Welcome to team Demerzel Event API documentation. Our API is designed to empower your mobile app with the ability to seamlessly manage events, groups, and user interactions. With this API, you can effortlessly create, read, update, and delete events, allowing your users to stay engaged and informed. Additionally, users can create groups, subscribe to their favorite communities, leave comments on events, and express their interest in attending. Dive into our comprehensive documentation to unlock the full potential of enhancing user experiences with event management and community engagement in your app.
The API can be accessed via HTTP requests. It exposes endpoints for various CRUD operations on events, users and groups. An Authentication Bearer Token needs to be set in the request header, to get the JWT token, read how to Authenticate in the next section.
- local Host:
- Current (Active) Host:
- API Base Path:
Authorization : Bearer <replace_with_jwt_token>
The API supports the Google OAuth Authentication Workflow:
To initialize the OAuthentication workflow, the endpoint: GET /oauth/initialize
should be accessed, upon success a redirection_url is sent along with the response.
If successful, the JWT Token to be used in subsequent request
header should be gotten from the response body.
- Path:
- Sample Request
Request URL: {host}/oauth/initialize Request Method: GET
- Sample Response
- Status Code: 200
- Body:
{ "status": "success" "data": { "redirectUrl": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=1024268478019-v7ebrdubfni6qsvtpiicv9eb2le6m4al.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fapi-s65g.onrender.com%2Foauth%2Fcallback&response_type=code&scope=openid+profile+email&state=somerandomoauthstri" }, "message": "Authentication initialized", }
- After Oauth Redirection
- Response Body:
{ "status":"success", "data":{"token": "jwt_token"}, "message":"Authentication successful" }
- Response Body:
"securityDefinitions": {
"Bearer": {
"type": "apiKey",
"name": "Authorization",
"in": "header",
"description": "Enter your Bearer token in the format: Bearer <token>"
- GET /health
- Sample Request URL:
- Response:
Status Code: 200
Body:{ "data": null, "message": "Team Demerzel Events API", "status": "success" }
- Sample Request URL:
- GET /oauth/initialize
- Summary: Initialize the Oauth workflow
- Despcription: Authenticate a user using Google's Oauth and get a JWT token for
subsequent requests.
NB: Read the section above to get more information
- POST /api/auth/verify
- Summary: Verifies ID token from the mobile application
- Despcription: Authenticate a user using Google's ID token sent from the mobile application.
POST /api/groups
- Summary: Create a group
- Description: Creates a new group and returns it, supply the name of the group in the request body.
- Sample Request URL:
- Parameters:
Body:{ "name": "group_name" }
- Responses:
Status Code: 201
Body:Status Code: 400{ "status": "success", "data": { "id": "a2218d8f-4cdb-4114-a847-4cf8fcbd2e54", "name": "group_name", "created_at": "2023-09-20T18:28:42.523+01:00", "updated_at": "2023-09-20T18:28:42.523+01:00", "members": null }, "message": "Group created successfully" }
Body:{ "status": "error", "message": "Invalid request body format", "data": null }
PUT /api/groups/{id}
- Summary: Update a group
- Description: Update an existing group by ID, supply the new name of the group in the request body.
- Sample Request URL:
- Parameters:
Body:{ "name": "new_group_name" }
- Response:
Status Code: 200
Body:{ "data": { "id": "9d8be7c8-d2f7-4e4a-8897-9a08e5a18340", "name": "new_group_name", "created_at": "2023-09-22T05:09:44.999Z", "updated_at": "2023-09-22T05:15:07.97Z", "members": null }, "message": "Group updated successfully", "status": "success" }
GET /api/groups/{id}
- Summary: Get a group by Id
- Description: Fetch a group details with Id
- Sample Request Url:
- Response:
Status Code: 200 Body:{ "data": { "id": "bcbb8231-e97d-461e-aa95-e2c426b68b28", "name": "My Group", "created_at": "2023-09-22T09:34:44.376Z", "updated_at": "2023-09-22T09:34:44.376Z", "members": [ { "id": "a750e6c1-50e5-4ba3-84fc-73dbbb684acc", "user_id": "6be00466-af9f-444c-81bc-969d575342be", "group_id": "bcbb8231-e97d-461e-aa95-e2c426b68b28", "created_at": "2023-09-22T09:55:59.673Z", "updated_at": "2023-09-22T09:55:59.673Z", "user": { "id": "6be00466-af9f-444c-81bc-969d575342be", "name": "user_name", "email": "example@gmail.com", "avatar": "avarter_url" } } ] }, "message": "Group retrieved successfully", "status": "success" }
GET /api/groups/user
- Summary: Get groups a user is subscribed to.
