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I'm publicly committing to #100DaysofCode

1st February 2021

Tools Resources
JS Bin CodePen
JS Fiddle NotePad++
VS Code Atom
FreeCodeCamp DevDocs browser
Can I Use BrowserStack
Tortoise Git W3C ® Developer Tools
W3C ® Web Accessibility Tutorials List of CSS properties, both proposed and standard
The future of style CSS reference MDN
The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web MDN Web Docs
CSS Mine: Dig into Web UI Development Luminosity Colour Contrast Ratio Analyser
Contrast-ratio DevTools for beginners
Tables Generator html-tables-all-there-is-to-know-about
Test drive Prism displaying-code-in-web-pages
Smashing Magazine FreeCodeCamp News
CSS Tricks Nameboy
Internet Fundamentals Frontend Masters BootCamp
Interneting is hard HTML elements reference
W3 HTML Validator Nu HTML Checker
Frontend developer roadmap Markup World
Frontend masters HTML cheatsheet The Complete Guide to Deep Work
CSS Reference trove Emojipedia
Airtable Softr
Airpets email course fontpair

May 19

Day 3 - Don't Make Me Think - #100daysofcode #UX

Read chapter 4 - Animal, Vegetable or Mineral, a free sample of @skrug's book
and thought about making choices mindless in relation to my current landing page project.

Dont Make Me Think Chapter 4 sample pages
Then played 20 Questions

May 18

Day 2 - Networks - #100daysofcode

Crafting an HTML and CSS landing page

"The self is a cumulative network because its history persists."
~The networked self

May 17

Day 1 - Fonts and favicons - #100DaysOfCode

FontSquirrel helped me make a web font kit. Next a and flex box Holy Grail CSS.

Trying to understand what stuff does ...

Font Squirrel Web font generator
Favicon generator creator
How to Become a Great Front-End Engineervia @philwalton

May 13

Day 101

Takeaway: Leave fonts and colours alone until everything else is working.

How to choose colours
Adobe colour explore
Font pairings

May 12

Day 100 - Yay! - #100DaysOfCode

Lots of fun on the last day with my first @airtable and @softr_io site.
Hugely thankful for @jen4web's fabulous #airpets email course:
I've learnt so much web dev in a such a short time ... and all with with #NoCode

May 11

Day 99 - No Code! - #100DaysOfCode

Favicons, font-pairs and favourite colours.
Having so much frontend fun with
@airtable and @softr_io site in
@jen4web's #airpets email course
it turned out to be a #nocode day.

Airpets email course

May 10

Day 98 - Softr - #100DaysofCode

I created my first site with @softr_io in @jen4web's #airpets email course.
Plus where to use (and not to use) HTML blockquote and q tags.
New subdomain! Airpets

May 9

Day 97

Day 96 - Airtable - #100DaysOfCode
I just created my first base in @airtable
in @jen4web's #airpets email course.
And explored uses of the HTML address tag, Airtable and Softr.

May 8

Day 96

I got #30DaysofHTML email course FREE from @jen4web on @Gumroad:

May 7

Day 95 - Considering next - #100DaysOfCode

Review: 🚮 🚧 🏗️
Emoji study.
Emoji gist

May 6

Day 94 - Frontend Roadmap - #100DaysOfCode

"Front-end developers have to deal with non-trivial areas of complexity such as font rendering, search engine optimizations, accessibility standards, web security (e.g., SSL, OAuth2, XSS), image optimizations... ... network performance, HTML email, browser performance, JavaScript performance, HTML, CSS, and DOM rendering, and divergent JavaScript runtimes."


Required skills

May 5

Day 93 - Bootcamp - #100DaysOfCode

I just completed "Introduction to CSS" by
@jen4web on @FrontendMasters!
Bootcamp CSS
Nav Bar link states: CodePen

May the 4th be with you!

Day 92 - Qiz - #100DaysOfCode

Results of SkillCrush quiz 'Is tech right for you?'
Creative Visionary.
Learned a bit about CSS viewport sizing: Responsively Designing with Viewport Units
Three Web-developer portfolios:
Eina Onting | Vancouver Front End Developer
Emily Ridge • Galway based Freelance Web Designer & Developer
Successful Front-end Development | Ian Lunn - Front-end Developer

May 3

Day 91 - Still learning CSS - #100DaysOfCode

Responsive Design with Aquent Gymnasium.
Read article: Responsive Web Design, A List Apart.
Homework: Find three Web Design Portfolio's to explore on different 'mobile' devices.

