The team behind the Artifact Wagon gratefully accepts contributions via pull requests filed against the GitHub project.
The project uses Maven build system and build instructions are stored in pom.xml. Please download and install Maven before running any instruction below.
In order to compile and package the source code run:
mvn package
The build jar can be found in target
Junit and Mockito are used for unit-tests.
Modules contain unit tests under path /src/test/java
. maven-surefire-plugin
is used for running unit
tests and generating reports.
To run unit tests use next commands:
mvn test
to run all testsmvn -Dtest=ClassTest test
to run separate test-classmvn -Dtest=ClassTest#methodTest test
to run separate method of the test-classmvn -Dtest="com/here/your_package/**" test
to run separate package
Reports can be found under target/surefire-reports
Code styles conventions :
- the Java class should have Copyright Notice:
* Copyright (C) 20<x>-20<y> HERE Europe B.V.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* License-Filename: LICENSE
replace the <x>
and <y>
with numbers to denote the years in which the materials were created and modified.
- the package name should start with
- the folder structure should reflect the package name
should not be used in the Java-classes. Each import should be declared explicitly.- it is recommended to use Google Java Format without any single change to it.
As part of filing a pull request we ask you to sign off the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) in each commit. Any Pull Request with commits that are not signed off will be reject by the DCO check.
A DCO is lightweight way for contributors to confirm that they wrote or otherwise have the right
to submit code or documentation to a project. Simply add Signed-off-by
as shown in the example below
to indicate that you agree with the DCO.
An example signed commit message: Fix minor spelling mistake
Signed-off-by: John Doe <>
Git has the -s
flag that can sign a commit for you, see example below:
$ git commit -s -m ' Fix minor spelling mistake'
All opened pull request are being tested by Travis CI before they can be merged to the target branch.
After the new code is pushed to master
Travis will run the test suite again, build the artifacts and release them
to Maven Central repository. The job will automatically increase Artifact Wagon patch version during this process.
If you don't want your changes to trigger the release - you can add the [skip release]
flag to your commit message,
e.g., git commit -s -m "[skip release] Fixed proxy configuration"
. We recommend doing so in cases when you update
CI scripts or documentation like and