- Description: Get a list of groups a user is subscribed to, it is required that the user bearer token is added to the request header.
- Sample Request URL:
- Security:
"security": [ { "Bearer": [] } ]
- Response:
Status Code: 200
Body:{ "data": [ { "id": "9d8be7c8-d2f7-4e4a-8897-9a08e5a18340", "name": "new api group", "created_at": "2023-09-22T05:09:44.999Z", "updated_at": "2023-09-22T05:15:07.97Z", "members": null } ], "message": "Fetched all user groups", "status": "success" }
GET /api/groups?name={name}
- Summary: Fetch a group by name
- Description: Get the details of a group by it's name
- Sample Request URL:
- Parameters:
In Query:{ "name": "Demerzel" }
- Responses:
Status Code: 200
Body:Status Code: 200{ "data": [ { "id": "dc12ee4e-cc8c-4231-a0a7-7ae3148c6392", "name": "Demerzel", "created_at": "2023-09-22T06:36:49.415Z", "updated_at": "2023-09-22T06:36:49.415Z", "members": null } ], "message": "Groups retrieved successfully", "status": "success" }
Body:{ "data": [], "message": "No groups", "status": "success" }
- GET /api/users/current
- Summary: Retrieve details of the current User
- Description: Get the detials of the current user whose bearer token is in the Authorization key in the header.
- Sample Request URL:
- Security:
"security": [ { "Bearer": [] } ]
- Response:
Status Code: 200
Body:{ "data": { "id": "664f1610-b0a0-45bc-9807-96ea7d1872af", "name": "user_name", "email": "example@gmail.com", "avatar": "avater_url" }, "message": "User retrieved successfully", "status": "success" }
- GET /api/users/{id}
- Summary: Retrieve a User by id
- Description: Get the details of a User with User Id (uuid)
- Sample Request URL:
- Response:
Status Code: 200
Body:Status Code: 404{ "data": { "user": { "id": "664f1610-b0a0-45bc-2807-96ea7d1872ai", "name": "user_name", "email": "example@gmail.com", "avatar": "https://avater_url" } }, "message": "User retrieved successfully", "status": "success" }
Body:{ "message": "User with the ID (664f1610-b0a0-45bc-9807-96ea7d1872a) does not exist", "status": "error" }
- PUT /api/users/{id}
- Summary: Update details of a user
- Description: Update the Name and Avater of a user, remember to set the bearer token in the request header.
- Sample Request URL:
- Parameters:
Body:{ "name": "new_user_name", "avater": "avater_url", }
NB: Both parameters (name and avater) are both optional, but either must be supplied.
- Response:
Status Code: 200
Body:Status Code: 400{ "data": null, "message": "User updated successfully", "status": "success" }
Body:{ "message": "Invalid request body format", "status": "error" }
- GET /api/users
- Summary: Retrive all users
- Description: Get a list of all users details: name, email and avatar
- Sample Request URL:
- Security:
"security": [ { "Bearer": [] } ]
- Response:
Status Code: 200
Body:{ "data": { "user": [ { "id": "664f1610-b0a0-45bc-9807-96ea7d4562af", "name": "Username_1", "email": "example1@gmail.com", "avatar": "https://avatar.url" }, { "id": "6be00466-af9f-444c-81bc-969d523442be", "name": "Username_2", "email": "example2@gmail.com", "avatar": "https://avatar.url" } ] }, "message": "Users Retrieved Successfully", "status": "success" }
- POST api/users/logout
- Summary: Logout the current user
- Sample Request URL:
- Response:
Status Code: 200
Body:{ "data": null, "message": "logged out successfully", "status": "success" }
POST /api/event/
- Summary: Create an Event
- Description: Creates a new Event and returns it, supply the title of the event, event location, event description, Start Date, End Date, Start Time and End Time.
