity AS
SELECT * FROM car WHERE car.capacity = 5;
- getting cars having capacity ranges from 4 to 7
CREATE VIEW get_car_from_capacity_range AS
SELECT * FROM car WHERE car.capacity >= 4 AND car.capacity <= 7;
- getting a car having registration_number '8YBB5ZL'
CREATE VIEW get_car_from_registration_number AS
SELECT * FROM car WHERE car.registration_number = '8YBB5ZL';
- getting cars having price_per_km ranges between [80, 120]
CREATE VIEW get_car_from_price_per_km_range AS
SELECT * FROM car WHERE car.price_per_km >= 80 AND car.price_per_km <= 120;
- getting cars having model 'OMV42A'
CREATE VIEW get_car_from_model AS
SELECT * FROM car WHERE car.model = 'OMV42A';
- registering (inserting) a new car
- getting customer bookings having sharing TRUE & customer_id 1
CREATE VIEW get_booking_where_sharing_is_true AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer.customer_id, driver_id, car_id
FROM customer, booking WHERE sharing = TRUE AND customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id
AND customer.customer_id = 1;
- getting customer bookings having sharing FALSE & customer_id 1
CREATE VIEW get_booking_where_sharing_is_false AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer.customer_id, driver_id, car_id
FROM customer, booking WHERE sharing = FALSE AND customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id
AND customer.customer_id = 1;
- getting customer bookings having customer_id 1 & destination '84251 Kim Forge Suite 650 South Lauraside, PA 33492'
CREATE VIEW get_booking_with_destination_for_customer AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer.customer_id, driver_id, car_id
FROM customer, booking WHERE destination = '84251 Kim Forge Suite 650 South Lauraside, PA 33492'
AND customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id AND customer.customer_id = 1;
- getting customer bookings having customer_id 1 & pickup_location '04118 Alexander Common Moorehaven, MI 31705'
CREATE VIEW get_booking_with_pickup_location_for_customer AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer.customer_id, driver_id, car_id
FROM customer, booking WHERE pickup_location = '04118 Alexander Common Moorehaven, MI 31705'
AND customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id AND customer.customer_id = 1;
- getting driver bookings having driver_id 1 & pickup_location '04118 Alexander Common Moorehaven, MI 31705'
CREATE VIEW get_booking_with_pickup_location_for_driver AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer_id, driver.driver_id, booking.car_id
FROM driver, booking WHERE pickup_location = '04118 Alexander Common Moorehaven, MI 31705'
AND driver.driver_id = booking.driver_id AND driver.driver_id = 1;
- getting customer bookings having customer_id 1 & order by time
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_order_by_time_for_customer AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer.customer_id, driver_id, car_id
FROM customer, booking WHERE customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id
AND customer.customer_id = 1 ORDER BY pickup_time;
- getting driver bookings having driver_id 1 & order by time
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_order_by_time_for_driver AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer_id, driver.driver_id, booking.car_id
FROM driver, booking WHERE driver.driver_id = booking.driver_id
AND driver.driver_id = 1 ORDER BY pickup_time;
- getting customer bookings having customer_id 1 & number_of_people 3
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_by_number_of_people_for_customer AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer.customer_id, driver_id, car_id
FROM customer, booking WHERE customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id
AND customer.customer_id = 1 AND number_of_people = 3;
- getting driver bookings having driver_id 1 & number_of_people 3
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_by_number_of_people_for_driver AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer_id, driver.driver_id, booking.car_id
FROM driver, booking WHERE driver.driver_id = booking.driver_id
AND driver.driver_id = 1 AND number_of_people = 3;
- getting customer bookings having customer_id 1 & model 'OMV42A'
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_by_car_model_for_customer AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer.customer_id, driver_id, booking.car_id
FROM customer, booking, car WHERE customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id
AND booking.car_id = car.car_id AND customer.customer_id = 1 AND model = 'OMV42A';
- getting driver bookings having driver_id 1 & model 'OMV42A'
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_by_car_model_for_driver AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer_id, driver.driver_id, booking.car_id
FROM driver, booking, car WHERE driver.driver_id = booking.driver_id
AND booking.car_id = car.car_id AND driver.driver_id = 1 AND model = 'OMV42A';
- getting completed customer bookings having customer_id 2
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_where_booking_status_is_completed_for_customer AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer.customer_id, driver_id, car_id
FROM customer, booking WHERE customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id
AND customer.customer_id = 2 AND booking_status = 'Completed';
- getting completed driver bookings having driver_id 2
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_where_booking_status_is_completed_for_driver AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer_id, driver.driver_id, booking.car_id
FROM driver, booking WHERE driver.driver_id = booking.driver_id
