Darts Scoreboard (Website)
An online free darts scoreboard.
Source: https://github.com/hunghw/Darts-Scoreboard
Website link: https://darts.nctu.me -
Draw & Paint (Android App)
An Android App that can draw a line, curve, and lots of shapes, like circle, triangle, star, heart.
Demo video: https://hunghw.github.io/MyProject/DRAW-and-PAINT.html -
Loca! (Android App)
Loca! is a whole new type of social platform which lets you find interesting things and people near you.
Goolgle Play:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.epass2u.loca(Discontinued)
Apk backup (English): https://apkpure.com/loca-social-platform/com.epass2u.loca
Apk 備份 (中文): https://apkpure.com/cn/loca-social-platform/com.epass2u.loca -
Let's go to the Beach! (Android App)
Let's go to the Beach! is one of the challenges in 2017 NASA Hackathon. Our team build a server and an Android App to solve this problem.
Source: https://github.com/hunghw/2017NASA_NCTUBeach
Demo video: https://hunghw.github.io/2017NASA_NCTUBeach -
Badminton Scoreboard (Android App)
Apk: https://hunghw.github.io/MyProject/Badminton_Scoreboard_v1_0.apk
Forecast Northern Lights Norway (Python)
A Python web crawler that automatically crawls Norway northern light forecast result and sends the result to the smartphone if the northern light is visible.
Source: https://github.com/hunghw/Forecast_Northern_Lights_Norway