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Svelte Chessground

A Svelte chessboard component. Svelte-chessground is a wrapper around the full-featured Chessground, the open source chess UI developed for Lichess.

Chessground screenshots in 2D and 3D

Take a look at the live demos.

Note: Chessground does not contain chess logic. If you want a chessboard with legal moves and pawn promotion without additional code, you're looking for svelte-chess.



npm install svelte-chessground

Display a chessboard where any pieces can be moved:

    import {Chessground} from 'svelte-chessground';

<Chessground />

The component expands to maximum width. Chessground is extensively configurable through props. Parameters and descriptions can be found in the original Chessground's config.ts. For instance, to display a specific position and flip the board:

    import {Chessground} from 'svelte-chessground';
    let fen = '7k/5K2/7P/6pP/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1'; // Forsyth-Edwards Notation
    let orientation = 'black';

<Chessground {fen} {orientation}/>

These props enjoy the usual svelte reactivity magic: changing orientation or fen at any time will change the board. You can find more examples in the svelte-chessground-examples, including:

Chessground contains no chess logic, and as such can be used for chess variations. Examples that require chess logic import chess.js.


Chessground can be completely restyled through CSS. The component imports default stylesheets. To apply your own, you have two options:

  1. Override specific CSS commands with a scoped :global and !important:

     <div class="override_background">
         <Chessground />
         div.override_background :global(.cg-wrap cg-board) {
             background-image:url("/my-board.jpg") !important; /* replace chessboard image */
  2. Apply your own full chessground stylesheet instead of the defaults by setting the class prop and importing your own stylesheet. By changing the class name from the default, none of the default stylesheets will apply, not even the piece SVGs. Additionally, you can use the provided ChessgroundUnstyled component, which is completely unstyled.

         import {ChessgroundUnstyled} from 'svelte-chessground';
         import '$lib/my-chessboard.css';
     <ChessgroundUnstyled class="my-chessboard" />

You can find working code for both approaches in the custom styles examples.

Building the package

To build the package yourself:

$ git clone
$ cd svelte-chessground
$ npm run build