- Sample Request URL:
- Parameters:
Body:{ "CreatorId": "user_uuid", "Thumbnail": "thumbnail", "Location": "location", "Title": "title", "Description": "event_description", "Start_Date": "2023-10-01", "End_Date": "2023-10-01", "Start_Time": "16:00", "End_Time": "18:00" }
- Response:
Status Code: 200
{ "data": { "event": { "id": "d7515060-9276-40f0-a294-6f64c6cead54", "creator_id": "664f1610-b0a0-45bc-9807-96ea7d1872af", "thumbnail": "", "location": "location", "title": "event", "description": "event_description", "start_date": "2023-10-01", "end_date": "2023-10-01", "start_time": "16:00", "end_time": "18:00", "created_at": "2023-09-22T14:52:54.785Z", "updated_at": "2023-09-22T14:52:54.785Z", "creator": null } }, "message": "Event Created", "status": "success" }
GET api/events
- Summary: Get a list of all Events
- Sample Request URL:
- Response:
Status Code: 200
{ "data": { "events": [ { "id": "3d5c9a49-a918-4421-9ce0-e4e15abd3389", "creator_id": "a6d0f5bf-b923-47a5-8406-746551dca395", "thumbnail": "", "location": "Uyo, Nigeria", "title": "Event Two", "description": "event_description", "start_date": "2023-09-21", "end_date": "2023-09-25", "start_time": "15:1", "end_time": "17:1", "created_at": "2023-09-22T14:01:22.326Z", "updated_at": "2023-09-22T14:01:22.326Z", "creator": { "id": "a6d0f5bf-b923-47a5-8406-746551dca395", "name": "user_name", "email": "example@gmail.com", "avatar": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocJ9wGidl0HuJH6tw3cg42Zvd_OoNUbfSaiPg3VDED1aGpI=s96-c" } } ] }, "message": "All Events", "status": "success" }
GET api/events/{id}
- Summary: Fetch an Event by Id
- Sample Request URL: `{host}/api/events/d7515060-9276-40f0-a294-6f64c6cead54
- Response:
Status Code: 200
Body:{ "data": { "events": [ { "id": "3d5c9a49-a918-4421-9ce0-e4e15abd3389", "creator_id": "a6d0f5bf-b923-47a5-8406-746551dca395", "thumbnail": "", "location": "Uyo, Nigeria", "title": "Event Two", "description": "event_description", "start_date": "2023-09-21", "end_date": "2023-09-25", "start_time": "15:1", "end_time": "17:1", "created_at": "2023-09-22T14:01:22.326Z", "updated_at": "2023-09-22T14:01:22.326Z", "creator": { "id": "a6d0f5bf-b923-47a5-8406-746551dca395", "name": "user_name", "email": "example@gmail.com", "avatar": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocJ9wGidl0HuJH6tw3cg42Zvd_OoNUbfSaiPg3VDED1aGpI=s96-c" } } ] }, "message": "All Events", "status": "success" }
GET api/events/comments/{id}
- Summary: Fetch all comments tied to an event.
- Sample Request URL:
- Response:
Status Code: 200
Body:{ "data": { "comments": [] }, "message": "Comments Successfully retrieved", "status": "success" }
POST /api/events/{id}/subscribe
- Summary: Subscribe to a event
- Description: Subscribe a user to a event by ID, it is required that the user bearer token is added to the request header.
- Sample Request URL:
- Security:
"security": [ { "Bearer": [] } ]
- Responses:
Status Code: 200
Body:Status Code: 404{ "data": { "id": "7078c94c-0138-4488-bc74-e3be3f53271e", "user_id": "864f1310-b0a0-45uc-9407-90ea7e1871zf", "event_id": "9d8be7c8-d2f7-4e4a-8897-9a08e5a18340", "created_at": "2023-09-22T05:50:13.262Z", "updated_at": "2023-09-22T05:50:13.262Z" }, "message": "User successfully subscribed to event", "status": "success" }
Body:Status Code: 409{ "message": "Invalid user or event ID. Please check the values and try again", "status": "error" }
Body:{ "message": "User already subscribed to event", "status": "error" }
POST /api/events/{id}/unsubscribe
- Summary: Unsubscribe to a event
- Description: Unsubscribe a user from a event by ID, it is required that the user bearer token is added to the request header.
- Sample Request URL:
- Security:
"security": [ { "Bearer": [] } ]
- Responses:
Status Code: 200
Body:Status Code: 404{ "data": null, "message": "User successfully unsubscribed to event", "status": "success" }
Body:Status Code: 409{ "message": "User not subscribed to this event", "status": "error" }
Body:{ "message": "Failed to unsubscribe user from event", "status": "error" }
- POST api/images/upload
- Summary: Upload an Image
- Description: Upload an image and get a Cloudinary url of the hosted image. Set the Content-Type header to
. Name the form field containing the image filefile
. - Sample Request URL:
- Parameters:
Body:"file": "url_to_file/image.jpeg"
- Responses:
Status Code: 200
Body:Status Code: 400{ "status": "success" "data": { "url": "https://res.cloudinary.com/jamesjohn/image/upload/v1695389554/1695389551-1660372349874.jpeg.jpg" }, "message": "File uploaded", }
Body:{ "status": "error", "message": "Unable to upload file: <error_message>" }
The Api Response follow the JSend format, whcih have a status
, data
and message
key, the status falls under either success
or error
Read more at: The JSend Specification