May 2

Day 90 - Styling a blog with CSS - #100daysofcode

Boxes, floats, image alts ... fonts, colours, gradients.
Absorbing exercise with FrontendMasters Bootcamp.

Ki's Biodynamic blog

May 1

Day 89 - CSS colour palettes

Apr 30

Day 88 - CSS Flexbox

Apr 29

Day 87 - CSS Bootcamp Blog

Apr 28

Day 86 - CSS Rem's Ems

Apr 27

Day 85 - CSS BOX Model

Apr 26

Day 84 - Deep work - #100DaysOfCode

Balancing activity, focus, concentration.

"The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare at exactly the same time it is becoming increasingly valuable.."
~Cal Newport

The Complete Guide to Deep Work

Apr 23/24/25

Days 81/2/3 - CSS space - #100DaysOfCode

Some chunky radii and borders to experiment with how the boxes respond to different sizing with the box model. Everything is pointing to the negative space. image

Apr 22

Day 80 - CSS boxing v Markdown - #100DaysOfCode


 html {  
    box-sizing: border-box;  
*, *:before, *:after {
    box-sizing: inherit;

Updated coding journey WebLog.

WebLog 2021

Apr 21

Day 79 - #EarthDay - #100DaysOfCode

Horizontal navigation bar styling

Apr 20

Day 78 - Bootcamp resources - #100DaysOfCode

Made a thing for some cheatsheets.

Apr 19

Day 77 - CSS Pseudo classes - #100DaysOfCode

Always clear after you float.

.clearfix::after { content: ""; clear: both; display: table; } 

Apr 18

Day 76 - CSS positioning - #100DaysOfCode

Frontend Masters bootcamp.
VS Code lags everything so using NotePad++ again.

Apr 17

Day 75 - CSS Fonts - #100DaysOfCode

... palettes, validation and link states are just some of the things covered, then a CSS update for the bootcamp book project.

Apr 16

Day off

Apr 15

Day 74 - Bootcamp CSS - #100DaysOfCode

Properties and values exercise.
VS Code and fonts then15 mins of styling web page.


Apr 14

Day 73 - HTML hobbies page - #100DaysOfCode

Finished up HTML section of bootcamp.
Exercise included links, images, blockquote and citation tags.
And the necessity of using cheatsheets.

Frontend masters HTML cheatsheet
Bootcamp hobbies page

Apr 13

Day 72 - HTML Tools - #100DaysOfCode

Using Emmet and Tidy2 with NotePad++.
Chrome browser, Google search, Nu HTML and GitHub.
Adding to website structure semantically with lists and navigation.

Bootcamp home

Apr 12

Day 71 - HTML chops - #100DaysOfCode

First day of exercises in bootcamp done.

Made GitHub repo to track progress.

Bootcamp coursework

Apr 11

Day 70 - Studying map - #100DaysOfCode

Step by step guide to becoming a modern frontend developer.

Frontend developer roadmap

Apr 10

Day 69 - VS Code - #100DaysOfCode

Setting up Visual Studio Code preferences and extensions ready for:

Frontend Masters BootCamp GitHub
Frontend Masters BootCamp Website

Apr 9

Day 68 - HTML and CSS - #100DaysOfCode

I earned the Responsive Web Design certification. @freeCodeCamp
Achievement and projects list: Responsive Web Design certificate

April 8

Day 67 - Browsers - #100DaysOfCode

Best browsers for web development are standard Chrome and Firefox on PC or Mac. There are many tools to test and ensure support and consistent rendering in ever so many browsers. I explored some options and gave BrowserStack a spin with an OpenSource project.

Activity: BrowserStack

April 7

Day 66 - Back to basics - #100DaysOfCode

Journeying with Frontend Masters.

Activity: Internet fundamentals

Apr 6

Day 65 - Technical documentation page - #100DaysOfCode #FreeCodeCamp

This took some persistence trying to figure out why the skip links wouldn't work, but got there eventually.

Activity: Easter bug🐛

Apr 4 - 5

Day 63 - 64 - Responsive web design - #100DaysOfCode

The #FreeCodeCamp technical documentation project that turned into .... 🐛 Easter Bug hunt 🐛

Apr 3

Day 62 - Technical documentation project - #100DaysOfCode

11/16 tests passed, then I lost the test suite.

