Inspired from Keep a Changelog
- Add support for s390x architecture (#4001)
- Github workflow for changelog verification (#4085)
- Point in time rest layer changes for create and delete PIT API (#4064)
- Point in time rest layer changes for list PIT and PIT segments API (#4388)
- Added @dreamer-89 as an Opensearch maintainer (#4342)
- Added release notes for 1.3.5 (#4343)
- Added release notes for 2.2.1 (#4344)
- Label configuration for dependabot PRs (#4348)
- Support for HTTP/2 (server-side) (#3847)
- BWC version 2.2.2 (#4383)
- Support for labels on version bump PRs, skip label support for changelog verifier (#4391)
- Update previous release bwc version to 2.4.0 (#4455)
- 2.3.0 release notes (#4457)
- Added missing javadocs for
modules (#4483) - Add BWC version 2.3.1 (#4513)
- [Segment Replication] Add snapshot and restore tests for segment replication feature (#3993)
- Added missing javadocs for
modules (#4540) - Add missing Javadoc tag descriptions in unit tests (#4629)
- Add getter for path field in NestedQueryBuilder (#4636)
- Added precommit support for windows (#4676)
- Added release notes for 1.3.6 (#4681)
- Added precommit support for MacOS (#4682)
- Recommission API changes for service layer (#4320)
- Update GeoGrid base class access modifier to support extensibility (#4572)
- Add a new node role 'search' which is dedicated to provide search capability (#4689)
- Introduce experimental searchable snapshot API (#4680)
- Recommissioning of zone. REST layer support. (#4624)
- Added in-flight cancellation of SearchShardTask based on resource consumption (#4565)
- Apply reproducible builds configuration for OpenSearch plugins through gradle plugin (#4746)
- Add groupId value propagation tests for ZIP publication task (#4772)
- Add support for GeoJson Point type in GeoPoint field (#4597)
- Add dev guide for dealing with flakey tests (4868)
- Update pull request template (#4851)
- Bumps
from 2.18.0 to 2.19.0 - Bumps
from 1.0.18 to 1.0.23 - Bumps
from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 - Bumps
from 12.18.0 to 12.18.1 - Bumps
from 3.3 to 3.4 - Bumps
from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 - Bumps
from 3.21.2 to 3.21.7k - Bumps
from 1.31.0 to 1.33.0 - Bumps
from 1.11.0 to 1.11.1 - Bumps
from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1 - Bumps
from 5.1.0 to 5.1.1 (#4354) - Bumps
from 1.12.0 to 1.12.4 (#4160) - Bumps
from 1.27.0 to 1.31.0 (#4160) - Bumps
from 12.16.0 to 12.18.0 (#4160) - Bumps
from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 (#4411) - Bumps
from 1.0.19 to 1.0.22 (#4447) - Bumps
from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 (#4488) - Bumps
from 6.10.0 to 6.11.0 (#4547) - Bumps
from 3.4.18 to 3.4.23 (#4548) - Bumps
from 1.8.16 to 1.8.17 (#4550) - Bumps
from 3.3.3 to 3.3.4 (#4644) - Bumps
from 5.11.0 to 5.12.1 (#4656) - Update Jackson Databind to (addressing CVE-2022-42003) (#4779)
- Bumps
from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (#4791) - Exclude jettison version brought in with hadoop-minicluster. (#4787)
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.21.7 in repository-gcs and repository-hdfs (#)
- Dependency updates (httpcore, mockito, slf4j, httpasyncclient, commons-codec) (#4308)
- Use RemoteSegmentStoreDirectory instead of RemoteDirectory (#4240)
- Plugin ZIP publication groupId value is configurable (#4156)
- Weighted round-robin scheduling policy for shard coordination traffic (#4241)
- Add index specific setting for remote repository (#4253)
- [Segment Replication] Update replicas to commit SegmentInfos instead of relying on SIS files from primary shards. (#4402)
- [CCR] Add getHistoryOperationsFromTranslog method to fetch the history snapshot from translogs (#3948)
- [Remote Store] Change behaviour in replica recovery for remote translog enabled indices (#4318)
- PUT api for weighted shard routing (#4272)
- GET api for weighted shard routing(#4275)
- Unmute test RelocationIT.testRelocationWhileIndexingRandom (#4580)
- Add DecommissionService and helper to execute awareness attribute decommissioning (#4084)
- Delete api for weighted shard routing(#4400)
- Further simplification of the ZIP publication implementation (#4360)
- Relax visibility of the HTTP_CHANNEL_KEY and HTTP_SERVER_CHANNEL_KEY to make it possible for the plugins to access associated Netty4HttpChannel / Netty4HttpServerChannel instance (#4638)
- Load the deprecated master role in a dedicated method instead of in setAdditionalRoles() (#4582)
- Include Windows OS in Bootstrap initializeNatives() check for definitelyRunningAsRoot() (#4656)
- Add APIs (GET/PUT) to decommission awareness attribute (#4261)
- Improve Gradle pre-commit checks to pre-empt Jenkins build (#4660)
- Update to Apache Lucene 9.4.0 (#4661)
- Controlling discovery for decommissioned nodes (#4590)
- Backport Apache Lucene version change for 2.4.0 (#4677)
- Use ReplicationFailedException instead of OpensearchException in ReplicationTarget (#4725)
- Fix weighted routing metadata deserialization error on process restart (#4691)
