Mon 16 Mar 2020 12:05:37 GMT
- 396f9b3e FABN-1515: consume CKS as a synchronus function (#172)
- 971b0dfe Trigger for PR builds (release-1.4) (#174)
- a4ee5d4b FABN-1510 Update grpc levels to 1.24.2 (#164)
- 74486cb4 FABN-1508 setEndorsingOrganizations support (#163)
- 2cd7570d FABN-1481: Add Node 12 to compatibility matrix (#155)
- a271a379 FABN-1505 List winston as dependency for all packages (#153)
- edeca68b Revert to releasing snapshots after 1.4.7 (#146)
Tue 25 Feb 2020 10:18:49 GMT
- 303a4535 [FABN-1500] Fix fabric-ca-client builds (#142)
- e5cc66cb [FABN-1487] Revert release-1.4 branch to release snapshots (#141)
Thu 20 Feb 2020 16:31:33 GMT
- 24649b5c [FABN-1481] Remove node 8 support and add node 12 (#118)
- f19cd915 [FABN-1039] Port dependencies clean up to release-1.4 (#117)
- b746ce5d [FABN-1039] Remove gulp from release1.4 (#107)
- fbda3e6c [FABN-1430] Fix type for IServiceResponse (#62) (#114)
- 66a385e8 add jsdoc for peer responses in exception (#113)
- aa4e7a09 Fix some broken docs links (#112)
- ecf9ecad FABN-1451 add peer responses to error (#108)
- 046fe8cd FABN-1463 NodeSDK make waitForReady optional (#103)
- 287ff71a [FABN-1039] Cherry pick of changes delivered under "Create eslint task" (#101)
- 8c5c4fa4 FABN-1460 NodeSDK set release 1.4 snapshot (#100)
- f7d89081 FABN-1446: Specific compatibility matrix for 1.4 (#92)
- 6817c70d [FABCI-482] Update Nexus URLs to Artifactory (#82)
- 95319fac FABN-1450 NodeSDK publish 1.4.5 (#90)
Wed Jan 15 10:27:45 EST 2020
- ae93bdf0 FABN-1403 NodeSDK add new line to certs (#89)
- e3d80c81 (Release-1.4) Add Mark Lewis as a maintainer (#77)
- 80ba7559 [FABN-1308] Enable checkpointing when start or end block is given (#52)
- 6d851d25 FABN-1386: Import npm credentials in build (#63)
- e4256b4e FABN-1403 NodeSDK modify multicert pems (#56)
- c57fab76 [FABN-1307] Pass options.unregister through to clientOptions.unregister (#54)
- 54cc00f2 (Release-1.4) Remove gerrit/jenkins references (#49)
- 53d70e23 FABN-1386: Tidy up npm publish script (#45)
- 0a779c94 FABN-1386: Publish npm packages
- 9f7c6065 FABN-1386: Doc publishing fixes (#43)
- fa869ca2 FABN-1386: Publish correct doc release directory (#42)
- 90ca4dd3 FABN-1386: Reference credentials in pipeline script
- b863a7ad [FABN-1407] Add PDC and EP types (#28)
- 7974f86d [FABN-1386: Publish docs to gh-]( Publish docs to gh-)pages branch
- 5183f8cb FABN-1419: Fix HSMWalletMixin typescript definition
- 5d88406e [[FAB-1418] Fix builds and add package-locks -](] Fix builds and add package-locks -) rearrange build.grade setup to avoid jitpack woes
- 0c19edde FABN-1386: Don't pull Docker images
- b34e883f FABN-1386: Azure Pipelines publish of npm packages
- 14a59c22 FABN-1386: Publish API documentation in Azure
- bb708234 FABN-1386: Azure pipelines build
- 8f51aba3 [FABN-1402] Use "for of" instead of "for in"
- c8ed3965 [FABN-1400] Clean up cryptoSuite key signing.
- cb848341 FABN-1333
- 2e5e6c90 FABN-626 make pkcs11js optional
- ac7e9564 [FAB-16680] Fix jitpack link
- b5ccfc12 fabric-sdk-node update to baseimage 0.4.16
- c3e9e280 [FABN-1335]-Reference event handling
- 926f81b6 [IN-68] Add default GitHub SECURITY policy
- c2077aee FABN-1384 NodeSDK update grpc level
- a0c3b97a [FABN-1359] Move HSM docs into separated page
- daabce19 FABN-1358 Update FabricVer to pull latest images
- f32f2f4e FABN-1348 NodeSDK Define discovery
- 1fafb7c6 FAB-10717 NodeSDK protect endorsement plan
- d412969f FAB-10717 NodeSDK protect endorsement plan
- f877da08 [FABCI-403] Disable AnsiColor Wrapper
- 40be8660 FABN-1344: Allow endorsing peers to be specified
- 2a3e8510 [FABN-1342] Improve SDK packaging performance
- 2795d191 [FABN-1341] Support .fabricignore files in packaging
- 596d3430 [FABN-1320] Add script
- 04eda7c8 FABN-1233 NodeSDK segment fault
- 68715a64 FABN-1332: Revert commit handler implementation
- b8b17e5d FABN-1325 NodeSDK update readme for Node.js vers
- ede57101 [FABN-1334] clean duplicated code and jsDoc
- 68503edc FABN-1326: Use only eventing peers for commits
- 9b13f732 FABN-1322: JSDoc for DefaultEventHandlerStrategies
- b19af29d [FAB-16105] Update build.gradle for Java Contracts
- d6819132 [FABN-1282] Fix integration test by README and code.
- 2d4d6e57 [FABN-1306: Set versions to 1.4.5-]( Set versions to 1.4.5-)snapshot
Fri 5 Jul 2019 13:52:44 BST
- f7dd021 FABN-1303 Update to version 1.21.1 of grpc
- b861782 FABN-1288 NodeSDK remove clientKey from log
- 5cda959 [FABN-1251] Added start/end block functionality
- bb2d9ae [FABN-1284 1.4.3-]( 1.4.3-)snapshot update
- e4f340b [FABN-1220 NodeSDK add fabric-ca-]( NodeSDK add fabric-ca-)client
Wed 19 Jun 2019 14:15:03 BST
- 670989a FABN-1259 fix timeout when debugging chaincode
- 521290e [FABN-1220 NodeSDK fix fabric-ca-]( NodeSDK fix fabric-ca-)client version
- 18865fa [[FABN-1203] fabric-](] fabric-)network event listening doc changes
- fead20e [FABN-1220 NodeSDK fabric-ca-]( NodeSDK fabric-ca-)client dependency
- 412e4cb FABN-1256 NodeSDK reset as_local default
- b0ec92c FABN-1133 NodeSDK switch to caname
- f9e2664 FABN-401 NodeSDK Add connect info to tutorial
- 813338e FABN-1210 NodeSDK Chaincode events as array
- 64b6e56 FABN-1239: Better error on submitTransaction failure
- 992099f [FABN-1205] Chaincode event data fix
- 302503e [FABN-1235] Block event checkpointer fix
- 3dfa259 [FABN-1232] missing gulp test
- a98a72d FABN-1231 NodeSDK add connect to event tutorial
- 81ec3e9 FABN-1226: Better handling of query error responses
- 4f62e20 [FABN-1225] Convert CDS path seps from Win to UNIX
- 33a52b8 [FABN-1100] Fix for checkpoint factory
- 1c3bbac [FABN-1216] package.json add node 10
- f65f22c FABN-1207 NodeSDK chaincode event defaults
- 43846df [#FABN-1206] Fixed inability to receive filtered events
- c74c0e7 FAB-14977 NodeSDK prepare for next release
- d34e374 FABN-1201 NodeSDK fix SO_TIMEOUT error
Thu 4 Apr 2019 10:44:58 BST
- 12466fd [FABN-1100] Tidy start block and event hub management
- 02b2a54 [FABN-1194] Use connection options for discovery peer
- 1a12452 [FABN-1100] Checkpoint after callback is complete
- ea5750f [FABN-1100] Ammended typescript definitions
- 404adbe [FABN-1100] Event handling abstractions
- f23244a FABN-1193 Update CI Scripts
- fe99b96 FABCI-304 Update CI Pipeline script
- 4daba1f [FABN-1155] Include missed connection setting
- ecaedf0 FABN-1188 Update thirdparty version to 0.4.15
- c24f702 Properly handle empty responses
- b90dc16 [FABN-1123] Fix identity update maxEnrollments
- ed0897e [FABN-1177 Add gulp end-to-]( Add gulp end-to-)end test for fabric
- c10865c [FABN-1160] Fix TLS logic for discovered peers
- adbe75a [FABN-1169] Backport certifcate fix from master
- 3bc8b6c FABN-682 NodeSDK client specify escc/vscc names
- ded4d70 [FABN-1159] Allow PEM paths relative to CCP
- 19fcd2b FABN-1118: Unit test fixes for Node 10
- a6c306c FABN-1156: Backport pluggable query handler
- 51c7850 FABN-1143: Remove spurious error log
- 34d36d8 FABN-1128 Discovery options not merged correctly
- 61a1eba [FABN-1130] Stop using "init" as default function name
- 433b5af [FABN-1127] Corrected typescript definitions
- 4b6b3b1 FAB-1117 NodeSDK event hub connect
- 9ea9c26 FABN-1124: Use MSP ID from client user context
- cb44392 FABN-1110 Update CI script to remove nvm installation
- fab0933 [FABN-1031] Make grpc levels consistent
- 02adcce [FABN-1031 -]( -) additional grpc library for updating
- b787847 FABN-1096 NodeSDK add member_only_read
- a0ae6b0 FABN-1098 NodeSDK allow multiple targets
- 4891f64 [FAB-13075] Move to updated x509
- 7932c01 FABN-1083 NodeSDK allow commit/endorse handler
- d33724d FABN-1097 NodeSDK use class name
- dd98a05 FAB-13574 NodeSDK prepare 1.4.1
- ee39b92 FABN-1093 Update Jenkinsfile.z
Wed 9 Jan 2019 09:42:07 GMT
- 0d24cec [FABN-1056] update return type of sign() to Buffer
- edc7983 FABN-1058 NodeSDK add discover doc
- 34a1fee FABN-1085: Minor doc corrections
- ea92a09 FABN-1060: Handle error responses in comparison
- 050f250 FABN-1084 X509 library locked to 0.3.3
- 58c8666 FABN-1081 Add new environment variable for logging spec
- 650dc6b FABN-1070 NodeSDK Use Node 8.14.0
- 2cc9f01 [FABN-1079 Publish release-1]( Publish release-1).4 API docs
- 866f023 FABN-1058 NodeSDK handler close peer
- 284ff10 FABN-1058 NodeSDK handler close peer
- 5f4733b FABN-1067 NodeSDK prepare for 1.4.0
Tue 11 Dec 2018 09:14:32 GMT
- 3e9ae04 FABN-834 NodeSDK explain gRPC settings
- 92b70bc FABN-1051 Update pipeline script
- f19e630 FABN-1045 release notes for v1.4.0
- 55c8f55 FABN-1053: Rename contract namespace to name
- afae931 FABN-1052 NodeSDK reorder logging test
- d664de0 FABN-1051 Update pipeline script
- a688fc2 FABN-912 NodeSDK add connection options
- 003da0d FABN-1050: Catch errors thrown by event callbacks
- e60796c [FABN-899] update toturials for offline private key
- cfaec8f FABN-987: Update JSDoc for ProposalResponseObject
- 0d143be FABN-941 NodeSDK Add peer info to response
- 2f81b2c [[FABN-877] Adjusted doc'ed grpc-max-send-message-](] Adjusted doc'ed grpc-max-send-message-)length
- 790484d FABN-1048 Update pipeline scripts
- c89e34a FABN-1040 add missing fabric client dependencies
- 90201ae FABN-1019 NodeSDK add orgs to discovery handler
- 462dca2 FABN-1042: Export Wallet in TS definitions
- 765b159 Allow discovery to be turned off in fabric-network
- e3b6d83 [FABN-969] Parse environment variables with nconf
- f79198d [FABN-1002: fabric-]( fabric-)network module documentation
- 3c50e3a [FABN-899] update docs for enroll()
- 6eefe64 FABN-985: Use request txId in Channel.queryByChaincode
- d999468 FABN-1034: Prevent hang with concurrent transactions
- cd0de89 [FABN-1033] update jsdoc build scripts
- 680a4ce update doc for network setup
- 27b6b1e [FABN-902] update type definition for enroll()
- cbd442d FABN-1028 NodeSDK update ignoring test
- 6d631e4 FABN-987: Update TS defs for ProposalResponseObject
- 54fa5cf [[FABN-897] fabric-ca-](] fabric-ca-)client enroll with csr
- 83fedc9 FABN-1026: NodeSDK private data tutorial
- cf3abfd FABN-1026: Add discovery 'asLocalhost' prop to TS defs
- 2068039 FABN-926: Improve messages for failed proposals
- db94927 FABN-1001: Enable strict typescript compile option
- c833235 [FABN-1027] README: Fix Markup
- 63fd9ae FABN-1024 Update pipeline scripts
- 9e3cc71 FABN-1024 Update pipeline scripts
- a261444 [FABN-1001: Update fabric-]( Update fabric-)network typescript defs
- 177b286 FABN-1017 Update the
- 0ecfdd3 FABN-972 NodeSDK Add private data doc
- 7364f18 [FABN-1020] Correct metadata packaging code for Windows
- ab11815 FABN-946 NodeSDK auto cert not for mutual TLS
- 480fb4c FABN-1014: Use ChannelEventHub.connect callback
- dfdd972 [FABN-1010] add missing jsdocs
- 65a8da9 FABN-864 service discovery usage improvements
- 1bc3892 FABN-1003 NodeSDK add connect callback
- 4348438 FABN-1006 Update API docs script
- f3bff6d [FABN-1002: Tidy-up fabric-]( Tidy-up fabric-)network JSDoc
- 1bbeea6 FABN-997 Update pipeline scripts
- 0c12234 [FABN-1000] Use less strict "is promise" check
- e20c048 FABN-929: Enfore single Transaction invocation
- 93fe94d [FABN-975] enable e2e tests
- c79db9b FABN-997 Update pipeline scripts
- d3ada6f FABN-997 Update pipeline script
- b106818 FABN-997 Update pipeline script
- adadd93 FABN-865: Include event tutorial in docs
- 4a6ef6a [FAB-12640] Enable disabled mocha tests
- 1cdd627 FABN-997 Update pipeline script
- 163e5e0 FABN-929: Allow function chaining on Transaction
- 7b2eaff FABN-990 NodeSDK return to snapshot publish
- 911c1fa [FABN-975] Drive cucumber tests from node_modules dir
- 214b813 FABN-997 Add credentials in pipeline script
- edeabd0 FABN-995 NodeSDK update channel event hub doc
- 9668d63 [FABN-994] Typo in Tutorial Document
- 486333f Tidy up network e2e test event listening
- 49637c6 FAB-12548 Update CI Pipeline scripts
- 4dc5ec1 FABN-993: Return empty string correctly
- 2ca614d FABN-990 NodeSDK prepare for 1.4.0 beta
- 2955431 [[FAB-12640] Adding stricter ESLint rules to sdk-](] Adding stricter ESLint rules to sdk-)node
- 421a1bc FABN-929: Additional JSDoc for transient data
- a07cc90 [FABN-909] use devDependancies
- 2f37854 [FABN-975] disable discovery in sceanrio tests
- 9baa401 [FABN-989] Remove redundant packaging code
- 1b14029 FABN-929: Transient data with evaluateTransaction()
- e047f07 [FABN-988] Validate smart contract name/version
- 4f65a2e [FABN-864 Discovery support in fabric-]( Discovery support in fabric-)network api
- 9a37ef1 [FABN-975] cucumber test framework
- 967eee1 [FABN-929: Transient data support in fabric-]( Transient data support in fabric-)network
- 61376fe [FABN-599] Mocha unit tests for Channel
- 4197aed [FABN-829] Multi version docs fix
- db4c59f [FABN-829] Multi version docs
- 5e99372 FAB-12617 Update pipeline scripts
- 8b59db1 [FAB-12615 Fix fabric-]( Fix fabric-)common module name
- e3fd07b FABN-981 Update pipeline scripts
