OperaGx webdriver with cdc patch.
pip install operagxdriver
Start the Opera WebDriver and return the WebDriver instance .
This function starts the Opera WebDriver , which allows you to automate interactions
with the Opera web browser . It uses the Selenium library and requires the paths to
the Opera browser executable and the Opera WebDriver executable .
Important ! A CDC patch (from https :// github .com / ultrafunkamsterdam / undetected - chromedriver ) is applied before running the EXE file .
Note : Before running this function , make sure to download the appropriate Opera
WebDriver version that matches your installed Opera browser version .
https :// github .com / operasoftware / operachromiumdriver / releases
Args :
opera_browser_exe (str ): The file path to the Opera browser executable .
opera_driver_exe (str ): The file path to the Opera WebDriver executable .
userdir (str , optional ): The user directory for the Opera profile . If provided ,
the browser will use this directory to store the user data (cookies , history ,
etc .). If not provided , the default profile will be used .
arguments (tuple , optional ): Additional command - line arguments to pass to the
Opera WebDriver when launching the browser . Defaults to a tuple containing the
following arguments : (
"--no-sandbox" ,
"--test-type" ,
"--no-default-browser-check" ,
"--no-first-run" ,
"--incognito" ,
"--start-maximized" ,
Returns :
selenium .webdriver .remote .webdriver .WebDriver :
The WebDriver instance for the running Opera browser .
Example :
from operagxdriver import start_opera_driver
driver = start_opera_driver (
opera_browser_exe = r"C:\Program Files\Opera GX\opera.exe" ,
opera_driver_exe = r"C:\Users\hansc\Downloads\operadriver_win64\operadriver.exe" ,
userdir = 'c:\\ operabrowserprofile' ,
arguments = (
"--no-sandbox" ,
"--test-type" ,
"--no-default-browser-check" ,
"--no-first-run" ,
"--incognito" ,
"--start-maximized" ,