- Refactor Base Action class javadocs to OpenSearch.API (#4732)
- Migrate client transports to Apache HttpClient / Core 5.x (#4459)
- Refactored BalancedAllocator.Balancer to LocalShardsBalancer (#4761)
- Fail weight update when decommission ongoing and fail decommission when attribute not weighed away (#4839)
- Remove deprecated code to add node name into log pattern of log4j property file (#4568)
- Unused object and import within TransportClusterAllocationExplainAction (#4639)
- Remove LegacyESVersion.V_7_0_* and V_7_1_* Constants (#2768)
- Remove LegacyESVersion.V_7_2_ and V_7_3_ Constants (#4702)
- Always auto release the flood stage block (#4703)
- Remove LegacyESVersion.V_7_4_ and V_7_5_ Constants (#4704)
- Remove Legacy Version support from Snapshot/Restore Service (#4728)
- Remove deprecated serialization logic from pipeline aggs (#4847)
opensearch-service.bat start
andopensearch-service.bat manager
failing to run (#4289)- PR reference to checkout code for changelog verifier (#4296)
andopensearch-service.bat install
failing to run, missing logs directory (#4305)- Restore using the class ClusterInfoRequest and ClusterInfoRequestBuilder from package '' for subclasses (#4307)
- Do not fail replica shard due to primary closure (#4133)
- Add timeout on Mockito.verify to reduce flakyness in testReplicationOnDone test(#4314)
- Commit workflow for dependabot changelog helper (#4331)
- Fixed cancellation of segment replication events (#4225)
- [Segment Replication] Bump segment infos counter before commit during replica promotion (#4365)
- Bugs for dependabot changelog verifier workflow (#4364)
- Fix flaky random test
(#4352) - [Segment Replication] Extend FileChunkWriter to allow cancel on transport client (#4386)
- [Segment Replication] Add check to cancel ongoing replication with old primary on onNewCheckpoint on replica (#4363)
- Fix NoSuchFileExceptions with segment replication when computing primary metadata snapshots (#4366)
- [Segment Replication] Update flaky testOnNewCheckpointFromNewPrimaryCancelOngoingReplication unit test (#4414)
- Fixed the
test cases fix. - [Segment Replication] Fix timeout issue by calculating time needed to process getSegmentFiles (#4426)
- [Bug]: gradle check failing with java heap OutOfMemoryError (#4328)
fails to execute when install path includes spaces (#4362)- Getting security exception due to access denied 'java.lang.RuntimePermission' 'accessDeclaredMembers' when trying to get snapshot with S3 IRSA (#4469)
- Fixed flaky test
(#4484) - Fixed the ignore_malformed setting to also ignore objects (#4494)
- [Segment Replication] Ignore lock file when testing cleanupAndPreserveLatestCommitPoint (#4544)
- Updated jackson to 2.13.4 and snakeyml to 1.32 (#4556)
- Fixing PIT flaky tests (4632)
- Fixed day of year defaulting for round up parser (#4627)
- Fixed the SnapshotsInProgress error during index deletion (#4570)
- [Segment Replication] Adding check to make sure checkpoint is not processed when a shard's shard routing is primary (#4630)
- [Bug]: Fixed invalid location of JDK dependency for arm64 architecture(#4613)
- [Bug]: Alias filter lost after rollover (#4499)
- Fixed the SnapshotsInProgress error during index deletion (#4570)
- [Segment Replication] Adding check to make sure checkpoint is not processed when a shard's shard routing is primary (#4630)
- [Bug]: Fixed invalid location of JDK dependency for arm64 architecture(#4613)
- [Bug]: Alias filter lost after rollover (#4499)
- Fixed misunderstanding message "No OpenSearchException found" when detailed_error disabled (#4669)
- Attempt to fix Github workflow for Gradle Check job (#4679)
- Fix flaky DecommissionControllerTests.testTimesOut (4683)
- Fix new race condition in DecommissionControllerTests (4688)
- Fix SearchStats (de)serialization (caused by opensearch-project#4616) (#4697)
- Fixing Gradle warnings associated with publishPluginZipPublicationToXxx tasks (#4696)
- [BUG]: Remove redundant field from GetDecommissionStateResponse (#4751)
- Fixed randomly failing test (4774)
- Update version check after backport (4786)
- Fix decommission status update to non leader nodes (4800)
- Fix recovery path for searchable snapshots (4813)
- Fix bug in AwarenessAttributeDecommissionIT(4822)
- Fix 'org.apache.hc.core5.http.ParseException: Invalid protocol version' under JDK 16+ (#4827)
- [BUG]: flaky test index/80_geo_point/Single point test(#4860)
- CVE-2022-25857 org.yaml:snakeyaml DOS vulnerability (#4341)
- Github workflow for changelog verification (#4085)
- Label configuration for dependabot PRs (#4348)
- Added RestLayer Changes for PIT stats (#4217)
- Added GeoBounds aggregation on GeoShape field type.(#4266)
- Addition of Doc values on the GeoShape Field
- Addition of GeoShape ValueSource level code interfaces for accessing the DocValues.
- Addition of Missing Value feature in the GeoShape Aggregations.
- Install and configure Log4j JUL Adapter for Lucene 9.4 (#4754)
- Added feature to ignore indexes starting with dot during shard limit validation.(#4695)