- 74ffdf8 [FAB-12567] executeTransaction to evaluateTransaction
- 458fe61 [FABN-942] Remove gRPC warnings from grpc.load()
- db0f4cf [FABN-865: Simplify sample plug-]( Simplify sample plug-)in event handler
- aa7df5e [FABN-863] Added HSM wallet mixin
- 96cfd8f [[FABN-956] logger timeStamp re-](] logger timeStamp re-)order
- 6b46d7d [FABN-979] default logger: enable timeStamp
- dc849aa [FABN-599: More mocha tests for fabric-]( More mocha tests for fabric-)client Channel
- 9b7a616 [FABN-976] Fix chaincode package install arg validation
- 4f7c9aa [[FABN-967] type update for fabric-](] type update for fabric-)client
- e6df05b FABCI-22 Pipeline job configuration
- 9f5a2dd [FABN-973] Improve ChannelEventHub doc for node sdk
- 6b483df [[FAB-12444] Update fabric-sdk-](] Update fabric-sdk-)node to baseimage 0.4.14
- 792d86f [FABN-865: Plug-]( Plug-)in event handlers
- 28f48d3 [FABN-862] Implemented CouchDB wallet storage
- 4579e7e [FABN-599 ] enhance gulp mocha tasks
- 7ea726a [FABN-962 Update sdk-]( Update sdk-)node to baseimage 0.4.13
- 2840d59 FABCI-138 NodeSDK update version and tag
- d855f1c [FABN-953] reinstate java chaincode tests
- 3243d67 FABN-951: Fix event handling concurreny issue
- d7b354e [FABN-599] Fixed eslint issues with autofix
- a63c19c FABN-955: Additional logging for tx event handling
- 3d2d893 [FABN-599] Unit tests for packager module
- a674009 [FABN-953] temporarily disable java chaincode e2e tests
- 526a266 [FABN-909] publish empty common module
- 49b73f2 [FABN-599] Added unit tests
- 70ec069 [FABN-952] update readmes and package information
- a50f68d [[FABN-948] Add top-](] Add top-)level Package class to SDK
- ab01269 [FABN-940] Contract Namespaces
- 4f19232 FABN-950 NodeSDK Update JSDOC for discovery
- ed043c3 FABN-949 NodeSDK metadataPath not working
- 857c68e [FABN-599: Mocha unit tests for fabric-]( Mocha unit tests for fabric-)client Channel
- f356471 [FABN-599] Added unit tests
- 6634e1a [FABN-944 JSDoc for fabric-]( JSDoc for fabric-)network classes
Thu Nov 1 13:30:41 EDT 2018
- 2f37854 [FABN-975] disable discovery in sceanrio tests
- 9baa401 [FABN-989] Remove redundant packaging code
- 1b14029 FABN-929: Transient data with evaluateTransaction()
- e047f07 [FABN-988] Validate smart contract name/version
- 4f65a2e FABN-864 Discovery support in fabric-network api
- 9a37ef1 [FABN-975] cucumber test framework
- 967eee1 FABN-929 Transient data support in fabric-network
- 61376fe [FABN-599] Mocha unit tests for Channel
- 4197aed [FABN-829] Multi version docs fix
- db4c59f [FABN-829] Multi version docs
- 5e99372 FAB-12617 Update pipeline scripts
- 8b59db1 FAB-12615 Fix fabric-common module name
- e3fd07b FABN-981 Update pipeline scripts
- 74ffdf8 [FAB-12567] executeTransaction to evaluateTransaction
- 458fe61 [FABN-942] Remove gRPC warnings from grpc.load()
- db0f4cf FABN-865 Simplify sample plug-in event handler
- aa7df5e [FABN-863] Added HSM wallet mixin
- 96cfd8f [FABN-956 logger timeStamp re-order
- 6b46d7d [FABN-979] default logger: enable timeStamp
- dc849aa [FABN-599]( More mocha tests for fabric-)client Channel
- 9b7a616 [FABN-976] Fix chaincode package install arg validation
- 4f7c9aa [FABN-967 type update for fabric-client
- e6df05b FABCI-22 Pipeline job configuration
- 9f5a2dd [FABN-973] Improve ChannelEventHub doc for node sdk
- 6b483df [FAB-12444 Update fabric-sdk-node to baseimage 0.4.14
- 792d86f FABN-865 Plug-in event handlers
- 28f48d3 [FABN-862] Implemented CouchDB wallet storage
- 4579e7e [FABN-599] enhance gulp mocha tasks
Wed Oct 10 10:46:28 EDT 2018
- f76ae0a NEW VER
- 74f826e FABCI-138 NodeSDK update tag
- ec9ef04 FABN-950 NodeSDK Update JSDOC for discovery
- a690463 FABN-949 NodeSDK metadataPath not working
- 60beb0c [FABN-938 add .gitreview file
- fbc1b16 [FABN-937 Test samples: TransientMap value
- aa55f75 [FABN-935 Fix dependency check in java chaincode test
- c536a55 FABN-934 update getOrganizations jsdoc
- cb4b568 FABN-927 submitTransaction hanging on multiple txn
- 58d5b81 FABN-933 fix filename typo
- d703cc2 FABN-874 Part 3, update anchor peers
- c0fb4a5 FAB-12117 NodeSDK update java chaincode groupid
- bf70258 FABN-599 Unit tests for utils and Client
- 6260a3c FABN-898 docs for offline signature
- 61cf4b2 FABN-907 NodeSDK update event doc
- 3f103fe FABN-874 update anchor peer
- 25f4701 [FABN-874]Private Data disseminate fail
- f50c9c6 FABN-925 NodeSDK remove benign error msg
- 3d47ccd FABN-832 NodeSDK Add release notes file
- 5c34936 FABN-844 NodeSDK local peer discovery
- 119aaa7 FABN-924 update baseimage to 0.4.12
- 945348f FABN-923 remove async for generateUnsignedTransaction
- 3de24eb FABN-921 NodeSDK add service discovery doc
- e7f85e1 FABN-883 NodeSDK Common Connection Profile
- 300e0e9 FABN-922 uncouple fabric-network
- 3e09b99 [FABN-599 Unit tests for hash
- dac25b4 FABN-917 Add unresponded event hubs to timeout message
- 97cbb10 FABN-920 TS defs for Gateway connect/disconnect
- 9500a4d FABN-599 Unit tests for Api
- 438ea47 FABN-599 Unit tests for Remote
- 8d6e09f FABN-919 Add error messages to event strategy failures
- 0f97da3 FABN-844 NodeSDK timeout on queryByChaincode
- 6366fac FABN-916 NodeSDK Update GRPC level
- 694871f FABN-599 Unit tests for client-utils
- eee0b27 [FABN-599 Unit tests for Constants
- 2855a85 [FABN-599 Unit tests for Config
- 91c1f17 [FABN-908 using channel eventhub offline
- 84d0718 FABN-900 NodeSDK Connect error return URL
- 8a56714 FABN-599 Unit test for BlockDecoder
- 828c718 FABN-910 Connect EventHubs up front in network api
- 8796095 FABN-887 deploy Java chaincode
- 19b6086 FABN-843 Discovery using collections
- 399bd25 FABN-858 improve tests
- 8d5ab8a FABN-906 Update thirdparty image version
- 6de77fe FABN-905 Add typescript support for event
- b13a8e9 [FAB-11059 unit test for base client
- ba2508f FABN-903 Rename fabric-network classes
- 7441939 FABN-842 discovery cc2cc
- 5ce3363 FABN-857
- 117a00f Fix issue installing chaincode package
- 7b05d75 FABN-896 sign transaction offline
- ec0dc97 FABN-861 fabric-network typescript definitions
- eb56c95 FABN-866 provide executeTransaction capability
- f48cb3c FAB-11059 unit test for packager
- 3c0f31a FAB-11059 unit tests for sideDB
- 54cb147 FABN-891 Make documentation and types consistent
- 59afcfd FAB-11059 unit tests for ca
- bb06fbc FAB-11059 unit test for peer
- b31eae5 FAB-11059 unit tests for organization
- 5ef917f FABN-856 submitTransaction API
