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bfellman edited this page Sep 16, 2019 · 11 revisions


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Getting Started

Hi you!

Welcome to Open-Bus Project. in this page we include some recommendation for newcomers to understand better our project and your opportunities to contribute to it.

About Open-Bus project

Open Bus is a open source project of The Public Knowledge Workshop (about). The project aims is to develop tools to retrieve data from Israeli Ministry of Transport (IMOT), analyze it and provide insights on:

  1. Quality-of-Service of public transport - We wish to compare the planned trips to the actual trips.
  2. Based on real time information, show how accessible are different locations and resources by public transport.

Get basic knowledge on project's domain

As described before the project domain is planned info (GTFS) and real time info (SIRI) of israeli public transportation:

  1. Get familiar with GTFS format. You should know the differences between route and trip and how connected trips file to stop_times, calendar, shapes files. please find the information about it at Google Transit APIs and at Israeli Ministry of Transport
  2. Get familiar with SIRI SM format. You should understand the difference between SIRI-SM and SIRI-VM (Wikipedia). Understand the information we get from Israeli Ministry of Transport (ICD SM 2.7)
  3. This post (in Hebrew) by Yehuda Horn may help learning a little about both GTFS and SIRI.

High level of processing the information