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Overview game state evolution

Dispatcher -> Commands -> Mutation

There are 3 layers of game state evolution: Dispatcher, command execution and game state mutation.

1. The Dispatcher

The dispatcher is responsible for converting game actions (playing cards, casting skills, etc) into invocations of card/effect implementations.

The card/effect implementations generate actions performed on the game state through the command pattern.

2. Commands

Commands represent units of card effects such as:

  • Deal DMG
  • Heal active character
  • Create a summon
  • Apply a status
  • Switch character

In addition, commands internal to the operation of TCG include:

  • Trigger an event
  • Hand over turn to another player

The command pattern allows card implementations to make changes to the game state without a mutable borrow of the game state.

Suspending execution

The execution of commands can be suspended to ask for an external input. When that happens, the list of commands must be remembered the game state.

Some causes of suspension are:

  • When a character dies and the player must switch to a character of their choice
  • When non-determinism is required (draw cards, create random summons, etc.)

3. Hashing and game state mutation

Zobrist hashing is stored and kept track of in the game state as a way to quickly determine if two game states are equal. Zobrist hashes are updated incrementally when any hashable aspect of the game state is updated.

Do not update game state-related fields manually or else the hash consistency will be violated.

Card and effect implementations

Cards and effects are identified by enum types in the module ids::enums.

The programmatic aspects of cards are implemented in traits CardImpl, and StatusImpls.

StatusImpls are for:

  • Character status
  • Team status
  • Artifact
  • Weapon
  • Summon
  • Support

Trigger Events

Event handlers are part of StatusImpl.

There are 2 kinds of events, TriggerEvent and XEvent.

TriggerEvent are identified by an enum EventId, and they are mostly used for timings such as EndPhase and EndOfTurn.

An XEvent is used for events with additional information such as:

  • DMG dealt/received
  • The SkillId of the skill being cast
  • Own skill vs. opponent skill being cast

Event handlers can affect the game state by adding commands to the TriggerEventContext::out_cmds.


Non-determinism is not handled within the game state, instead a NondetRequest is returned by the dispatcher and a NondetResult must be provided to continue game state evolution.

The GameStateWrapper type allows NondetRequests to be handled automatically through an implementation of NondetHandler.


Unit tests

Unit tests test individual unit of the TCG simulator, such as dice management.

Integration tests

Integration tests test the correctness of the TCG implementation in terms of TCG rules and card effects.

Property tests

Property tests test the correctness of the TCG implementation through randomly generated data such as random game states.

The consistency of incrementally updated Zobrist hashes is one of the properties being tested this way.

Code map of the gitcg_sim crate

Helpers for the Genius Invokation TCG domain


Collection datatypes for the Genius Invokation TCG simulator.

Re-exports for collection types

Third party collection types used:

  • heapless
  • smallvec
  • enum_map
  • enumset


This module contains the CapList<T, N> type, which is similar to the heapless::Vec except it supports Copy and contains no unsafe code.


Module containing the implementation for the Elemental Dice portion of the game state.

Auto selection for paying and rerolling dice are also implemented there.

The DiceCounter represents Elemental Dice and the ElementPriority represents elements prioritized for paying and rerolling.


Logic for Genius Invokation TCG Elemental Reactions.


Module containing domain-specific value types of the Genius Invokation TCG.

  • Dealing DMG:
    • DealDMG
    • DealDMGType: Piercing, Physical, Elemental(..)
  • Elements:
    • Element
    • Reaction
  • Elemental Dice
    • Dice: Omni, Element(..)
  • Card information:
    • WeaponType
    • SkillType
    • etc.

Required for adding a new card (character/event/etc.)


The ID types and card lookup functionality.


Contains the definitions of ID enums. To define a new entity (character/status/etc.) new entries must be added to the correspnding enums and then the corresponding module must be added to the cards::*::* modules to be detected by the generated code.

ID enums:

  • CharId
  • SkillId
  • StatusId
  • SummonId
  • SupportId
  • CardId
Examples of mapping
  • CharId::Yoimiya maps to cards::characters::yoimiya
  • StatusId::NiwabiEnshou maps to cards::characters::yoimiya::niwabi_enshou
  • CardId::CalxsArts maps to cards::event::calxs_arts
  • SummonId::BurningFlame maps to cards::summons::burning_flame


This module the definitions of the Genius Invokation TCG cards.

  • src/cards/characters: Characters
  • src/cards/equipment: Equipment cards
  • src/cards/event: Event cards
  • src/cards/support: Support cards
  • src/cards/statuses: Applied effect statuses

Game state representation and evolution

The game state is represented in a perfect-information and deterministic fashion.


Types for representing the game state:

  • GameState
  • PlayerState
  • CharState
  • StatusCollection

Types for commands:

  • Command
  • CommandContext

Types for applied effect status trait and implementations:

  • StatusImpl
  • RespondsTo
  • EventType
  • XEventType


Event handlers



Contains the dispatcher, which dispatches player or non-deterministic inputs and evolves the game state.


Helpers for the dispatcher.

Zobrist hashing