- ab85e84 FABN-886Fix gulp docker-clean for network-e2enodecc
- 39ceca3 FAB-11059 orderer unit tests
- cb591c5 FABN-859 Add support for File System Wallet
- b2416b3 FABN-882 update script to publish fabric-network
- f70b744 FABN-878 query for collection configuration
- ddcebe8 FAB-11059 add unit test for policy
- 6c385e7 FABN-882 update script to publish fabric-network
- 196c9e4 FABN-856 submitTxn API test and gitignore update
- 781ef3f FABN-880 Remove mspManagers state storage in utils.js
- c680a30 FABN-856 submitTransaction API
- 74d8a1d FABN-876 Decode metadata writes in BlockDecoder
- a0a7fb0 FABN-830 Client calls toBytes of PKCS11 keys
- 4c0b4f9 FABN-839 update jsdoc
- c8ba5bd FABN-873 Decode hashed rwset in BlockDecoder
- 491b6b0 FABN-872 Remove references to v1.0 from node.js docs
- d5e5582 FABN-853 listen for newest block
- f064daa FABN-868 Update fabric-client type definition
- 3b187e4 [FABN-838 update BlockDecoder.timeStampToDate()
- b7b44c2 FABN-871 make build process more flexible
- 76b5ded [FABN-870 update jsdoc for service discovery
- 5284de5 [FABN-869 Fix TypeScript test script
- 79b464c FABN-852 monitor all transactions
- 531269e FABN-851 Improve orderer error msg
- 040e42f FAB-11259 Pipeline job configuration
- 5e077cd FABN-850 Added inclusion of .s files on compilation
- 2561c8a [FABN-847 Refactor channel.sendTransaction
- 1e00aca FABN-849 update protos
- 43afb5a [FABN-845 JSDoc update for SideDB.js
- b130e3c [FABN-681 ESlint fix for utils.js
- 38ff937 [FAB-11124 remove config property about EventHub
- a38bbda [FAB-11059 Add fabric-client mocha tests
- b7e528d [FAB-11059 complete ca-client mocha tests
- 0e9536d FABN-837 jsdoc fix on ChannelEventHub
- 20cd5dd FABN-830 addTlsClientCertAndKey wrong cryptosuite
- e16ae90 [FAB-8232 apply ES6 syntax to Channel,ChannelEventHub
- 25fa4b0 FABN-826 restore backward compatibility for errors
- cfaf748 FAB-11231 node sdk to handle chaincode errors
- 26f5b19 [FAB-11142 update client.createUser
- 1cd9109 FAB-11122 NodeSDK remove EventHub
- 30ad986 [FAB-11059 establish mocha tests
- d7b5d00 [FAB-11190 remove v1.1 experimental channel configs
- 186ace3 FAB-11179 Handle missing discovery
- d23963e [FAB-8232 Simply Client.js and unit test
- eab89ac FAB-8973 Badge link fix on master branch
- d352441 FAB-10809 remove lint errors
Fri Jul 6 08:14:31 EDT 2018
- 0087554 Prepare for release v1.2.0
- 65675e4 [FAB-10958]Fix typos and broken links
- b0b4c49 FAB-10917 NodeSDK - return channel methods
- acf0e04 FAB-10940 installChaincode doesn’t restrict to org
- 6607f7f FAB-10916 NodeSDK - allow create peers without TLS
- 8bb7f22 [FAB-10919]Fix the version of Node.js in tutorial
- 9f32dbd FAB-10910 default channel not returned
- 4293680 FAB-10856 NodeSDK getByOrg not working
- 20da621 FAB-10902 NodeSDK - remove anchor links to sections
- 3948c22 update maintainers
- cce2a38 FAB-10808 NodeSDK - add private-data.js to e2e.js
- 23ec52f [FAB-10682] Use self-signed TLS certs
- ac81154 FAB-10808 NodeSDK - add e2e tests for private data
- a4ec564 FAB-10793 NodeSDK Update Mutual TLS doc
- 71d4ef4 FAB-10745 NodeSDK Handle missing ledger_height
- e146ad5 [FAB-10740] remove executeTransaction
- 29fbf11 [FAB-10681] Generate self-signed X509 cert
- 9375d2b [FAB-8232] simplify promise chain with async/await
- 24d43c4 FAB-10672 NodeSDK - service discovery tutorial
- b351453 FAB-10717 NodeSDK - SD endorsements fail
- 4f80b2d FAB-10721 NodeSDK - Fix broken link
- 127de22 FAB-10684 NodeSDK - update private data tutorial
- dd33c49 [FAB-8232] simplify promise chain with async/await
- 0617b9a FAB-10684 NodeSDK - add private data tutorial
- 0891df6 [FAB-10656] Add option to skip decoding blocks/txs
- e48c3b7 FAB-10627 NodeSDK - use multiple orderers
- f1340c8 [FAB-10636] update fabric-client type definitions
- 5dc8931 FAB-10298 NodeSDK Client to return proper CA
- b6e6109 FAB-10602 NodeSDK - tutorial on logging
- 95fbcec FAB-10497 - NodeSDK - sidedb fix
- 7438a71 FAB-8806 NodeSDK - Discovery part 3
- c0913d2 FAB-8806 NodeSDK - Discovery part 2
- bd559eb [FAB-10522] Fix repository url
- acce409 FAB-10497 NodeSDK blockToLive error
- 8e217df [FAB-10429] split eslint config from gulp task
- 123302e FAB-8806 NodeSDK - update protos
- b4231dd FAB-10045 NodeSDK do not read db on user load
- 3a9087f [FAB-9402] key.js extends api.js explicitly
- 4cdffce [FAB-9020] Simplify Remote.js
- fb75164 [FAB-9374] Add support for Certificates API on Node SDK
- a851829 FAB-10434 NodeSDK - use nyc for code coverage
- daaf7b7 [FAB-10397] Add blockToLive to collection config
- 8127cac [FAB-10402] BlockDecoder decodes chaincode input
- e9f8201 FAB-9928 NodeSDK - Add caName option to setUserContext
- a23064a FAB-10350 NodeSDK - update fabric-ca-services-tests
- 679921e FAB-10257 NodeSDK - update packages
- f6a96d2 [FAB-10233]Reduce duplicate creating big number
- ea00937 Revert "[FAB-10241]"
- c0bd09c FAB-8806 NodeSDK - discovery part 1
- 19d3ddd [FAB-10241] update fabric-sdk-node by fabric-ca changes
- 61b5493 [FAB-9679] Private Data Support
- ca90c97 [FAB-8791] Optimize hash primitive and CryptoSuite impl
- e55f817 [FAB-9963] Fix some test which received an error
- c4eebe9 [FAB-7670] introduce new API executeTransaction()
- 2c127cb FAB-9769 NodeSDK - update protos
- 7401007 FAB-8830 NodeSDK Prepare for service discovery
- 211c4a8 [FAB-9529] add check for grpc connection establish
- 2d81c17 [FAB-9335] add timeout for fabric-ca-client request
- 9bc92d1 [FAB-9500] Add missing setCryptoKeyStore function
- 82cfb26 FAB-9493 NodeSDK - add test for multiple CCevent
- d80de86 FAB-9337 NodeSDK - use legacy grpc max settings
- 624f69c [FAB-9364] fix Typescript compiling error
- d85d349 FAB-3676 add check_license
- 5aeda42 FAB-9353 add
- 104f099 [FAB-8687] Channel name Regex verify
- 1cc0c83 [FAB-9284] Fix loss of custom even
- 4815f5e FAB-8749 NodeSDK - all EventHub to use admin
- 1223f39 [FAB-9175] update fabric-ca-client IdentityService
- a2efd26 [FAB-7539] Cleanup channel event doc
- 2de44f4 FAB-5755 NodeSDK - update doc on transID
- 763dc5d [FAB-9072] unconditionally ignore node_modules folder
- 54488fe FAB-8751 NodeSDK - e2e use channel event hub
- 93df558 FAB-9063 Provide link to Fabric committers
- 65d12c5 FAB-5622 NodeSDK - improve test error msg
- 0bc73ac FAB-8749 NodeSDK - allow admin identity
- 66d5e96 FAB-8326 NodeSDK - fix golang lint issues
- ab2c8e8 FAB-8969 NodeSDK - '/0' fix missing on mutual tls
- e3f9043 [FAB-8942] fix type definition for 1.1 release
- 2a5f8cb [FAB-8973]Remove node 6 badge
- c12930b [FAB-8953] Fix eslint error
- bd59ae5 FAB-8952 Rename maintainers file
- 907e33e [FAB-8791] refactor:using ES6 class in hash.js
- c1c04b7 FAB-8893 NodeSDK - prepare for v1.2.0
- a8abc65 [FAB-8515] eslint fix in /lib/impl/
Thu Mar 15 17:05:00 EDT 2018
- b98458d [FAB-8878] update type definitions for fabric-client
- e66465c [FAB-8879] add type definition for fabric-ca-client
- 9e34bfb [FAB-8876] Update test network.yaml
- 9ad4356 FAB-8826 NodeSDK Update cloudant ver
- 55e4f5b FAB-8827 Add npm package badge in README
- 40b8e2c FAB-8764 NodeSDK update jsrsasign
- f3e6fef FAB-8723 NodeSDK V1.0 - string env vars
- ec8e649 FAB-8713 NodeSDK - update blockdecoder
- be13eb8 [FAB-8736] Fixes undefined methods in BlockDecoder
- 6b9302c [FAB-8734]NodeSDK: Fix typo in log messages
- 000526d [FAB-8714] Corrects typo error in BlockDecoder
- 91a0afa FAB-8580 NodeSDK - add metadata tutorial
- b911bdf [FAB-8377] Add doc for mutual TLS
- 5e1e3e1 FAB-8678 NodeSDK - packager missing logger
- 0275031 [FAB-8652] update invalid link
- e885480 [FAB-8651] KeyInfo decode calls keyIdentifier
- d7c0754 [FAB-8650] remove unused import for 'fabric-ca-client'
- 235d545 [FAB-5087] NodeSDK - Add the "queryBlockByTxID" method
- 15bc707 FAB-8592 NodeSDK - return status info
- 03cfcd1 [FAB-6599] fix node-sdk gulp error
- 634684c FAB-8619 NodeSDK - update connection profile doc
- ae7fdcc FAB-8579 NodeSDK - get config from peer
- aab8250 FAB-5398 NodeSDK release notes - install issue
- d11a1f0 FAB-8563 NodeSDK - enable mutual TLS
- 3664921 FAB-8550 NodeSDK - add client metadataPath
- 1a37371 [FAB-8345] Package chaincode metadata descriptors
- d044103 [FAB-8519] Update test to match updated LSCC error
- c588703 [FAB-8232] fix eslint error and undefined variable
- 49b3ff1 FAB-8470 NodeSDK 1.1 - grpc settings
- c2c0504 FAB-8400 NodeSDK - Update dependencies
- 5bdd466 [FAB-8456] Document known vulnerabilties
- 9a2d489 FAB-8399 use specified thirdparty docker image in tests
- 74bfcdd FAB-2787 NodeSDK - Evnethub options
- f4826bd FAB-8351 NodeSDK - add parms to PKCS11
- 4b8617b [FAB-8452]improve test coverage for IdentityService
- 64d0979 [FAB-8420]Improve test coverage for AffiliationService
- 80af109 [FAB-8385] Enable V1.1 capabilities during bootstrap
- d1bdc39 FAB-8406 NodeSDK Support PEER role
- 424d65f [FAB-8415] Fixing TLS expired certificates
- bd62382 FAB-2787 NodeSDK - add min ping interval
- 646c96d FAB-8364 update baseimage version to 0.4.6
- bdbbb67 [FAB-8353] - Change the transient map debug log
- 90881bb [FAB-7654] Run PKCS11 tests w/o root privileges
- 5b9b75e [FAB-8329]Fix parameter in transaction proposal request
- 0ace8d1 [FAB-8308][sdk-node]Fix broken link in
- 8a33991 [FAB-5492] Migrate to ES6 syntax const/let from var
- a7dc4d3 [FAB-8229] Set orderer's name from network profile
- fcc3f65 [FAB-8217] Removes unused proto from BlockDecoder
- 352174e [FAB-8128] Fix ESLint config
- e7b89bc [FAB-8058] typo fix and logging align
- 541cb82 [FAB-8087] Remove reference to private repo
- 5aebf20 [FAB-7944] fabric-client ignores value for hfc-logging
- dd50831 [FAB-7962] Update type information for TypeScript
- 3473157 FAB-7787 prepare fabric-sdk-node for next release
Fri Jan 26 19:09:53 EST 2018
- 111ce4f FAB-7784 prepare fabric-sdk-node for 1.1.0-alpha
- 097c1e0 [FAB-6628] 2. Support affiliation REST API
- a149e0e FAB-7925 fix couchdb version
- bdab3b5 FAB-7642 NodeSDK update doc
- 31fe394 FAB-6628 NodeSDK - identitiesy REST change
- 95d4f48 [FAB-7860] Replace console.log with logger.debug
- 7ce03e2 [FAB-7859] Client.createUser does not support PKCS11
- 1d48529 [FAB-6628] 1. Support identities REST API
- 749873a FAB-7642 NodeSDK - connection profile events
- 9b5f32b FAB-6400 NodeSDK - add filtered event doc
- 20bdc4d FAB-5481 - NodeSDK - Filtered events
- 283cdd4 [FAB-7726] Fix PKCS11 implementation
- 2ce1ece [FAB-7514] NodeSDK add unability to channel events
- 945fa8b FAB-6400 NodeSDK - filtered events
- ef0c3f7 [FAB-7504] Fix Client.getPeersForOrgOnChannela fcn
- f2a3fd6 FAB-6390] NodeSDK - Channel Event Service
- 115548f [FAB-7447] NodeSDK - fabric message change
- 4d1256f [FAB-6387] Temporary fix response value
- f752608 [FAB-4824] NodeSDK - event replay
- 88e6b90 FAB-6266: fix SSL errors with multiple peers
- 4d4d939 Establish node SDK's own list of maintainers
- 1941ef8 [FAB-5117] NodeSDK - grpc dflt send/receive size
- cfd6815 [FAB-7010] NodeSDK - handle fabric-ca change
- ea6d167 [FAB-6968] Replace deprecated Buffer constructors
- 1f03242 [FAB-6971] GRPC_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES not correctly set
- 70a7b13 [FAB-6958] Use built-in SHA256 implementation
- a157dce [FAB-6960] Update sjcl to latest version
- 0fc518d [FAB-5805] NodeSDK - fix config load
- 1815caf [FAB-5117] NodeSDK - grpc dflt send/receive size
- a5934f7 FAB-6909 upgrade support to 8.9.0 (new LTS)
- 6214f05 [FAB-6062] NodeSDK - add close method
- 431df8a [FAB-6412] Add Node SDK support for gencrl endpoint
- 588553a [FAB-6820] Support mutual TLS for peer/orderer
- faca928 [FAB-6468] NodeSDK - normalize certs
- 99129bc [FAB-6709] NodeSDK get default channel
- 2010fda [FAB-6882] NodeSDK - update protos
- 43fb29d FAB-6827 prepare fabric-sdk-node for next release
- 2425eab [FAB-6551] NodeSDK - maxEnrollment
- 7e7d0f0 [FAB-5377] response with payload in fabric-sdk-node
Wed Nov 1 10:28:19 EDT 2017
- d59b926 [FAB-5363] NodeSDK - add common config doc
- f534a3a [FAB-6707] NodeSDK - getCertificate auth
- 0fca3f5 [FAB-6706] NodeSDK - handle null verify property
- 2161c2b [FAB-6679] NodeSDK - CCP timeouts
- 40dc5b0 [FAB-6458] Throw Error if chaincode path does not exist
- 1060568 [FAB-6609] add an option key 'skipPersistence'
- adac58b [FAB-6656] NodeSDK - auto pick targets on install
- 6d99a83 [FAB-6653] NodeSDK - quick access to mspid
- dafb979 [FAB-6652] NodeSDK - access client config
- 8a41d53 [FAB-6668] Update AttributeRequest type definition
- 0c9ebd1 [FAB-6654] NodeSDK - get eventhubs for org
- ab7634b [FAB-6480] NodeSDK - readable block numbers
- b641c35 [FAB-6655] NodeSDK - all event const without user
- c08ea0f [FAB-6658] NodeSDK - add caName to ca client
- 95599c0 [FAB-6612] Handle Windows tempdir in node-sdk test
- 49b6f44 [FAB-6420] NodeSDK - remove NPM warnings