AND driver.driver_id = 2 AND booking_status = 'Completed';
- getting cancelled customer bookings having customer_id 1
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_where_booking_status_is_cancelled_for_customer AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer.customer_id, driver_id, car_id
FROM customer, booking WHERE customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id
AND customer.customer_id = 1 AND booking_status = 'Canceled';
- getting cancelled driver bookings having driver_id 1
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_where_booking_status_is_cancelled_for_driver AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer_id, driver.driver_id, booking.car_id
FROM driver, booking WHERE driver.driver_id = booking.driver_id
AND driver.driver_id = 1 AND booking_status = 'Canceled';
- getting active customer booking having customer_id 1
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_where_booking_status_is_active_for_customer AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer.customer_id, driver_id, car_id
FROM customer, booking WHERE customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id
AND customer.customer_id = 1 AND booking_status = 'Active';
- getting active driver bookings having driver_id 1
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_where_booking_status_is_active_for_driver AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, transaction_id, sharing, customer_id, driver.driver_id, booking.car_id
FROM driver, booking WHERE driver.driver_id = booking.driver_id
AND driver.driver_id = 1 AND booking_status = 'Active';
- getting customer bookings having customer_id 2 & payment_type 'Net banking'
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_by_transaction_type_net_banking AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, booking.transaction_id, sharing, customer.customer_id, driver_id, car_id
FROM customer, booking, transaction WHERE customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id
AND booking.transaction_id = transaction.transaction_id AND customer.customer_id = 2
AND payment_type = 'Net banking';
- getting customer bookings having customer_id 3 & payment_type 'Credit card'
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_by_transaction_type_credit_card AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, booking.transaction_id, sharing, customer.customer_id, driver_id, car_id
FROM customer, booking, transaction WHERE customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id
AND booking.transaction_id = transaction.transaction_id AND customer.customer_id = 3
AND payment_type = 'Credit card';
- getting customer bookings having customer_id 8 & payment_type 'Debit card'
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_by_transaction_type_debit_card AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, booking.transaction_id, sharing, customer.customer_id, driver_id, car_id
FROM customer, booking, transaction WHERE customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id
AND booking.transaction_id = transaction.transaction_id AND customer.customer_id = 8
AND payment_type = 'Debit card';
- getting customer bookings having customer_id 6 & payment_type 'Cash'
CREATE VIEW get_boooking_by_transaction_type_cash AS
SELECT booking_id, pickup_location, destination, number_of_people, pickup_time,
booking_status, booking.transaction_id, sharing, customer.customer_id, driver_id, car_id
FROM customer, booking, transaction WHERE customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id
AND booking.transaction_id = transaction.transaction_id AND customer.customer_id = 6
AND payment_type = 'Cash';
- getting customer bookings having customer_id 1 & group by destination
CREATE VIEW get_count_group_by_destination_for_customer AS
SELECT COUNT(booking_id), destination FROM customer, booking
WHERE customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id AND customer.customer_id = 1 GROUP BY destination;
- getting customer bookings having customer_id 1 & group by pickup_location
CREATE VIEW get_count_group_by_pickup_location_for_customer AS
SELECT COUNT(booking_id), destination FROM customer, booking
WHERE customer.customer_id = booking.customer_id AND customer.customer_id = 1 GROUP BY pickup_location;
- getting driver bookings having driver_id 1 & group by pickup_location
CREATE VIEW get_count_group_by_pickup_location_for_driver AS
SELECT COUNT(booking_id), destination FROM driver, booking
WHERE driver.driver_id = booking.driver_id AND driver.driver_id = 1 GROUP BY pickup_location;
- getting count of bookings having same destination
CREATE VIEW get_count_of_common_destination AS
SELECT COUNT(booking_id), destination FROM booking GROUP BY destination;
- getting count of bookings having same pickup_location
CREATE VIEW get_count_of_common_pickup_location AS
SELECT COUNT(booking_id), pickup_location FROM booking GROUP BY pickup_location;
- getting count of bookings having same pickup_location & destination
CREATE VIEW get_count_of_pair_of_pickup_location_destination AS
SELECT COUNT(booking_id), pickup_location, destination FROM booking GROUP BY destination, pickup_location;
- getting customer_id of customers having bookings of same destination as customer with customer_id 1
CREATE VIEW get_customer_having_same_destination_as_customer AS
SELECT customer_id FROM booking WHERE destination IN
(SELECT destination FROM booking WHERE customer_id = 1);
- getting customer_id of customers having bookings of same pickup_location as customer with customer_id 1
CREATE VIEW get_customer_having_same_pickup_location_as_customer AS
SELECT customer_id FROM booking WHERE destination IN
(SELECT destination FROM booking WHERE customer_id = 1);