- [New Rule] #174 org.elasticsearch:jna / net.java.dev.jna:jna (Thanks Safeuq Mohamed!)
- [Adjusted Rule] #152 No jakarta-activation-impl capability for early c.sun.a:jakarta.activation (Thanks lennartfricke for reporting)
- [Fix] #141 Jersey alignment rule points to wrong BOM
- [New] #102 Global consistent resolution feature
- [New Rule] #125 mysql:mysql-connector-java / com.mysql:mysql-connector-j (Thanks Eduardo Acosta Miguens!)
- [New Rule] #131 org.json:json / com.vaadin.external.google:android-json (Thanks Piotr Kubowicz!)
- [New Rule] #22 Alignment: Asm, Jersey, Jetty, SSHD (Thanks Florian Dreier!)
- [Adjusted Rule] #130 javax-transaction-api rule now also covers jboss-transaction-api artifacts (Thanks Piotr Kubowicz for reporting)
- [Adjusted Rule] #140 Add slf4j-nop to Slf4J implementations
- [Fix] #132 Failure when applying plugin with 'listenablefuture' on the classpath (Thanks Sergii Gnatiuk for reporting)
- [New] 97 Unified DSL for conflict resolution, logging and metadata patching
- [New] 78 Merge with 'dev.jacomet.logging-capabilities' plugin
- [New] 76 Inform users in case of incompatible RulesMode configuration
- [New Rules] #96 Add multiple rules based on 'pom-scijava' (Thanks Giuseppe Barbieri!)
- Plugin ID is now
- Minimum required Gradle version raised to 6.8.3
- [Adjusted Rule] 67 Remove 'stax2-api' from StaxApiRule
- [Fix] #65 Turn component status rule into a custom rule instead of always applying it to 'all' (Thanks KO for reporting)
- [New] #61 Generic rule implementations to ease configuration of custom rules in Java projects
- [New Rules] #63 Rule that sets the component status to 'integration' for common pre-release version numbers
- [New Rules] #62 com.g.c.findbugs:annotations / com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-annotations (Thanks Boris Petrov for reporting)
- [New Rules] #50 net.jcip:jcip-annotations / com.github.stephenc.jcip:jcip-annotations (Thanks Boris Petrov for reporting)
- [Adjusted Rule] #41 org.glassfish.hk2.external:jakarta.inject (Thanks Boris Petrov for reporting)
- [Adjusted Rule] #59 javax.mail:javax.mail-api / org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-javamail (Thanks Boris Petrov!)
- [Adjusted Rule] #60 org.springframework:spring-aop (Thanks Boris Petrov!)
- [Adjusted Rule] #54 Support latest Guava version published with Gradle Metadata (Thanks Kenny Moens for reporting)
- [Adjusted Rule] #53 Support Guava 32 and newer (Thanks MatanSabag!)
- [New Rules] #34 aopalliance:aopalliance / org.springframework:spring-aop
- [New Rules] #42 com.intellij:annotations / org.jetbrains:annotations (Thanks Boris Petrov!)
- [New Rules] #43 com.zaxxer:HikariCP (Thanks Boris Petrov!)
- [Adjusted Rule] #37 servletapi:servletapi (Thanks Kenny Moens!)
- [Adjusted Rule] #41 com.jwebmp:javax.inject (Thanks Boris Petrov for reporting)
- [New] #47 Apply 'jvm-ecosystem' plugin
- [New Rules] #20 net.java.dev.jna:platform (Thanks Florian Dreier!)
- [New Rules] #28 javax.servlet:jsp-api / javax.servlet:jstl
- [New Rules] #29 jakarta.activation implementations
- [New Rules] #31 org.bouncycastle
- [New Rules] #32 javax.json / jakarta.json
- [New Rules] #33 javax.websocket / jakarta.websocket
- [Adjusted Rule] #21 jakarta.servlet:jakarta.servlet-api (Thanks Florian Dreier!)
- [Adjusted Rule] #25 org.codehaus.woodstox
- [Adjusted Rule] #26 javax.activation
- [Adjusted Rule] #27 javax.mail
- Moved project to GradleX - new plugin ID:
- [New] #5 Allow plugin to be used as Settings Plugin
- [New] #2 More rules for Guava - integrated from missing-metadata-guava
- [New] #1 Default resolution strategies can be turned off
- [New] Relax Javax/Jakarta rules, let all rule implementation follow a strict pattern - One rule class per capability
- [New] #10 Rules added (Thanks Boris Petrov for reporting)
- [New] #11 Rules added (Thanks Boris Petrov for reporting)
- [New] Initial releases with initial rule set