- c1db676 [FAB-5581] Misc corrrections and updates to the typings
- 6cb1777 [FAB-6425] NodeSDK - fix grpc dependency
- 229c0fa [FAB-6507] NodeSDK - add caname
- 0939fe4 FAB-6506 change coverage support to node 8
- 3c8ec76 [FAB-6471] NodeSDK - remove header return
- 1e3ce1d [FAB-6469] NodeSDK - keepalive set to 6min
- ceb8327 [FAB-5346] NodeSDK - test CA cert attrs
- 3d92b61 [FAB-5581] Typescript definitions for fabric-client
- c84d3b3 [FAB-6396] NodeSDK - eventHub not recover
- 624553d [FAB-6061] NodeSDK - rewrites user keys
- b879829 FAB-6310 use .npmignore for node CC packaging
- 57af0ec [FAB-5346] NodeSDK - add CA attribute test
- 0c8b91e [FAB-5375] SDK support for node.js chaincode
- 582b981 [FAB-6217] NodeSDK - timeout not being passed
- 9c7afc2 [FAB-6180] NodeSDK - add async/await testcase
- b1b61a7 FAB-6147 Add build status badge in README
- 5013dfd [FAB-5697] NodeSDK - make type not required
- 33dd444 [FAB-5825] NodeSDK - fabric-ca-client attrib req
- d8b851e [FAB-5837] NodeSDK - update with latest protos
- 1fbb406 FAB-5959 update README with build status URL's
- 13aa7a9 [FAB-5974] NodeSDK - merge setUsers methods
- 9c1aced FAB-6052 Change versions to 1.1.0-snapshot
- 98d3063 FAB-6038 fabric-ca registration test failure
- a7d1e06 FAB-5879 Add support for node 8 in addition to 6
- d698c57 Clean deadcode in FileKeyValueStore.js
- e2428ef [FAB-5363] NodeSDK - common config part 2
- 4e437bd FAB-5896 Security implications documentation
- 1e61110 [FAB-5363] NodeSDK - common config part 1
- febff14 FAB-5885 per-request timeout
- d8c05c1 [FAB-5597] typos in doc and log messages
- 524edee [FAB-5775] Update grpc module >= 1.3.5
- 9fe8114 FAB-5698 Prepare fabric-sdk-node for v1.0.2
- f426239 [FAB-5409] JSDoc, Add targets to installChaincode() req
- 4a5afa2 [FAB-5457] NodeSDK - block decode fails
- 3fed45a [FAB-5447] NodeSDK - do not include orderer msp
- 608c05c [FAB-5410] JSDoc, Change chaincodeProposal to proposal
- 7a7db13 [FAB-5403] JSDoc, Remove txId from queryByChaincode
- 64fb795 [FAB-5395] Fix a misspelled word
- 34dd649 [FAB-4847] remove node-x509 dependency
- 326d0b1 [FAB-5382] Add a promise return to method's JSDoc
- 8ff1bf7 [FAB-5248] Basic performance tests
- f56a124 [FAB-5338] Add test for upgrade CC with state changes
- 7ced8d8 [Fab-5309] NodeSDK - regen artifacts
- bf2f388 [FAB-5026] NodeSDK - verify install error
- 328e7c4 [FAB-5324] Minor jsdoc fixes
- 24777e1 [FAB-5321] NodeSDK - trans status missing
- 12184fc fix /lib/channel.js error
- aed892f [FAB-2538] NodeSDK - endorsement error msg
- 4b7ec2f [FAB-5048-medium] NodeSDK - add to package.json
- d11bd77 [FAB-4453] Remove unused chaincodePath from test codes
- 12160fb [FAB-5212][node-sdk]Fix tls_cacerts path in e2e test
- e60a3dc [FAB-4587] Add test cases for "invoke chaincode"
- 9522ad6 [FAB-5255] Update jsdoc links
- 8271ca6 [FAB-5072] prepare fabric-sdk-node for next release
- b9542f3 [FAB-2818] NodeSDK - add tutorials
Tue Sep 5 15:14:46 EDT 2017
- 1667327 FAB-5879 Add support for node 8 in addition to 6
- bdd97f3 Clean deadcode in FileKeyValueStore.js
- 79d5bc9 FAB-5896 Security implications documentation
- a4be9ba FAB-5885 per-request timeout
- 66a8eef [FAB-5597] typos in doc and log messages
- 9e003be [FAB-5775] Update grpc module >= 1.3.5
Wed Aug 9 15:58:10 EDT 2017
- f426239 FAB-5409 JSDoc, Add targets to installChaincode() req
- 4a5afa2 FAB-5457 NodeSDK - block decode fails
- 3fed45a FAB-5447 NodeSDK - do not include orderer msp
- 608c05c FAB-5410 JSDoc, Change chaincodeProposal to proposal
- 7a7db13 FAB-5403 JSDoc, Remove txId from queryByChaincode
- 64fb795 FAB-5395 Fix a misspelled word
- 34dd649 FAB-4847 remove node-x509 dependency
- 326d0b1 FAB-5382 Add a promise return to method's JSDoc
- 8ff1bf7 FAB-5248 Basic performance tests
- f56a124 FAB-5338 Add test for upgrade CC with state changes
- 7ced8d8 [Fab-5309] NodeSDK - regen artifacts
- bf2f388 FAB-5026 NodeSDK - verify install error
- 328e7c4 FAB-5324 Minor jsdoc fixes
- 24777e1 FAB-5321 NodeSDK - trans status missing
- 12184fc fix /lib/channel.js error
- aed892f FAB-2538 NodeSDK - endorsement error msg
- 4b7ec2f [FAB-5048-medium] NodeSDK - add to package.json
- d11bd77 FAB-4453 Remove unused chaincodePath from test codes
- 12160fb FAB-5212[node-sdk]Fix tls_cacerts path in e2e test
- e60a3dc FAB-4587 Add test cases for "invoke chaincode"
- 9522ad6 FAB-5255 Update jsdoc links
- 8271ca6 FAB-5072 prepare fabric-sdk-node for next release
- 974bafc FAB-5068 prepare fabric-sdk-node for release
- b9542f3 FAB-2818 NodeSDK - add tutorials
Tue Jul 11 12:19:53 EDT 2017
- a865121 FAB-4996 NodeSDK - move sample - part 2
- 95502b6 FAB-4964 NodeSDK - update test cases
- 16c9318 FAB-4525 prepare for rc2 development
Fri Jun 23 13:06:19 EDT 2017
- b064869 FAB-4521 prepare for v1.0.0-rc1 release
- 50d39ba FAB-4923 Enable balance-transfer for rc1
- 47a9286 [fab-4912] Modify e2e fixtures to support new MSP
- 9dc6490 FAB-4918 NodeSDK - remove workaround
- 1b3d8a7 FAB-4852 NodeSDK - fix doc broken links
- 7cf6176 FAB-4615 NodeSDK - TransactionID doc
- ada7f75 FAB-4882 Bug fix in e2e query test
- 9e7d7ac FAB-4878 fcn name handling in sample app
- 9b8c6a0 FAB-4870 Confusing fcn name handling in tests
- 9f9659f FAB-4860 BaseClient.js missing 'use strict'
- 2868120 FAB-4643 NodeSDK - Work with the configtxlator
- 164b777 FAB-4456 JSDoc cleanup and enhancement - part VI
- dd49adb FAB-4794 NodeSDK - eventhub connect
- 08f55c3 FAB-4456 JSDoc cleanup and enhancement - part V
- 8fb2968 FAB-4456 JSDoc cleanup - part IV
- 6c3bfe6 FAB-4456 JSDoc cleanup - part III
- 9ed6451 FAB-4456 Fixup jsdoc - part II
- 0eeaa61 FAB-4573 add missing license headers
- 7185cdb FAB-4483 NodeSDK - intermittent errors
- 811474c FAB-4486Improve integration test for "instantiate CC"
- 443bbef FAB-4456 Fixup jsdoc - part I
- 84ebeb4 FAB-4395 Prepare for rc1 development
- d8f52a8 FAB-4446 NodeSDK - test code invalid
- a05c55c FAB-4441 NodeSDK update protos to current
- a156a23 FAB-4435 gulp test recreates containers
- 2717d9b Fix indexing bug in installChaincode e2e test
Thu Jun 8 07:11:33 EDT 2017
- edbf91d FAB-4393 release notes for 1.0.0-beta
- 7d62c53 FAB-4284 - Fix link to CA Overview
- 1b2930c FAB-4283 NodeSDK clean up
- 7358d0c FAB-1592 Delete marbles.js from integration test
- de5a980 FAB-4374 NodeSDK - block decode return bytes
- 5d158e8 FAB-2787 NodeSDK - Client timeout
- 63ea71d FAB-4226 Upgrade example app to beta level