Next: debugging. #FreeCodeCamp

Activity: FreeCodeCamp Technical documentation project

Apr 1 -2

Day 60-61 - Product landing page - #100DaysOfCode

Third #FreeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design project passed all tests. #HTML #CSS

Activity: Yogi Matters

Mar 29-31

Days 57-59 - CodePen - #100DaysOfCode

Survey form | FreeCodeCamp project

Activity: @CodePen

Mar 28

Day 56 - Survey Form - #100DaysOfCode

Read through the brief for FreeCodeCamp's second Responsive Web Design project.

Mar 27

Day 55 - Tribute Page - #100DaysOfCode

10/10 for the first #FreeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design Project 🎉

Tribute Page - Aldo Leopold - FreeCodeCamp Project

Mar 26

Day 54 - Responsive Web Design Project - #100DaysOfCode #FreeCodeCamp

After reading user stories and tests to pass I set up a folder with html and css files and basic code on my local machine to practice ready for the first project in this track on CodePen.

Mar 25

Day 53 - Markdown and CSS Grid - #100DaysOfCode

Tabulated tools and resources section of Weblog in MarkDown then exploring the flexibility of columns, rows and gaps with completion of FreecodeCamp's CSS Grid exercises.

Resource: Markdown table generator
Achievement: FreeCodeCamp CSS Grid Cup
Read: CSS Tricks Equal Width Columns in CSS Grid are Kinda Weird

Mar 24

Day 52 - CSS Grid - #100DaysOfCode

Positioning, justifying, aligning boxes (cells) and sizing gaps.

Enjoying #FreeCodeCamp's clear, concise Responsive Web Design track plus many articles to read.

FreeCodeCamp article: An Introduction to CSS Grid Layout (with Examples)

Mar 23

Day 51 - CSS Flexbox challenges - #100DaysOfCode

Feeling like Alice down The Rabbit Hole after shrinking, growing and rearranging items to complete FreeCodeCamp's CSS Flexbox section of Responsive Web Design track.

Achievement: Flexbox cup
Read: Smashing Magazine's Compete Guide to Accssible Front-end Components
Challenges to do: CSS Flexbox

Mar 22

Day 50 - CSS Flexbox basics - #100DaysOfCode

FreeCodeCamp: Flexbox Common Use Cases

Mar 21

Day 49 - CSS Flexbox, basics. - #100DaysOfCode

Moving pastel coloured<div> boxes starting with {display: flex;}.

Flexbox terminology diagram from official W3C specification.

FreeCodeCamp: The Ultimate CSS Flex Cheatsheet (with animated diagrams!)

Mar 20

Day 48 - Responsive Web Design Principles - #100DaysOfCode

Some more #FreeCodeCamp exercises including media queries and viewport sizing.

Achievement: Responsive Web Design Principles cup

Mar 19

Day 47 - Semantic tags HTML - #100DaysOfCode

Completed #FreeCodeCamp's Applied Accessibility exercises in the Responsive Web Design track. Useful explanations about the way semantic tags work with screen readers. Exploring online colour contrast checkers.

Achievement: Applied Accessibility cup

Mar 18

Day 46 - Visual Design with CSS - #100DaysOfCode

Completed #FreeCodeCamp 's Applied Visual Design section of the Responsive Web Design track with colours, transforms and animations in CSS.

Achievement: Applied Visual Design cup

Activity: FreeCodeCamp, Responsive Web Design

Read: Agile - Wikipedia

Mar 17

Day 45 - Read about practice - #100DaysOfCode

Read: What Being a Musician Taught Me About Being a Programmer via @DZoneInc

Mar 16

Day 44 - Last day of W3C/EdX HTML And CSS fundamentals - #100DaysOfCode

For the last day of W3C/EdX HTML And CSS fundamentals I forked: Flexbox Holy Grail - Header Footer Fixed Height (and made it responsive).

Course: HTML5 and CSS Fundamentals

Mar 15

Day 43 - Displaying code - #100DaysOfCode

Adding example code to a web page. Handles JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and PHP. @webSemanticsUK

Activity: Test drive Prism Reference: displaying-code-in-web-pages

Mar 14

Day 42 - html table generators - #100DaysOfCode

Having got the gist of relevant tags I was glad to find this all about tables #FreeCodeCamp page and tinker with a list of table generating tools.

