If you want to use ROSbot 2R replace the launchfile with rosbot_launch.py
Select the ROSbot:
export ROBOT_NAME=rosbot # or rosbot_xl
To start simulation build and run webots simulator container type:
docker compose up
It will take a while because the container has to download required assets.
Wait until this messages show up in the Webots console.
INFO: 'rosbot' extern controller: connected.
INFO: 'Ros2Supervisor' extern controller: connected.
For visualization the ROSbots sensors run RViz2 in the another terminal:
docker compose -f compose.rviz.yaml up
Now you can use teleop_twist
tool to drive ROSbot with keyboard.
Enter rviz
container in the new terminal:
docker exec -it rviz bash
Now, to teleoperate the ROSbot with your keyboard, execute:
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
Try webots mapping demo here.