This is Maxbotix LV-EZ series's repository.
LV-EZ series is very accurate sonic wave distance sensor.
dataseat is here
To measure distance using LV-EZ series, two method.
First, to read analog value with TOUT pin.
but this method is a complecated with connect.
ESP8266's analog input volume is 0~1V's and 10 bits (0~1023). We need to transfer 3.3V to 1.0V.
like this.
you have to connect like this circle.
If you connect directly, ESP8266 will brake.
ESP32's analog input volume is 0~3.3V. Enable to directly connect. But, ESP32's resolution is 12 bit.
So, to mapping value 12bit to 10bit(04096 to 01023).
long map(long x, long in_min, long in_max, long out_min, long out_max) {
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
or 12bit value data right shift 2bit.
long data_for_12bit = 3456;
long deta_for_10bit = data_for_12bit >> 2;
like this(exsample code with transfer)
double val,inch, dist_mm;
val = analogRead(analogpin);
distance = map(val, 0, 4096, 0, 1024);
// distance = val >> 2;
dist_mm = distance * 5;
inch = dist_mm / 25.4;
Serial.println(dist_mm + "mm");
Serial.println(inch + "inch");
this code is transfer 12bit to 10bit.
This is circle, to use LV-EZ1 with ESP32.
Arduino is very easy to use this one.
First, You attach Arduino's Analog pin(A0 ~ A5)
LV-EZ series enable to use pulse in/out.
You attach enable to use PWM pin.
PWM pin is IO12,13,14,15,16 pins.
PWM enable to use all pins.
Using software PWM code.
use pulse in/out