Reference: html-tables-all-there-is-to-know-about

Mar 13

Day 41 - Table practice - #100DaysOfCode

A whole area of html I have given a rather wide berth is now getting some focus. Things are starting to go where I think they will. Remembered useful reference tool.

DevDocs browser

Mar 12

Day 40 - HTML table basics - #100DaysOfCode

Headings, rows, columns and cells.

<table border=2>
    <td headers="Attribute">Attribute</td>
    <td headers="Description">Description</td>
	<td headers="Usage">Usage</td>
    <td>Used to specify the URL of the image</td>
    <td>Used to specify replacement text for the image</td>
	<td>alt=“Test image for HTML5 course”</td>


Activity: Chakra visualisation Read: MDN Web Docs

Mar 11

Day 39 - SoC - #100DaysOfCode

Managing complexity.

Read: Separation of Concerns Wikipedia Activity:
Separation of Concerbs

Mar 10

Day 38 - Edge DevTools - #100DaysOfCode

Hurrying through debugging and CSS precedence with edX to finish Module 4 and meet the deadline next week. Will come back to Microsoft's tutorial on DevTools.

Read/activity: DevTools for beginners

Mar 9

Day 37 - CodePen - #100daysOfCode

A few things I didn't know about CodePen.

How to use CodePen to speed up your front-end development.

Read: Imaginary Cloud

Mar 1-8

Days 29-36 - Chakra visualisation - #100DaysOfCode

Activity: Chakra visualisation

CSS box model + lists, borders, shadows and animations, styling details and summary tags.

Feb 25-28

Days 25-28 - Old Book Stack - #100daysofcode

Tinkering with CSS - fonts, images and lists.

Activity: Old Book Stack

Feb 24

Day 24 - CSS rules - #100DaysOfCode

Playing around with basic syntax and properties.

Digging deeper into web UI development with CSS Mine.

Read: Typography justification
Activity: use CSS

Feb 23

Day 23 - HTML recipes - #100DaysOfCode

Updated project with skip links and semantic tags.

Activity: My 3 Favourite Recipes CodePen
Read: List of CSS properties, both proposed and standard
The future of style

Feb 22

Day 22 - Hyperlinks - #100daysofcode

... and media queries and downloads.

Remember to always be learning.

Activity: Hyperlink notes CodePen

Feb 21

Day 21 - Images on the web - #100DaysofCode

Their alt text, title text, size, positioning, opacity, and whether to code the HTML or CSS when considering informative or decorative purposes.

Activity: My day

Feb 20

Day 20 - Span and div - #100Days0fCode

Both considered generic elements that don't have any meaning. But <div> is a block level element while <span> is an inline element.

Read: Span and Div - Wikipedia

Feb 19

Day 19 - Importance of the 'alt' attribute -


Handling images in HTML5.

An alt decision tree 🌲

Read: W3C ® Alt decision tree ... and other Web Accessibility Tutorials
Guidance on how to create websites that meet WCAG

Feb 18

day 18 - semantic structure - #100daysofcode

HTML markup exercises using meaningful elements for comprehensive reading and automated scanning.

Exploring developer tools in Lunascape Phoebe and it's dev tools in particular, list of web browsers in general.

Read: Lunascape browser
List of Web browsers Wikipedia

Feb 17

Day 17 - The Hill We Climb - #100daysofCode

Among other things I read a poem on CodePen ..

When day comes we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid The new dawn blooms as we free it For there is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it If only we're brave enough to be it

  • Amanda Gorman

Feb 16

Day 16 - Semantic markup - #100DaysofCode

Separate content from style for meaning, structure and automated processing.

On current project updated all the <i>tags to <em> and all the <b> tags to <strong>. And validated.

Using <b> and <i> elements

Feb 15

Day 15 - HTML5 semantic elements - #100DaysofCode

Exploring commonly used but lesser known tags

The <details> tag is very cool.

Read: W3C HTML5: Edition for Web Authors

Feb 14

Day 14 - Aesthetic programming - #100DaysOfCode

"A handbook of sorts, but [..] something more messy and at the same time more "useful" we would say: a book about the more complex and deeply entangled set of relations between writing, coding and thinking."

"The argument the book follows is that computational culture is not just a trendy topic to study to improve problem-solving and analytical skills, or a way to understand more about what is happening with computational processes, but is a means to engage with programming to question existing technological paradigms and further create changes in the technical system. We therefore consider programming to be a dynamic cultural practice and phenomenon, a way of thinking and doing in the world, and a means of understanding some of the complex procedures that underwrite and constitute our lived realities, in order to act upon those realities."


