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James Vaughn edited this page Oct 24, 2024 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the CalendarToSlack wiki!

CalendarToSlack is a Slackbot that, when authorized, will read your Outlook calendar and set a Slack status and presence (auto/away), dependent on your schedule and custom statuses. To start using the app, just send a message to the bot, e.g. Super Cal2Slack.

Calendar Commands

Command Functionality Parameters Example
show Lists your current custom statuses N/A show
set-default Set a default status when you're not in a meeting message: Status text
emoji: Status emoji
At least one is required.
set-default message="Hello!" emoji=:wave:
remove-default Remove your default status. When not in a meeting, you will not have a Slack status and will be shown as available. N/A remove-default
set Set a custom status for meetings containing specific text. meeting: The name of the meeting to set a custom status for (required)
message: Status text for meetings matching the meeting parameter.
emoji: Status emoji for meetings matching the meeting parameter.
The meeting and at least one of message and emoji is required.
set meeting="Skunkworks" message="Skunkworks!" emoji=:skunkworks:
remove Remove a custom status for meetings containing specific text. meeting: The name of the meeting to remove a custom status for (required) remove meeting="Skunkworks"

Settings Commands

Command Functionality Parameters Example
settings Update one or more of your settings zoom-links: (true/false, optional) Whether or not to send a message with a Zoom link for upcoming meetings with a link set as the location settings zoom-links=false
settings Update one or more of your settings reminder-timing: (integer, optional) How many minutes in advance to send a meeting reminder settings reminder-timing=3
settings Update one or more of your settings snoozed: (true/false, optional) If set to true, Cal2Slack will pause your status updates and meeting reminders until set to false settings snoozed=true

Mappings Commands

Command Functionality Parameters Example
mappings export Save your status mappings and get a code to reference the saved mappings mappings export
mappings list Get a list of all the status mapping codes saved for your user mappings list
mappings Replace your current status mappings with those referenced by a code import: (string, required) The code for the status mappings you want to use. The code can belong to any user but will replace the current user's mappings. mappings import=17efd099-d8c1-4f2e-b2be-3146e9db09c3
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