- af194a8 FAB-4306 signatures not able to save
- f306afe FAB-4131 Enhance FabricCAClientImpl with persistence
- 335f587 FAB-4308 add missing CCBY license to docs
- a494295 FAB-2991 Improve query interfaces
- 4b6bd7a FAB-4238 install chaincode e2e test
- ad807b3 FAB-4191 Remove --peer-defaultchain from compose
- e5f04ef FAB-4187 Clean up unit test of sdk-node
- 68f7c04 FAB-3693 Fix channel creation in new-channel.js
- c856573 FAB-4165 Fix gulp test to remove chaincode containers
- 123e595 FAB-4160 NodeSDK - remove SDK channel create
- 183a619 FAB-4094 Enable state-store-less-ness
- 959d99f FAB-4145 intermittent e2e failure in fabric verify
- 105d16c FAB-4145 intermittent e2e failure in fabric verify
- bfdb8e5 FAB-4145 intermittent e2e failure in fabric verify
- c899119 FAB-2843 NodeSDK - Handle network issues Part 2
- ef61a8b FAB-3253 Should attempt to load bccsp_pkcs11
- 9d3de19 FAB-4075 Change APIs and code from Chain to Channel
- 392dd9f FAB-2864 Replace hashtable module
- 3ff53c4 node-SDK FAB-2637 assign PKCS11 libpath based on search
- 96b1b9f FAB-4014 Remove chaincode version from invoke
- 6778314 FAB-3829 Remove storekey param in cryptoSuite importKey
- a01f72f FAB-4054 consolidate ca launch params
- c3b5cb9 FAB-3568 NodeSDK - Remove nonce requirement
- 33fb2b0 FAB-4019 Add newCryptoKeyStore to FabricCAClientImpl
- 9541aa4 FAB-2819 Tutorial for app dev environment setup
- 696da1f FAB-4000 balance-transasfer README corrections
- 88c0de6 FAB-3862 Remove getRoles from Peer
- 6d5751a FAB-3881 Remove local key store from Crypto
- 4506da9 FAB-2843 NodeSDK - Handle network issues part1
- 4b5a9b5 FAB-2726 transform windows-style paths in CC package
- 5f3ebc8 FAB-3945 Remove chainId from required params
- 67364a3 FAB-3944 renaming Chain.getOrganizationUnits()
- c8706f9 FAB-3943 Remove TCert methods from API
- 8846c0e FAB-3935 Add README to Balance-transfer sample
- 8e0c434 Prepase for alpha2 development
- 6e1d2a5 FAB-3886 Reduce steps to run gulp test
- 38eda84 FAB-3868 NodeSDK - update proto files to latest
- 196d048 Release v1.0.0-alpha
- 238f2d2 Fix query.js test code to be more deterministic
- c71ee2c NodeSDK - return error object from proposals
- 6f77cdf FAB-1552 Implement TLS support for fabric-ca-client
- 3afcb0a Add tls support to node SDK
- 378f37c Require mspid in User.setEnrollment()
- add5598 FAB-2760 Update fabric-ca-client
- e2edc9b NodeSDK - update for latest protos
- dcd7a3a nodeSDK include all integration tests in gulp test
- 6e792c5 Update genesis blocks for orderer and chain
- a945fd1 Further updates to README
- f38340b Minor fix in readme
- ad5831f Add event listener to chain genesis block commit
- a8ce9ca 'npm test' command broke
- 2a0fa90 NodeSDK - update to latest proto
- 05c6f83 Update readme and ca build task
- 2384471 Add query to new multi-org end2end test
- 45a3778 Enhance the default endorsement policy
- 665fc61 Create default policy of 'Signed By any member of org'
- 0303e44 nodeSDK Fix gulp test
- da119b5 Revert accidental changes to original end-to-end
- b95036b Update e2e test to use multi-org setup
- 240605b NodeSDK - add getOrganizationalUnits() to Chain
- 3063a5b Create test sandbox materials for channels
- 49f4eb7 FAB-2493 Use a streaming tar to package chaincode
- 771a723 make sendInstantiateProposal be chaincodeType neutral
- 3fc729a Remove special handling of base64 padding
- 999db30 NodeSDK update event and query to latest protopuf
- b32920d Only enforce chaincodePath for GOLANG
- d3fcbe2 BCCSP config back to SHA2
- 2579307 Allow fabric-ca-client to use per-instance crypto
- bc36ef5 Modify chaincode packaging to comply
- fa135f3 FAB-2383 Add queries for Blockchain App
- d61f388 Reorganize the chaincode package logic
- 9b9599f Hash algorithms for signing and txId
- 6c3547e Cleanup filenames which used "cop"
- 50b9370 Update test/fixtures/docker-compose.yml
- abd80fb Add more tests to register/enroll/revoke
- 651aac8 Implement fabric-ca revoke() client
- c1daab4 nodeSDK sendInstallProposal chaincodePackage
- 3473608 Add authentication to register()
- f7f39c2 Support .car deployment
- 28ba8ce Fix devmode install
- 70fe8ad node-sdk FAB-2456 query.js exited without ending
- b42979f Don't include init-args in InstallProposal
- 8c74e04 Update events test for renamed API
- 425028f Remove unused node.js modules
- c1372a7 NodeSDK - new channel - join channel
- f0c89b3 FAB-2017 Parse metadata for invalid transactions
- 2ba668c Fix fabric-ca-client tests
- 1c3f361 NodeSDK update for latest protos
- c34c643 Restore couchdb-fabricca test
- 1e3c1b2 nodeSDK Rename Deployment to Instantiate
- 0344555 nodeSDK Fix test failures
- 084d3b5 NodeSDK Update to latest Protos
- 2b5907c TxID compute with nonce + creator
- a8554c1 CouchDBKeyValueStore ctor to ask for url
- f6a374c Move t.end() calls earlier to avoid confusion
- b394db1 FAB-2352 Upgrade grpc package to 1.1.x
- f34cfce NodeSDK update queryTransaction with new proto
- a4641aa node-sdk Implement new cc install / deploy
- 59a96ce node-SDK FAB-2258 restore HTML coverage report
- d621497 should use "=" to assign value rather than "-"
- 7702584 Use mixin to enforce CryptoKeyStore APIs
- 691af63 Refactor headless-tests.js into individual files
- bdcd351 node-SDK FAB-2184 Fix coucbdb-fabricca-tests.js
- 4ed80ae add inline jsdoc to msp-manager
- da1c9ba Add Cobertura reports in gulp task
- 1f22ed9 NodeSDK - add Queries
- ba20656 Implement MSPManager and load MSPs from configs
- e10d4ec node-SDK Fix FAB-2158 pkcs11-tests.js fails
- d03960d FAB-2002 Add unit test for chaincode events
- 024f6f0 Allow per-chain variations of BCCSP/CryptoSuite
- d83c5ae node-SDK Fix FAB-2154 - add unit tests
- 56c54ee FAB-2065 Update balance-transfer sample app
- d32cdd2 Remove keysize parameter from ecdsa/key ctor
- 59e88c6 NodeSDK - update to latest protos
- 5e43972 node-SDK Fix FAB-2109 doc.js
- 4cdabba Create a keystore class for improved code flow
- b9d5f26 Delete files checked in by accident
- e64871f Add checking for getKey(ski) returning pub key
- dfbf9be FAB-2060 Transmit chaincodePath during deployment
- f8f4acd istanbul config needs to be updated
- 0fd7d2c Fix missing package winston
- 77ff639 Update .gitignore
- 0f4075f Move tx listener registration before sending tx
- 7a54782 Re-format end-to-end test with lambda
- a8ff8cd FAB-678 Omit dockerfile in deployment payload
- a7318bb Remove 2 sec pause in E2E test