Feb 13

Day 13 - Ten things .. - R5 #100DaysOfCode

.. Google knows to be true.

Read: aboutus/google/philosophy

Feb 12

Day 12 - Boolean attributes - R5 #100DaysofCode

According to the HTML specification:

The presence of a boolean attribute on an element represents the “true” value, and the absence of the attribute represents the “false” value.

Yet note:

The values “true” and “false” are not allowed on boolean attributes. To represent a false value, the attribute has to be omitted altogether.

Read: The 25 Boolean Attributes of HTML

Feb 11

Day 11 - My favourite recipe - R5 #100DaysofCode

W3c and EdX, HTML and CSS fundamentals, Module 1 ended with the start of a new project on CodePen. CodePen - Recipes

Feb 10

Day 10 - Line oriented format - R5 #100DaysOfCode

HTML exercise using different tags and "line oriented" format to constructing a Web Page that's a poetry quotation and a list of alternative meanings of the same word, shareable with CodePen - Poem.

Read: Line-oriented programming language, programming languages that interpret the end of line to be the end of an instruction or statement.

Feb 9

Day 9 - White space and Capitals - R5 #100DaysofCode

  • Case sensitive matters (except when it doesn't).
  • White space is ignored (except when it's not).
  • Quotation marks are not part of a string (except when they are).
  • The important thing is to look good.

Nu HTML Checker

Read: Read the Docs

Feb 8

Day 8 - Best Practices - R5 #100daysofCode

  • Style guides
  • Checkers
  • Semantics
  • Reduce markup
  • Separation of concerns

Learning from others mistakes.

Read: The ninety-nine rule, Wikipedia

Feb 7

Day 7 - Character encoding - R5 #100DaysofCode

It is not enough to simply declare your encoding at the top of the web page. You have to ensure that your editor saves the file in UTF-8 also. 

If a browser is unable to detect the character encoding used in a page, the content may be unreadable.

What is encoding? W3c

Read: MDN Web Docs

Feb 6

Day 6 - VS Code - R5 #100DaysofCode

Today a W3cx guided tour round Visual Studio Code with some good tips for editing HTML, keyboard shortcuts, tag highlighting and how to find and install extensions. Went on to explore documentation and more features, customising the appearance to my own preference.

Read: VS Code Docs

Feb 5

Day 5 - CodePen - R5 #100DaysOfCode

Captain Anonymous on CodePen to practice, then fun browse around lots of fabulous Pens.

CodePen tutorial

Read: Pens on CodePen Stand Still Stay Silent

Feb 4

Day 4 - JS Bin - R5 #100DaysofCode

Followed W3Cx HTML5.0x HTML5 and CSS Fundamentals module about tools. Had a play with online code editor, The 'New' JS Bin

JS Bin tutorial

Read: The Return and The Refactor, JS Bin Blog - Remy Sharp

Feb 3

Day 3 - GitHub - R5 #100DaysofCode

An hour of Git refreshment.

Developer Beginner- For associates new to contributing code, configuration, or other files to GitHub repositories.

Read: Culture Engineering by Ben Straub

Feb 2

Day 2 - W3Cx - R5 #100DaysOfCode

Some revision of the basics.

I'm taking HTML5 and CSS Fundamentals online with @edxonline

W3Cx, HTML5 and CSS Fundamentals

Read: I just don’t want to be a software developer anymore by Melissa McEwen

Feb 1

Day 1 - FreeCodeCamp - R5 #100DaysofCode

Studying roadmap.

FreeCodeCamp, Web Developer Roadmap 2021

Welcome to GitHub Pages

I think when you have a lot of jumbled up ideas they come together slowly over a period of several years ~ Tim Berners-Lee

How this site works

You can use the editor on GitHub to maintain and preview content for the website in Markdown files.

Whenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run Jekyll to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files.


Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for

Syntax highlighted code block

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3

- Bulleted
- List

1. Numbered
2. List

**Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text

[Link](url) and ![Image](src)

For more details see GitHub Flavored Markdown.

Jekyll Themes

Your Pages site will use the layout and styles from the Jekyll theme you have selected in your repository settings. The name of this theme is saved in the Jekyll _config.yml configuration file.

Support or Contact

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