This is a simple card distributor written in TypeScript using ReactJS library for the frontend, and PHP for the backend.
52 cards in a deck will be distributed to a number of players set in the input.
Characteristic | Comments |
Number Cards (2-9) | As it is (still 1 - 9) |
Face Cards | 1=A,10=X,11=J,12=Q,13=K |
Symbols | Spade = S, Heart = H, Diamond = D, Club = C |
Hence, D-3 = 3 of Diamond.
Since Docker is being used, make sure no existing http service is running as the Docker will expose the application on port 80.
Clone the project into any desired location, navigate to the cloned project and type the following command in the terminal.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
If error is present, retype the command with sudo privilege.
When the build and up process finished, navigate to http://localhost/app
to view the application. You will be greeted with a card with an input along with 2 buttons.
Enter any number from 1 - 52 to set the players and press the
Distribute Cards
The cards distribution for each player is shown in the table below the buttons. Press the
button the clear the card.
If an invalid input is entered, an alert will appear reminding the user that the input given is invalid.