- d871138 Fix and rename cloudant and couchdb-fabriccop-tests
- 8ac3c44 FAB-2016 Fix step logic in end-to-end.js
- 3c3e665 FAB-929 Implement devmode deployment support
- 22ee9c8 Fix port numbers as per the commit in fabric
- 954ea4b Tighten the supported version ranges
- 450f6da Fix e2e test to run with fabric-ca docker
- 6f74833 nodeSDK Fixes for FAB-1702 and FAB-1704
- 3dc987f Cleanup remaining references to COP
- 90d8d42 FAB-1948: Allow users to provide GOPATH from CLI
- afc53d4 Fix typos
- 27f2438 Fix test/fixtures/docker-compose.yaml parse error
- 3add8f6 Fix test/fixtures/docker-compose.yaml parse error
- 78f630f Update npm package version
- 6d2858f Add missing bn.js to fabric-ca-client/package.json
- fd3626b FAB-1867 end-to-end based example node program
- a33d1c5 FAB-1239 register function for fabric-ca-client
- 1f9d5e4 Update default test_chainid to testchainid
- caf64fe Fix build break due to accidental inclusion
- fd85330 Renaming the packages to official names
- 89b118c Eventhub support for v1.0
- 24926ce FAB-1835 Changes return values of chaincode
- 05e1fee Enhance importKey() to support private keys
- babccee FAB-1824 CouchDBKeyValueStore setValue to return value
- 2c1b874 BCCSP PKCS11 implementation for node.js SDK
- d324cb6 Rename fabric-cop reference in docker-compose file
- ea8eea9 Fix regression due to FAB-1787
- 867e3b5 Use Emacs directory-variables
- 5e2d2dd SDK loads pre-provisioned users - step1
- d9fc906 NodeSDK - update test cases for new chain name
- 707e9ba FAB-837 Add support and test for cloudant database
- bcddb7f NodeSDK - chain create, submit to peers-FAB-1734
- 0b53987 NodeSDK - update to latest protos
- f61aad3 FAB-1756 Add support for SHA384 hash
- 7eef633 Add headless tests to increase coverage
- 0d7c26c Update docker-compose file to run end-to-end tests
- 6efdd72 FAB-1713 add event stream port to test fixture
- 570e4bf Remove double-counted files in istanbul config
- cb9f8c1 FAB-1263 ECDSA signature malleability resistance
- 1dcc5fb Adding CouchDB KeyValueStore Implementation
- 0df2e6b NodeSDK - updates for latest proto files
- 2f3d29e NodeSDK chain create submit to orderer FAB-1531
- 2c14385 Add eslint rules to enforce line length
- 7a2e5a4 Fix incorrect license header
- 9cbb41e Added missing CONTRIBUTING and MAINTAINERS files
- 34871dd Added missing CONTRIBUTING and MAINTAINERS files
- 6808b0a Update enroll function for hfc-cop
- 6524a08 FAB-1520Add duplicate check to SDK addPeer function
- 05dbba4 FAB-1522 Start using the new SigningIdentity
- 00ede37 FAB-1221 Implement SigningIdentity
- e6a2572 Cleaning up old decrypt code
- fbb3ae3 FAB-1517 Add shake hash 256 to hash.js
- 3f67029 Fix error messages in orderer-chain-tests.js
- 5786857 FAB-1486 Avoid duplicated transaction in e2e
- 662135e Fix docker-compose.yml for Test
- 129ca3c Fix unresolved variable and remove comma
- 17635eb FAB-1453 Use Identity class in User.js
- 669acce FAB-1421 Implement Identity and MSP classes
- 9c3e33f FAB-1408 enhance ecdsa/key.js for public key
- 3163575 FAB-1417 Move peers from request.targets to Chain
- 04a9d05 FAB-985 Implement official SDK API design
- fecedd7 Delete duplicate check in _checkProposalRequest
- b490e12 Add istanbul config file
- bc2c406 Updated to be more accurate
- 12cd5de FAB-1264 allow e2e test to run each step
- 1949d11 NodeSDK - updates to protos
- f3caf77 FAB-1272 enhance marbles.js with steps
- a1698aa NodeSDK updates for new protobufs
- b26c06e Fix cert and csr test fixtures
- edb5b12 FAB-1032 fix "possible memory leak" warning
- 004ef32 FAB-1245 Move COP client tests to headless-tests
- 2a6987f FAB-1235 add setEnrollment() to Member
- 1f08e84 FAB-1084 Move MemberServices out of HFC
- 68d7280 FAB-1220 update ecert persistence to PEM
- d60dc6f FAB-1208 update e2e test's creds for COP
- c66a956 FAB-1186 add query at the end of marbles test
- a7f57ba FAB-1182 change SDK tests to use SHA256
- 3ebadb7 Fix minor bug in standlone COP test
- 223d769 FAB-1107 Implement enroll function to work with COP
- 4672efe Add CSR generation function to the ECDSA key class
- ebfd858 NodeSDK - Sign the Proposal and include cert
- bb46f2c FAB-1148 end-to-end test needs key size 256
- 1ed20f2 FAB-1143 endorser-tests.js bug in error responses
- 3df017d FAB-1108 Initial impl of BCCSP
- bcaaf24 FAB-1051 Node SDK to the latest protobuf defs
- 1c79e47 FAB-121 Support concurrent endorsement proposals
- 5222a00 NodeSDK deploy chain code with user name FAB-1052
- cabab55 NodeSDK prepare for multiple endorsing peers
- 013c1a2 FAB-1053 remove generateNounce() from CryptoSuite API
- 74aaa9a NodeSDK convert to new protos and add invoke and query
- cf80346 FAB-952 end-to-end test fails in a clean environment
- 4498b18 FAB-950 self-contained chaincode deploy test setup
- 5bfcc6f Delete unused stats.js
- eb8eeac FAB-938 Catch up e2e test to latest Peer protobuf
- 3ca4e6f FAB-932 Gulp task to run tests with coverage reports
- 2e440f0 FAB-927 Updated README with docker-compose content
- e0b4a69 FAB-925 Use flat-chaining on Promise-based calls
- 20e8c7e add npm test to gulp tasks
- 388af46 FAB-49 update endorser API to latest protobuf
- 171d374 FAB-926 Fixed headless-tests.js being stuck in Promise
- 83313c1 Fix end() called twice in headless-tests.js
- 32bb193 Add build and documentation badge in README
- 2b8b1a0 minor README changes
- 74c09cf Add readthedocs doc files to fabric-sdk-node
- 21473c4 Added "happy path end-to-end test"
- 9731107 NodeSDK add hierarchical configuration support FAB-741
- 7ba3992 Fixed sendDeploymentProposal() promise chaining issue
- 0dbf4a7 Enforce supported versions of node and npm
- 57bf3a1 Update fabric-sdk-node with changes from master
- 38c9517 Updated .gitignore to exclude "coverage" and "tmp"
- cca09d6 Updated README to include more contributor information
- 33f7b34 Initial implementation for logging utility
- 9203fbb Add trailing spaces check to gulp lint
- fb38844 Add CryptoSuite_ECDSA_SHA unit tests to headless-tests
- dbcdb46 Adding Member Wrapper For Orderer
- e5d06ea Adding Orderer Class
- 25cbf0e Initial implementation for sending endorser proposal
- e127d5b Add tests to headless-tests.js
- c5dd336 Clean up the API
- c0ea692 Add gulp eslint task for common coding styles
- 869da76 Changed to use ES6 class construct
- 0b2d441 Refactored crypto-related APIs to be algorithm-agnostic
- 4d9b475 Initial implementation
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.