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Regular Expressions - quick and concise, readable and composable.

Quick example of readable-regexp

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📖 Readable

Be explicit and extract common pieces

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Compare a readable-regexp expression:

const num = capture.oneOf(
  oneOrMore.digit, // integer
  zeroOrMore.digit.exactly`.`.oneOrMore.digit // decimal
const regExp = match(num).exactly`,`.maybe` `.match(num).toRegExp(Flag.Global); // num is used twice here

With normal JS RegExp:

const regExp = /(\d+|\d*\.\d+), ?(\d+|\d*\.\d+)/g; // we have to copy-paste the capture group

In a more complex use case, we can destructure the expression into manageable small parts:

const allowedChar = notCharIn`<>()[]\\\\` `.,;:@"` (whitespace);

const username =

const quotedString =

const ipv4Address =
  .repeat(1, 3).digit
  .repeat(1, 3).digit
  .repeat(1, 3).digit
  .repeat(1, 3).digit

const domainName =
    oneOrMore.charIn`a-z` `A-Z` `0-9` `-`
  .atLeast(2).charIn`a-z` `A-Z`;

const email =
  .capture.oneOf(username, quotedString)
  .capture.oneOf(ipv4Address, domainName)

This is far more readable and debuggable than the equivalent RegExp:

const email =

📐 Flexible and Concise

Multiple shorthands and syntax options

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Without all the shorthands, an expression looks like this:

const regExp = exactly('[')
  .exactly('] ')
  .exactly(': ')

Whenever a function takes a single string literal, you can use a tagged template literal to remove the brackets:

const regExp = exactly`[`
  .exactly`] `
  .exactly`: `

When there is only one token in a quantifier or group, you can chain it with . instead of using a bracket:

const regExp = exactly`[`
  .exactly`] `
  .exactly`: `

There are shorthands for negating a character class or a lookaround:

const regExp = exactly`[`
  .exactly`] `
  .exactly`: `

As you can see, most of the distracting brackets are gone, and you are left with a clean and concise expression.

🛟 Safe

Type check, auto-complete, and runtime safeguards

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Some errors can be avoided just by writing in readable-regexp:

const o = 'Ȯ'; // 0x022e
const result1 = /\u22e/.test(n);
// false

const result2 = unicode`22e`.toRegExp().test(n);
// true
// '22e' is automatically fixed to be '\u022e'

Some errors can be caught by TypeScript at compile time:

(Not working at the moment. These errors will either be thrown at runtime or be handled by readable-regexp to produce reasonable RegExp.)

// @ts-expect-error - You cannot use two quantifiers on one token
const regExp = oneOrMore.zeroOrMore`foo`;
// @ts-expect-error - char is not negatable, because it matches nothing
const regExp = oneOrMore.not.char;
// @ts-expect-error - k is not a valid flag
const regExp = char.toRegExp('gki');

Some can be caught at run time:

const result1 = /(foo)\2/.test('foofoo');
// false

const result2 = capture`foo`.ref(2).toRegExp().test('foofoo');
// Error: The following backreferences are not defined: 2


With a package manager

npm install readable-regexp

yarn add readable-regexp
import { oneOrMore, exactly } from 'readable-regexp';

const { oneOrMore, exactly } = require('readable-regexp');

With a CDN

<script src=""></script>
const { oneOrMore, exactly } = readableRegExp;

Quick Start / Documentation

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