An app that will remove filler words, silences and speed up videos for an online learning experience that is constricted by the time we have for school
Cloned the github repo and Initialized the environment.
fumbling around aws lambda is taking precious time, it isn't as intiuitive as it was made to be.
Here's what I did during this time:
3. Ahhhh LightSail what a service. Simple, Elegant, and what I need. So I started an AWS LightSail instance got it loaded with Ubuntu 20.04LTS and setup the evironment
4. Installed apache2, python and flask and setup a basic website to upload files to the server from anywhere.
I think I've mainly constructed the basic functionality of the app, for now the script uses the prebuilt model through the praat file to extract the silent parts (including filler words).
1. Sometimes filler words slip by due to misaligned pitches but this is rare and could be related to the specific audio file.
2. If a file is big(>=5-6 mb) the model takes a bunch of time to churn through it, this could be solved with a machine with better oomph than my laptop and the feeble free tier aws ec2 instance I am going to run this script >_>
Woot woot. The Flutter app is taking shape, just finished the recording functionality.
To use the recording functionality here is what you can do:
Note: I still have to do the following for the recoding functionality: