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Application contract

The sections below describe the expected behavior of the buildpack. The codebase must be updated if a difference exists between this contract and actual behavior. Either the code needs to change to suit the contract, or the contract needs to be updated. If you see a difference, please open an issue with a minimal application that reproduces the problem.

If you need application-specific support, you can ask on an official Heroku support channel or Stack Overflow.

Application Contract: Detect

The detect phase determines whether or not this buildpack can execute. It can also be used to request additional functionality via requiring behavior from other buildpacks.

  • Node version
    • Given a package.json file in the root of the application the heroku/nodejs-engine buildpack will be required. See README for behavior
  • Yarn version
    • Given a yarn.lock file in the root of the application the heroku/nodejs-yarn buildpack will be required. See README for behavior
  • Java version
    • Given a Gemfile.lock file that specifies jruby the heroku/jvm buildpack will be required. See README for behavior
  • Ruby version
    • Given a Gemfile.lock this buildpack will execute the Ruby build contract below.

Application Contract: Build

Once an application has passed the detect phase, the build phase will execute to prepare the application to run.

  • Ruby version:
    • Given a Gemfile.lock with an explicit Ruby version, we will install that Ruby version.
    • Given a Gemfile.lock without an explicit Ruby version, we will install a default Ruby version.
      • When the default value changes, applications without an explicit Ruby version will receive the updated version on their next deployment.
    • We will reinstall Ruby if your distribution name or version (operating system) changes.
    • We will reinstall Ruby if your CPU architecture (i.e. amd64) changes.
  • Bundler version:
    • Given a Gemfile.lock with an explicit Bundler version we will install that bundler version.
    • Given a Gemfile.lock without an explicit Bundler version we will install a default Ruby version.
  • Ruby Dependencies:
    • We MAY install gem dependencies using bundle install
      • We will always run bundle install for the first build.
      • We will sometimes run this command again if we detect one of the following has changed:
        • Gemfile
        • Gemfile.lock
        • User configurable environment variables. -To always run bundle install even if there are changes if the environment variable HEROKU_SKIP_BUNDLE_DIGEST=1 is found.
    • We will always run bundle clean after a successful bundle install.
    • We will always cache the contents of your gem dependencies.
      • We will always invalidate the dependency cache if your distribution name or version (operating system) changes.
      • We will always invalidate the dependency cache if your CPU architecture (i.e. amd64) changes.
      • We will always invalidate the dependency cache if your Ruby version changes.
      • We may invalidate the dependency cache if there was a bug in a prior buildpack version that needs to be fixed.
  • Gem specific behavior - We will parse your Gemfile.lock to determine what dependencies your app need for use in specializing your install behavior (i.e. Rails 5 versus Rails 4). The inclusion of these gems may trigger different behavior:
    • railties
  • Applications without rake in the Gemfile.lock or a Rakefile variant MAY skip rake task detection.
  • Rake execution - We will determine what rake tasks are runnable via the output of rake -P against your application.
    • We will always abort the build if the rake -p task fails.
    • We will always run rake assets:precompile on your app if that task exists for your application.
      • We will always skip this assets:precompile task if a manifest file exists in the public/assets folder that indicates precompiled assets are checked into git.
        • .sprockets-manifest-*.json
        • manifest-*.json
      • We will abort your build if the rake assets:precompile task fails.
      • We will run rake assets:clean on your app.
        • We will cache the contents of public/assets if assets:clean exists on your application.
        • We will cache asset "fragments" directories if the assets:clean exists on the system.
        • We will limit or prune the size of the asset cache in tmp/cache/assets to 100 MiB.
          • We will delete the least recently used (LRU) files first. Detected via file mtime.
  • Process types:
    • Given an application with the railties gem:
      • We will default the web process to bin/rails server while specifying --port $PORT, --environment $RAILS_ENV" and an IPv6 host with --binding "::" (equivalent of IPv4 host Use the Procfile to override this default.
    • If railties gem is not found but rack gem is present and a file exists on root:
      • We will default the web process to rackup while specifying --port $PORT and IPv6 host with --host "::" (equivalent of IPv4 host Use the Procfile to override this default. .
  • Environment variable defaults - We will set a default for the following environment variables:
    • JRUBY_OPTS="-Xcompile.invokedynamic=false" - Invoke dynamic is a feature of the JVM intended to enhance support for dynamicaly typed languages (such as Ruby). This caused issues with Physion Passenger 4.0.16 and was disabled details. You can override this value.
    • RACK_ENV=${RACK_ENV:-"production"} - An environment variable that may affect the behavior of Rack based webservers and webapps. You can override this value.
    • RAILS_ENV=${RAILS_ENV:-"production"} - A value used by all Rails apps. By default, Rails ships with three environments: development, test, and production. We recommend all apps being deployed to use production and recommend against using a custom env such as staging details. You can override this value.
    • SECRET_KEY_BASE=${SECRET_KEY_BASE:-<generate a secret key>} - In Rails 4.1+ apps a value is needed to generate cryptographic tokens used for a variety of things. Notably this value is used in generating user sessions so modifying it between builds will have the effect of logging out all users. This buildpack provides a default generated value. You can override this value.
    • BUNDLE_WITHOUT=development:test - Tells bundler to not install development or test groups during bundle install. You can override this value.
  • Environment variables modified - In addition to the default list this is a list of environment variables that the buildpack modifies:
    • BUNDLE_FROZEN=1 - Requires Gemfile.lock to be in sync with the current Gemfile.
    • BUNDLE_GEMFILE=<app-dir>/Gemfile - Tells bundler where to find the Gemfile.
    • DISABLE_SPRING="1" - Spring is a library that attempts to cache application state by forking and manipulating processes with the goal of decreasing development boot time. Disabling it in production removes significant problems details.
    • GEM_PATH=<bundle-path-dir> - Tells Ruby where gems are located.
    • MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=2 - Controls glibc memory allocation behavior with the goal of decreasing overall memory allocated by Ruby details.
    • PATH - Various executables are installed and the PATH env var will be modified so they can be executed at the system level. This is mostly done via interfaces provided by libcnb and CNB layers rather than directly.
      • Executables in the application bin directory will take precedence over gem installed executables. Note that some commands like bundle exec may alter the PATH to change this order.
      • Executables from gems will take precedence over executables that ship with Ruby (for example rake installed from bundle install should be loaded before rake that comes with the compiled Ruby binary).
    • RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT="enabled" - Sets the default logging target to STDOUT for Rails 5+ apps. details
    • RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES="enabled" - Enables the ActionDispatch::Static middleware for Rails 5+ apps so that static files such as those in public/assets are served by the Ruby webserver such as Puma details.